
First and foremost, we are an OSDD-1B system. We're traumagenic, and extremely fictive heavy. Most of our headmates are either very attached to their source, or very detached from their source. Do not expect "Canon" interactions from any of us.


To embellish on our condition, OSDD-1B is characterized as a dissociative disorder but without amnesia of events between members. We're relatively cognizant of the things that happen between us- but rather we experience emotional amnesia, so there is often a level of detachment depending on who you are speaking to.


We're also relatively closed off about our condition as a plural individual- it's not something we post about often "on main". On private accounts, or in more personal settings- or even if you're just getting to know us- it may come up. Otherwise it's not mentioned often. Sometimes headmates make posts without signing off, which arguably isn't the end of the world. The better you get to know us the easier it is to distinguish our typing patterns, and otherwise.


We are also Autistic, Borderline, Psychotic, and have ADHD- do with this information as you will. We have headmates who are dedicated to holding certain traits/symptoms- so it's more present in some than others. But do know we all collectively identify with these terms, some more strongly than others.


We often use Plural Pronouns when talking about the system itself, and sometimes in reference to a group of headmates fronting at a time. For the most part, no one fronts alone. Moreover, you can collectively refer to us as Wren using any pronouns but they/them. Each alter uses a specific set of names and pronouns, so do respect that.


We Do Not have a set DNI- besides the basics. We block freely and do not owe you an explanation.


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Pub: 07 Oct 2022 12:25 UTC
Edit: 21 Jan 2025 18:26 UTC
Views: 730