dni , home , frequent fronters , url hoard


⸝⸝ we are super socially awkward !!!! we struggle to hold conversations and starting them . we will rely on you to hold them for us + interact first thnx ⸝⸝ don't take heavy inspo or copy our skins . some inspiration/copying is okay but like... not the entire thing ⸝⸝ we're disabled, mentally and physically . we might take a bit to do anything ever, sorry. ⸝⸝ we are aplatonic! we don't seek out to make friends much or feel that friendship feeling. whispers and interactions are still okay!!! if you do want to befriend us then that is also okay!! ⸝⸝ we use tonetags frequently, and we encourage you to use them with us! ⸝⸝ we get kinda bitchy with our source memories/headcanons about our sources. as in we do treat them as 100% canon. if this makes you uncomfortable please let us know. ⸝⸝ we frequently go on ramblings and tangents and repeat ourselves while we do so. if we never shut the fuck up then please give us a gentle reminder ⸝⸝ we also repeat others a lot ⸝⸝ we are a little stupid in general, as we didn't get good education. if we make a mistake of any sorts, such as spelling or wording something poorly, let us know. ⸝⸝ we struggle really hard to explain shit ⸝⸝ we don't use many collective labels outside of aplatonic ⸝⸝ if we're online on discord or anything then erm.. probably not tbh. we keep our computer on 24/7 sooo, we appear as online when we aren't. if you wanna be sure then check pony town cus we try to be on there 24/7 ⸝⸝ we get a little uncomfy if you use slurs a lot, we don't care but like yeah ⸝⸝ Don't vent to us please oh my god we are not therapists and we are so bad at acomforting and advice ⸝⸝ we have a tendency to search for validation of any sort ⸝⸝ we ship lifesteal characters . we will ramble about it if we have any content too feed off of. lmk if you don't wanna hear it!


⸝⸝ we also have frequent outbursts and get angry about everything ever. we have difficulty controlling these and have a tendency to take it out on everything possible. please iwec during these. ⸝⸝ fictkins/irls iwc - we don't want to be a bitch to you by mistake and we do not want to encourage/engage in that behavior either way.


⸝⸝ self proclaimed leader of the slut, meth, skank, pussy, and jerma fanclub. we WILL kill you if you make fun of any of those! ⸝⸝ i like to think im co-creator of the werewolfs wedding (zane x ein) ⸝⸝ i am the leader of a lot of fanclubs in general lol! ⸝⸝ Whisper to interact PLEASEEE were not gonna respond otherwise unless we're already friends on pt

Pub: 11 Nov 2023 16:32 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2023 02:47 UTC
Views: 181