hihi :33 this page is specially for littlespace and how you can interact with me if ive shifted into it!!1 littlespace us a healthy coping mechanism that many people use !!!

main littleslace skins:


any of my irls

animal skins

anyone can interact! just don't be weird :( currently in the mindset of a 4-7 year old :3 !! so treat me like one /nf . i like sitting with c+h skins/friends bc i like not being by myself . im usually overstimulated (positively) so i might either be non verbal or semi verbal (rare chance ill be fully verbal) !1!1 i probably will respond with "yaay" or "wahoo!!!" and use "!1!1!!11" :33 . emoticons r the way i interact with people tho !!!

if you're uncomfortable with the thought of littlespace, dni with me during this time :3

Pub: 26 Jul 2023 21:19 UTC
Edit: 31 Jul 2023 06:48 UTC
Views: 50