better in light mode

"boundaries & byi" / made by me!

FAQbackrequest infoto do listcoll. rentry

boundaries :

i don't want anyone bodily under 16 personally direct messaging me
you can still interact with me if you're 16 publicly! ( ex. discord servers, requests, etc ) but i don't want any direct messages
not saying to get off my blogggggg just saying to not personally dm me since it'll be weird as i'm an adult ( i'm 18 ). theres just a power imbalance between our ages, and that makes me heavily uncomfortable. but again, you can interact with me PUBLICLY just not PERSONALLY

hate anons
will be ignored ( unless it's hella stupid )

don't call me petnames / flirt with me
"pookie", "babe", "bae" or anything remotely stupid is fine, but i don't like pet names unless it's from my partner! thank you

please @ me for anything!
i don't mind!! promos, events, graphics you made, etc! i like the notifications! also, honestly you can mention me in any kind of post you would want me to see!! other than like.. weird stuff but everything else is fine!

(longer dni here)
radqueers, pro-shipppers, endogenics + their supporters, zionists / pro-isreal, basic DNI
i can't stop you from interacting with my blog nor using my things so i'm not going to enforce this really hard though i'll let you know that it makes me heavily uncomfortable and i will block you if i see your blog is associated with these things!

before you interact :
(longer byi here)

terms for my system
we fluctuate between using "i/me" and "we/our" when referring to ourselves collectively. but have been using "i/me" more as it's healthier for us. you can use "parts" or "alters" as terms for us! please do not call us "different people" or anything like that, i am one person.

alters and signing off on posts
sometimes they'll sign off, sometimes they won't! all alters personal information is kept secret. we only sign off to keep track of what parts have done what online!! that's all, it's never going to be nothing more than that.

reading issues
we suspect we have dyslexia, so please keep that in-mind while interacting with us! we heavily struggle with large text and fonts, be patient with us!!

posting pacing
we try to be active though it's hard for us to be active 24/7. we have a life outside of this and this is only just a hobby for us! we dont take editing too seriously :)

Pub: 20 Feb 2024 00:04 UTC
Edit: 26 Aug 2024 16:47 UTC
Views: 1899