♪ Alice's extended identity collection ♪

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Full list of queer labels Alice identifies with.

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Achillean/MLM: a man or man-aligned individual who is attracted to other men and man-aligned people.
Achilleangender: an orientationgender in which one's achillean identity heavily affects, correlates with, or influences their gender. One may feel that their attraction to men has an impact on their gender that can only be explained by them.
Addictoldic: a gender related to being an addiction holder in a system.
Addictoldicagender: an agender gender related to being an addiction holder in a system.
Agender: without gender
Agender Man: someone who is agender and a man or man-aligned.
Alcoholpathetic: a genderpathetic subterm; a gender connected to alcohol and patheticness, etc.
Alienextranic: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to aliens, which only alien extranths (nonhuman system members) can experience! this gender is exclusive to alien extranths!
Aliengender: when one's interpretation of gender / their gender(s) feels as though it's from a nonhuman perspective. One may or may not adopt a gender or attempt to fit into a gender but it feels like it's in an "alien trying out foreign species’ gender" sort of way.
Alienstoneric: This gender is when you relate to aliens or is obsessed with aliens but also relate to being a stoner
Angled Aroace: a individual that is both ace-spec and aro-spec (though not necessarily strictly aromantic and asexual) who experiences some form of attraction that they feel is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aro-spec and ace-spec identities.
Aroace: a individual who is both aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec.
Asexual: a sexual orientation defined by a lack of sexual attraction
Axvir: a gender that is a combination of agender and proxvir. These two parts can exist in any proportion. The amounts of each gender can fluctuate, but it doesn’t have to.
Bastardgender: a gender in which, rather than being a man or a woman, one is a bastard
Comfevoidic: A xenogender related to space, stars, and the void. It feels like being enveloped in infinite, inky blackness while at the same time being illuminated by stars; like a cloak of cosmic void.
Corpseagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way corpses do.
Corpsegender: A xenogender/kingender relating to one’s undeath. One’s gender perception is altered by the fact that they are undead, their gender might be muddled or weak but not necessarily. Some examples of “undead” can be zombies, vampires, ghosts
Demiguy: In which one's gender is partially male, and partially another gender(s).
Ghostagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way ghosts do.
Gendernull: The absence of gender…It is a term for those to give a “tangibility” to the intangible thing that is their gender.
Genderspace: An umbrella term for all genders influenced by, or related to, space/astronomy.
Gendervoid: in which one feels nothing where a gender should be.
Greyromantic: those who experience romantic attraction with a lesser frequency, or with a lesser intensity, than would be considered average for an alloromantic person.
Gothgender: [a gender where] your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity
Gothigh: a gender under the GenderHigh system related to goth-ness and being high, being goth and high, goth beings being high, or whatever you think fits best
Gothirosic: a gender relating to/represented by roses depicted in a gothic way. this gender may feel beautiful, romantic, despairing, fragrant, edgy, dark, or any other words that would be applied to gothic roses.
Highic: a gender that feels like it’s literally high af: this could be because of many reasons (ex.: you can only describe your gender as “high” because it’s all over the place ….)
Intrusicmasc(uline): a masculine gender related to intrusive thoughts.
Itboyfriendic: a gender that can adequately be described by the mixing of it/its pronouns with the term boyfriend, such as in the phrase "it’s my boyfriend".
Kenochoric: an umbrella term centered around liminality, loneliness, nostalgia, distortion, darkness, nonhumanity, fogginess, disconnect, and similar/related concepts.
Kenomasculine: When one is kenochoric in a masculine way of any kind, and/or vice versa. Masc-aligned is not synonymous with man-aligned!
Kenovoid: A kenochoric person with a gender that is absent, empty, or simply not there.
Manprox: a term for anyone who experiences a connection to boyhood or manhood, regardless of their actual gender
Manwreck: when you’re a man and you’re a wreck. this may be construed as the opposite and masculine version of the term “girlboss”.
Marijuanliminalnightspace: A gender related to smoking weed/marijuana in nighttime liminal spaces.
Musicagender: An audiogender that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or even song
Mxn: A gender that is both male and agender.
Neagender: A gender that feels like the void, but has some form of gendered component(s) inherently tied into it. It is not usually aligned with any gender, instead being inherently mixed or vaguely connected, to where they cannot be separated.
Nightbraindark: a gender related to/described by being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. depending on one's associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
Nihilique: A gender related to, connected to or affected by non-existence. may be related to one’s own non-existence, or simply the concept of it.
Nyxivull: a non-xenic term umbrella connected to nothingness, void, emptiness, black holes, and never-ending vastness. this term may feel empty, null, nonexistent, or emotionless.
Outnightic: a gender related to and/or best represented by being outside at night and that can be described as biting, nocturnal, and evil.
Positiongender: One's gender is nonexistent but present at the same time, like the Schrödinger's Cat experiment where the cat was dead and alive at the same time. The present allogender can be any gender, static or fluid. The nonexistent part is agender or null. One experiences both genders at the same time, not fluid or halfway between them.
Quoiromantic: not being able to distinguish romantic from platonic attraction
Scaceic: a gender related to space in a horrific way and liminality. It feels terrified and is speckled with stars
Spacentity: a gender connected to both space and being an entity. this gender feels beyond human comprehension , simplist way to describe it is as an " entity " just floating through space aimlessly and only comforted by the darkness surrounding it .
Spaceagendervoid: an agender-in-nature spacegender in which genderlessness is experienced as a void, specifically the void of space. this could be considered a more specific form of gendervoid.
Stonerpentragramic: this gender is when you relate to being a stoner but also relate to the pentagram
Surrealhumoric: a xenogender related to surreal humor.
Symptoldicagender: an agender pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system.
Symptoldicmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system.
Thistlian: someone who is agender or genderless with a general attraction to men
Unghoric: A gender and flag related to ghosts, the void, static and feeling like one doesn't belong anywhere/is adrift.
Vincian: describing MLM attraction. Some also use it as a synonym for gay man.
♪ ♪ ♪ Prefers this term because he joined the system with awareness of his attraction to men/masculine people, is unaware if he is attracted to other genders, but doesn't find it important to know if he is while also finding his MLM attraction relevant to his system role.
Voidtentaclic: a gender related to the void and tentacles. it may feel vast, eldritch, empty, non-human, and anything else one would associate with these things. depending on one's association with the void, it may be kenochoric and/or agender/gendervoid, but it doesn't have to be.
Wastewarnic: a gender related to and/or represented by proposed long-term nuclear waste disposal warning architecture.
Whiskeyburnic: a gender related to the way whiskey "burns" when it's drank.
Xenogender: A gender that isn't defined in relation to "female" or "male" (the binary genders), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender.

Pub: 01 Apr 2024 20:57 UTC
Edit: 21 Jun 2024 21:13 UTC
Views: 67