♪ Arthur's extended identity collection ♪

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Full list of queer labels Arthur identifies with.

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Achillean/MLM: a man or man-aligned individual who is attracted to other men and man-aligned people.
Alihumaffectis: An alteraffectis term for the way an alien feels about a human, or vice versa.
Angled Aroace: a individual that is both ace-spec and aro-spec (though not necessarily strictly aromantic and asexual) who experiences some form of attraction that they feel is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aro-spec and ace-spec identities.
Annulian: a non-binary gender alignment from the galactian alignment system. It is xenine aligned, neutral aligned, and masculine aligned. It can be considered a combination of solarian, stellarian, and spacalian
Applepiegender: a gastrogender related to apple pie. This relation may be through aesthetics, flavor, shape or any other means.
Asexual: a sexual orientation defined by a lack of sexual attraction
Azpanvic: a gastrogender related to both blueberry pancakes and fried eggs.
Bakerycoric: a coric xenogender related to bakerycore. It invokes imagery of bakeries, bread, confectioneries, and other fresh baked food.
Beelightfloric: a luxine xenogender relating to/represented by bees, sunlight, flowers, and any combination thereof (e.g. seeing a bee on a flower in the sunlight). it may be accompanied by a sense of joy and innocence (regarding the bees, light, and/or flowers), as well as warmth in the sunlight. the luxine themes of learning, experiencing, and living may manifest in the form of learning about bees/flowers and viewing the mundane experience of seeing a bee on a flower as an experience of the beauty of living things.
Blueberrygender: a gastrogender connected to blueberries or is a blueberry. This gender may feel blue and sweet
Breakfastgender: a gender connecting your identity to the meal breakfast at day time.
Cafegender: an aesthetigender in the Restaurant System and Scene System relating to sitting in a relaxed coffee shop or cafe, reading or working whilst eating/drinking there, the smells and tastes of fresh baked foods and hot drinks, and/or the aesthetics of cafes and coffee shops. This gender may feel warm, safe, relaxed, or soft in its presence.
Cakegender: a xenogender identity and gastrogender in which one's gender is related to cake and is soft and fluffy like cake
Cakeinac: a gastrogender related to cake.
Candeluxine: a luxine gender relating to the term “sky-candle” from the Old English epic of Beowulf. The phrase “sky-candle” is a kenning in reference to the sun. This gender refers to the metaphorical use of a candle of the sky to refer to the vast, warmly-glowing sun.
Chocolategender: a xenic gastrogender which is related to chocolate or every food product made of chocolate
Cookiegender: a xenogender and foodgender that is based off of cookies
Creamic: a xenogender that feels very creamy or shares characteristics of heavy cream, being smooth, milky, and opaque
Demiman: a gender identity in which one's gender is partially male, and partially another gender(s)
Dessertic: a gastrogender related to desserts
Droxinine: a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral, but is its own thing, similar to how androgynous is a combination of masculine and feminine, but still distinct
Donutgender: a gastrogender where ones gender feels like a doughnut
Earlgremic: a gastrogender related to earl grey tea made with milk and honey.
Earthiluxic: A luxine gender that involves the themes of wonder, joy, awe, vastness, indescribability, and learning, but applies them towards earthly things or everyday life, either instead of/alongside divine things or where the earthly is also seen as divine.
Eggic: a gastrogender related to eggs
Foodgender: An umbrella term for xenogenders that are validated by or closely related to food, though one can also identify as foodgender by itself.
Genderearth: a biogender related to Earth. It can be related to anything or everything on Earth
Genderqueer: A person whose gender identity cannot be categorized as solely male or female.
Gendervir: a gender identity and an umbrella term for all male-adjacent, male-aligned, and male-identified genders. Gendervir is not synonymous with masculine gender or masculine-aligned identities, it is only for genders that related to manhood or boyhood.
Grilledcheesegender: a gastrogender related to grilled cheese sandwiches.
Heartcookiegender: A xenogender connected to heart shaped cookies
Heartic: [a gender relating to hearts]
Hesperihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both hesperian and helian - i.e. neutral-aligned and man-aligned. This could be the same as "neutral-aligned man", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Honeylavendix: [a gender relating to honey and lavender]
Humangender: A gender connected to being human in some way.
Jamcookiegender: a gender connected to jam cookies in some way, whether thats in the look and aesthetic of jam cookies, the feeling you get while eating one etc
Juxtaneu: a gender that is connected to and is derived from epicenity or gender neutrality but is still distinct from epicene, or neutrois. Juxtaneu is a something separate and entirely on it’s own, but it is not outside of the gender spectrum.
Lovegender: a xenogender relating to the idea of love, platonic and/or romantic relationships, crushes, and romantic/platonic feelings!! It can also be used as an aesthetigender relating to lovecore, cupidcore, or crushcore!!
Lovelux(ine): a luxine lovegender! this gender may relate to, be expressed by, or be represented by love that is: -vast, pure, joyful, and/or innocent -for, from, or between angels/divine beings -seen by its experiencer as holy, or that love itself is holy -related to love deities -for life or humanity itself -difficult to put into words
Lovemasculine: a masculine lovegender in which love and masculinity are linked. some examples of what this may look like: -relating to expressions/acts of love commonly seen as masculine -expressing masculine traits as part of expressing love
-feeling like one experiences love in a masculine way -feeling like one experiences masculinity in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love. this can refer to love of any kind.
Loveneutral: a neutral lovegender in which love and gender neutrality are linked. some examples of what this may look like: -relating to expressions/acts of love that society does not strongly gender -expressing not-societally-gendered traits as part of expressing love -feeling like one experiences love in a gender neutral way -feeling like one experiences gender neutrality in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love. this can refer to love of any kind.
Lumenoir: Centring around golden light and positivity, Lumenoir is an umbrella term that includes identities that relate to sunshine, kindness, compassion, glitter, gold, brilliance, and all that shines. It is strongly positive and perhaps may be glowing or luminous. Some experiences that fall under this label could relate to sun showers, the light of dawn, acts of kindness, or angelic halos! Experiences that fall under this label may include concepts not listed above and may differ from what I have stated in this post! It mostly is about how the term feels and what vibes it gives off rather than a literal checklist of what to include and what not to include!
Luxine: [a gender that includes] light, the sky, experiences of purity or pure beauty; learning, experiencing, creativity, living, and the joys of those things; feelings of loss, alienation, sorrow, or nostalgia.
♪ ♪ ♪ He relates to this gender in a distinctly earthly way (e.g. imagine if the themes of divinity or holiness were about humanity or the beauty of the world)
Luxmasculine: a masculine luxine gender. this gender may involve simultaneous or bigender masculinity and luxinity, a demigender/ambiguine gender that combines male with luxine, luxinity felt in a masculine way, or masculinity felt in a luxine way.
Luxneutral: a neutral luxine gender. this gender may involve simultaneous or bigender neutrality and luxinity, a demigender/ambiguine gender that combines neutrois with luxine, luxinity felt in a gender neutral way, or gender neutrality felt in a luxine way.
Macncheesegender: a gender based around Mac and Cheese.
Man: a gender which is part of the Western gender binary. It is often associated with masculinity and a connection to boyhood or masculinity (as defined in one's society)
Miningender: a gender that is neutral and masculine in nature.
Mozzastickgender: a gender related to mozzarella sticks or sharing the aesthetic, shape or flavor of mozzarella sticks. It is a savory, cheesy gender. can be more specifically connected to the pull of cheese inside a mozzarella stick as well.
Muffingender: a foodgender relating to muffins
Neomale: [a male gender] outside the traditional gender binary.
Neutrois: a gender identity in which one's gender is neutral or null
Neutromme: a gender in the middle between male and epicene or gender neutral
Quoiromantic: not being able to distinguish romantic from platonic attraction
Phoscinnial: a gender that is lit by cinnamon.
Piegender: a gastrogender related to pie. This relation may be through aesthetics, flavor, shape or any other means.
Potatogender: a xenogender which someone feels a strong connection to potatoes, or just want to add them to their identity to better understand their gender.
Queerplatonic: [a relationship that] may involve a greater degree of intimacy or commitment than a platonic friendship, but does not always include sexual or romantic elements
Queerplatonigender: a lovegender related to queerplatonic love and attraction. it may feel warm, happy, excited, safe, or any feelings with which one would associate queerplatonic love/relationships.
Quoiroloveic: a lovegender related to being quoiromantic and the way one experiences love as a result of being quoiromantic.
Somniloveic: a soporine lovegender related to sleep and dreams. it may be related to or represented by dreams about love, falling asleep next to someone you love, the feeling of knowing you’re safe sleeping in the presence of someone you love. it may feel deep, dark, comforting, warm, or any adjectives with which one would associate sleep and/or love.
Spaciahelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and helian - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and man-aligned. This could mean "xenic-aligned man", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments. This is separate from pistolian (spacialian and solarian) because solarian can mean masculine or male-aligned, and this gender specifies male-aligned.
Spacialastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and astraean - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned. This could mean "xenic-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Strawberrygender: an aesthetigender and/or xenogender in which one feels that their gender is best described by, or relates to strawberries.
Sunboy: A xenogender where ones gender is related to the sun and masculinity
Sungender: A xenogender thats is most often described as warm, sunny and happy! It can also be a feeling of having a general connection with the sun or daytime
Teacomfic: A gender that relates to the comforting feeling one may get from a warm cup of tea. This may relate to a specific comfy experience with tea or can just relate to comfort from tea itself
Teagender: A gender that relates to tea in any form. It can be the milky kind pictured in the flag or it can be another kind of tea, like green tea. It could also be multiple kinds of tea.
Tealoveic: a lovegender that is connected to/represented by tea! things it may be related to include the following: -consuming or making tea with/for someone as an act of love -love(core)-related imagery including tea (e.g. hearts on teapots) -love that feels energetic, calm, or other ways tea makes one feel. the kind of love this gender relates to may be of any kind - romantic, platonic, familial, for fictional characters, etc.
Teaviatic: an aesthetigender connected to tea, rain, cold weather, sleep and comfort.
Traumatix: A label for genders that are caused by, related to, and/or affected by trauma.
Traumoldic: a pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system.
Traumoldicmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system.
Toric: a diamoric orientation that refers to non-binary individuals who are attracted to men
Vanillagender: a gastrogender related to vanilla in some way
Vincian: describing MLM attraction. Some also use it as a synonym for gay man.
♪ ♪ ♪ Prefers this term because he joined the system with awareness of his attraction to men/masculine people, is unaware if he is attracted to other genders, but doesn't find it important to know if he is while also finding his MLM attraction relevant to his system role.
Warmsunlightcoric: a xenogender connected to the warm feeling of sun on your skin, specs of dust in the sunlight, the nostalgic feeling of when it gets sunny and the euphoria that comes with it
Xenogender: A gender that isn't defined in relation to "female" or "male" (the binary genders), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender.
Xenomale: For those that are man/man-aligned and also identify with xenogender(s)
Xeminian: xenoboys (xenic men or man-aligned individuals) who are attracted to xenoboys (exclusively or not).

Pub: 30 Mar 2024 20:59 UTC
Edit: 22 Jun 2024 01:03 UTC
Views: 83