♪ Daisy's identity collection ♪ 🌼(it/ze/x/they/(s)he/weird)🌼

[ Directory ]

♪ Kin ♪

☆ angels (not kin)
☆ daisy object heads (not kin)
☆ rainbows
☆ sunlight
☆ weirdcore (not kin, aesthetive)

♪ Queer ♪

Femme: a person of queer gender expression that embraces, reclaims, or subverts their culture's understanding of what it means to be feminine
Holivoidic: a luxine gender whose luxinity is kenous due to the user finding the Void to be holy, and therefore themes of emptiness, the unknown, outer space, etc. are within the luxine concept of "holy" for how the user defines that word. this gender may have any other luxine qualities to it, but especially vastness (as this overlaps with kenous as well as void-like qualities).
Lesbian: women, women-aligned (selenian), and/or feminine-aligned (artemian) individuals who experience gay attraction to women/lunarians and/or feminine individuals.
Luxine: luxine is an umbrella term centered around the ideas of divinity, light, holiness, and vastness.
Weirdcoric: A -coric gender related to weirdcore.

♪ System ♪

Addiction manager: An addiction manager is a system member whose role it is to help manage their addiction(s), whatever that looks like for the system.
☆ Caretaker
☆ Comforter
Curadere: a system/plural role for a member whose role is to be an age/pet regression/dreaming caregiver [both/either] in and out of the system
☆ Manager
☆ Symptom neutralizer

Pub: 22 May 2024 14:40 UTC
Edit: 29 May 2024 18:28 UTC
Views: 85