β™ͺ Faust's identity collection β™ͺ πŸ‘»(he/they/it)πŸ‘»

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β™ͺ Kin β™ͺ β˜† (fallen) angels (not kin, fell after splitting)
β˜† bats
β˜† borzois (not kin)
β˜† cambions (half-human half-concubus)
β˜† ghosts
β˜† Halloween (holiday)
β˜† spiderwebs
β˜† Steven (Welcome to My Nightmare)
β˜† vampires

β™ͺ Queer β™ͺ

β˜† Agender: without gender
β˜† Angelhealic: a gender related to being a healed angel , an angel who was healed , angels & being healed , angels who can heal etc . This gender may ( but doesn't have to ) feel relived , pure , helpful , full of love and hope .
β˜† Angelheasofic: A gender related to angels, the color gold, light, soft things like blankets and feathered wings, imagination, daydreaming, ethereality, comforting spaces that feel like one’s personal heaven, physical and verbal affection, and being in the arms of a loved one.
β˜† Angeligender: a xenogender found only among angels that is hard to describe to non-angels. The "gender" suffix can be replaced with "boy", "girl", etc., as in saying that that is the closest human gender one can identify with.
β˜† Angelpupian: A combination of pupgender and angelcoric. A gender that is strongly connected to puppies and is related to angelcore.
β˜† Angelstatua: A gender related to angel statues
β˜† Angelwingic: a gender related to the euphoria one gets from imagining themselves with angel wings.
β˜† Candeluxine: a luxine gender relating to the term β€œsky-candle” from the Old English epic of Beowulf. The phrase β€œsky-candle” is a kenning in reference to the sun. This gender refers to the metaphorical use of a candle of the sky to refer to the vast, warmly-glowing sun.
β˜† Casselian: a genderless angelic gender
β˜† Churchauntic: a gender that relates to, feels like, or is best represented by a ghost haunting a church. it may feel empty, hollow, and floaty, as well as reverent, joyful, and virtuous, or any adjectives with which one would associate ghosts and/or churches. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that ghosts are genderless. depending on one's connection with ghosts and/or churches, this gender may be kenic and/or spiritine. the connection to churches can be aesthetic, religious, or metaphorical (e.g. related to a feeling of community). this gender may be affected by one's experiences with religion, negative or otherwise.
β˜† Delixine: a luxin that is connected to divine, angelic joy. It may also be connected to purity or innocence.
β˜† Droxiluxiborzic: a droxinine luxine gender relating to borzois, angels, and light. it may be elegant, golden, protective, or any adjectives with which one may associate these things. it may also be vast, unknowable, awe-inspiring, or other luxine descriptors. the droxininity of this gender may involve dogs as a symbol of masculinity juxtaposed with the fact that a dog lacks a human gender. it may also be informed by the fact that neither dogs nor angels have a human concept of gender. it may also be connected to non-human body parts, both those of dogs and of angels. depending on one’s association with angels, it may be spiritine.
β˜† Halffallengender: This is a xenogender where one feels as though their gender is connected/related to a fallen angel, as well as a regular angel. Somewhere in the middle. It can feel bright, good, and pure one day, and evil, mischievous, and dark the next. Or one could feel both at the same time.
β˜† Halogelic: a gender related to angels haloes
β˜† Luxine: luxine is an umbrella term centered around the ideas of divinity, light, holiness, and vastness.
β˜† Pupgender: umbrella term for all dog-associated genders
β˜† Sarielian: a neutral, xenic, and masculine angelic gender
β˜† Wingluxic: A gender related to being luxine and wings, seeing wings as luxine as a part of your gender, etc.

β™ͺ Roleics β™ͺ

β˜† Agenderroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being agender in some way.
β˜† Angelroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves angels in some way.
β˜† Calmroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves calmness or being calm in some way.
β˜† Deathroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves death in some way.
β˜† Dogroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves dogs in some way.
β˜† Furryroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves furries or the furry fandom in some way.
β˜† Ghostroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves ghosts in some way.
β˜† Gncroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves gender non-conformity in some way.
β˜† Gothroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves goth in some way.
β˜† Petroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves pets in some way.
β˜† Spectrecaniroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves dogs and ghosts in some way.
β˜† Spiriroleic/religiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves spirituality in some way.

β™ͺ System β™ͺ β˜† Extranth (angel borzoi)
β˜† Pluriship: a type of relationship that only system members can feel toward each other. ... being in a system together causes the relationship impossible to replicate outside of the system.
β™ͺ β™ͺ β™ͺ Has one with Mag.
β˜† Sentipet: a system member who takes the form of a sentient pet.
β˜† Spiritual alter

Pub: 26 Feb 2024 14:30 UTC
Edit: 22 May 2024 16:14 UTC
Views: 162