♪ Ferdi's identity collection ♪ (he/it)
[ Directory ]
♪ Kin ♪
☆ demons
☆ mothman (not kin)
☆ moths
☆ plushes (not kin)
♪ Queer ♪
☆ Agender: without gender
☆ Bambi Gay: a gay person/MLM who prefers non-sexual affection to sexual acts.
☆ Daroric: a gender alignment that is completely separate from male, female, or neutral, and is instead connected to darkness or shadows.
☆ Kenochoric: an umbrella term centered around liminality, loneliness, nostalgia, distortion, darkness, nonhumanity, fogginess, disconnect, and similar/related concepts
☆ Lunaeic: a gender that's cold, melancholic, and associated with night
☆ Masculine: having or showing qualities associated with masculinity- a set of behaviors, presentations, and roles which were/are typically culturally associated with being a man
☆ Moongender: A gender that's soft, smooth, and cool. Feels like a cold, dark night, and/or the soft glow the moon gives off.
☆ Musicagender: an audiogender that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or even song.
☆ Neutrois: In which one's gender is neutral or null. It may also be associated with genderlessness.
☆ Nightbraindark: a gender related to/described by being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. depending on one's associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
☆ Nocmotrellic: a xenogender related to plushies, burying your face into pillows, hanging star lights, and projector nightlights that project stars
☆ Noxian: a xenic alignment to darkness or night
☆ Nyctogender: A gender consisting of darkness or related to it.
☆ Plushbedcomfic: based on finding comfort in a bed covered in soft plushies
☆ Plushgender: a gender that feels related to a stuffed animal
☆ Plurillean: a member of a system who is attracted to other members of their own system. This doesn’t have to be exclusive, and they can love both system members, and non-system members.
☆ Safortplushold: a gender that feels like the safety and comfort of holding a plush close
☆ Sleepicomfic: connected to feeling sleepy, cuddles, warm soft bedding, plushies, love, affection, and cuddles
☆ Softplushcomfic: A gender related to the comfort one may get from their plushies!
☆ Stellarian: a non-binary gender from the galactian alignment system describing someone who is abinary/unaligned, or neutral-aligned
☆ Veldian: men with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to other men
♪ Roleics ♪
☆ Addictionroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves addiction in some way.
☆ Addimusiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves both addiction and music in some way.
☆ Bugroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves bugs in some way.
☆ Comfortroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves comfort in some way.
☆ Demonroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves demons in some way.
☆ Gayroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves gayness/being gay/gay identity in some way.
☆ Mascroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being masculine in some way.
☆ Moonroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the moon in some way.
☆ Musicroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves music in some way.
☆ Objectumroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being objectum in some way.
☆ Veldianroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a veldian in some way.
♪ System ♪
☆ Comforter
☆ Objectmate: a headmate that is either based on or formed as an object
☆ Protector