♪ Friday's identity collection ♪ (they/it/x/he)

[ Directory ]

♪ Kin ♪

☆ Let's Go To Bed (The Cure song, not kin)
☆ Void Entity (not kin)

♪ Queer ♪

Agender: without gender
Agender Masc: Having a lack of gender/genderless, but feeling masculine spikes, presenting as masculine, or feeling a moderate-strong connection with masculinity.
Gay man: men with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to other men
♪ ♪ ♪ Preferred due to its specification of the involvement of the male gender (as opposed to other terms that don’t include “man/male”)
Gothgender: [a gender where] your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity
Masculine: having or showing qualities associated with masculinity- a set of behaviors, presentations, and roles which were/are typically culturally associated with being a man
Proxvir: a gender identity that is strongly connected to malehood, in a way that is different from how men may be connected to malehood

♪ System ♪

☆ Caretaker
☆ Depression holder

♪ Vesility ♪

Gothvesil: A vesil term for when goth - music, aesthetic, subculture, etc. - affects many or all parts of one's identity.
Kinkvesil: when kink may influence all or many aspects of one’s identity, it may define one’s identity, it may be one’s entire identity itself, alongside many other things. it may be literal, metaphorical, etc.
Leathervesil: A vesility term for when leather affects many or all aspects of one's identity.

Pub: 11 Dec 2024 01:56 UTC
Views: 10