♪ Kaiper's identity collection ♪ ☄️(they/it/ey)☄️

[ Directory ]

♪ Kin ♪

☆ aliens (not kin)
☆ All Star (Smash Mouth song)
☆ comets
☆ Dr. Worm (They Might Be Giants, song and character)
☆ Garfield (including meme versions)
☆ Island Of Living Puke (Zoogz Rift song)
☆ Mr. Peanutbutter (BoJack Horseman)
☆ Nature Tapes (Lemon Demon EP)
☆ new wave (music genre)
☆ slime mold
☆ starsingers
☆ Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
☆ theremins
☆ worm on a string
☆ Zaphod Beeblebrox (Hitchhiker's Guide)

♪ Queer ♪

Agender: without gender
Agendercaeleste: When you are related to the sky, stars, and space as a whole in a genderless way.
Bastardcoric: a coric aesthetigender based on feralcore and bastardcore. It is described as chaotic, feral, crazy, and outgoing
Beangender: A foodgender/gastrogender that is related to beans
♪ ♪ ♪ This is specifically in the context of cursed pictures of beans.
ColdSpacic: A gender related to the cold empty vast space of the universe. this gender feels like its cold due to the lack of an atmosphere in space.
Constellestial: an otherwordly gender, relating to space, stars, clouds, meteors, the deepness and darkness of space and various celestial bodies.
Humoragender: an agender gender related to humor.
Galaxxin: a xenogender that is best described as being connected to star clusters, galaxies, distant planets, earth-like planets, and nebulae. It may feel as if it's a void and infinite at the same time, akin to space.
Loveless Aromantic: someone who is on the aromantic spectrum that is in some way disconnected from the concept of love, does not feel love, may doubt that they feel love, or rejects the idea of experiencing love. … Even though they may appear to "love" those close to them or "love" their hobbies, they do not feel that it is love but rather it may be compassion, mutual understanding or respect, enjoyment, or other such emotions depending on context.
Maskofmyownfaceic: A gender related to and/or validated the song Mask of my Own Face by Lemon Demon.
Mytrainsgender: A gender that feels related to and/or validated by the song My Trains by Lemon Demon.
Singularian: a non-binary gender that is part of the galactian alignment system, however it is completely separate from from all the other gender alignments, because singularians reject all forms of alignment.
Spaceagendervoid: an agender-in-nature spacegender in which genderlessness is experienced as a void, specifically the void of space. this could be considered a more specific form of gendervoid.
Spacething: A gender related to space and being a ‘thing.’ Or, being a thing of/from space.
Spacevoidic: when your gender feels like a void, or the edge of the universe or not a part of human life (or just connected to space or distant things in the sky like stars)
Stxrgender: A gender that feels a strong connection to the stars while being agender/genderless. The individual may feel as though their gender identity is validated by the stars
TwoTrucksgender: A xenogender Related to the song "two trucks" by lemon demon
Vresgender: a xenogender that can be described as being extremely cold or freezing
Zeroic: non-binary individuals who are attracted to no one

♪ Roleics ♪

Humorroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves humor in some way.
Newwaveroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves new wave in some way.
Spaceroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves space in some way.

♪ System ♪ ☆ Apathy alter/cassmate
☆ Extranth/non-human alter (alien)
☆ Manager
☆ System keeper

Pub: 26 Feb 2024 14:35 UTC
Edit: 30 Mar 2024 21:43 UTC
Views: 159