β™ͺ Mag's identity collection β™ͺ πŸ’—(he/it, xe/xen/xeir)πŸ’—

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β™ͺ Kin β™ͺ

β˜† cenobites (Hellraiser)
β˜† glow sticks
β˜† incubi/concubi
β˜† lepidolite
β˜† Mettaton (Undertale)
β˜† xenon tubes (sort of kin; is a human-shaped xenon-based life form)

β™ͺ Queer β™ͺ

β˜† Gay man: men with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to other men
β™ͺ β™ͺ β™ͺ Preferred due to its specification of the involvement of the male gender (as opposed to other terms that don’t include β€œman/male”)
β˜† Glowcoric: A xenogender related to glowcore
β˜† Glowgender: a gender relating to glow-in-the-dark items and fluorescent things
β˜† Lavenian: a turian (gay man or non-binary person) who is gender non-confoming
β˜† Mascic: an umbrella term to describe any attraction to men or masculine aligned individuals and a standalone term as a non-straight orientation.
β˜† Masclavic: A gender connected to queer attraction to men, both masculinity and femininity, and being masculine through the lens of one's attraction to men
β˜† Neonic: A gender related to neon lights, or neon
β˜† Neoncoric: a coric xenogender that is connected to the neoncore aesthetic in some way. It invokes imagery of things like glow sticks, lasers, things that glow in the dark, glow under a blacklight, and neon colors.
β˜† Rosecryic: A Crystaline gender related to Rose Quartz
β˜† Rosemasc: a gender connected to roses but in a masculine and romantic way (think of roses in a romantic context like during valentines and etc) For the masculine part it's like seeing roses and getting masc/boy euphoria

β™ͺ System β™ͺ β˜† Addiction holder
β˜† Identity holder (gay man)
β˜† Kink alter
β˜† Pluriship: a type of relationship that only system members can feel toward each other. ... being in a system together causes the relationship impossible to replicate outside of the system.
β™ͺ β™ͺ β™ͺ Has one with Faust.

Pub: 26 Feb 2024 14:38 UTC
Edit: 10 Apr 2024 21:58 UTC
Views: 184