♪ Mori's identity collection ♪ ⚰️ (he/they/it/x)⚰️
[ Directory ]
♪ Queer ♪
☆ Agender: without gender
☆ Agender Masc: Having a lack of gender/genderless, but feeling masculine spikes, presenting as masculine, or feeling a moderate-strong connection with masculinity.
☆ Bambi Gay: a gay person/MLM who prefers non-sexual affection to sexual acts.
☆ Gay man: men with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to other men
♪ ♪ ♪ Preferred due to its specification of the involvement of the male gender (as opposed to other terms that don’t include “man/male”)
☆ Gothgender: [a gender where] your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity
☆ Kinkgender: a gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include: having a xenogender that is connected to the thing for which you have a kink -feeling more like a particular gender while doing kink -feeling the traits associated with your role in kink in a gendered way (like how men would feel masculine traits).
☆ Libramasculine: a gender in which one is mostly agender but experiences a small amount of attachment to being masculine/male.
☆ Masculine: having or showing qualities associated with masculinity- a set of behaviors, presentations, and roles which were/are typically culturally associated with being a man
☆ Outnightic: a gender related to and/or best represented by being outside at night and that can be described as biting, nocturnal, and evil.
☆ Traumoldicmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve: -a masculine gendered connection to the role of trauma holder -feeling as though one's masculinity affects the way one holds the trauma -a masculine/male identity that was involved in the trauma -a masculine xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it this is both a systerm and a gender. its definition excludes it from being used by singlets.
☆ Uranic: the attraction to men, masculine non-binary individuals, and neutral non-binary individuals. It is the attraction to all genders except women and woman-aligned or feminine-aligned non-binary individuals.
☆ Veldigender: [a gender related to being a veldian/gay man]
♪ System ♪
☆ Brainsourced: A brainsourced system member is a system member who feels that they are simultaneously sourced and brainmade (i.e. not an introject). This could be due to: -being an introject but being so source-divergent that you identify with being brainmade -being an extranth of a fictional species -having a timeline and memories associated with a fictional universe without being a specific character depicted in that media -being sourced from something that doesn’t have a personality per se (e.g. a song or an aesthetic) and thus the personality of the introject is unsourced
☆ Identity holder (gay man)
☆ Gothorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by goth - music, aesthetics, culture, etc. this could involve a system member who originated through: -listening to goth music (potentially being a musicative) -participating in goth culture, possibly with a persona that became a headmate -trauma or stress that the system used goth to cope with
☆ Kink holder (leather)
☆ Sidesystem host
☆ Sidesystem core
☆ Trauma holder
♪ Vesility ♪
☆ Gothvesil: A vesil term for when goth - music, aesthetic, subculture, etc. - affects many or all parts of one's identity.
☆ Kinkvesil: when kink may influence all or many aspects of one’s identity, it may define one’s identity, it may be one’s entire identity itself, alongside many other things. it may be literal, metaphorical, etc.
☆ Leathervesil: A vesility term for when leather affects many or all aspects of one's identity.