♪ Norman's extended identity collection ♪

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Full list of queer labels Norman identifies with.

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Achillean/MLM: a man or man-aligned individual who is attracted to other men and man-aligned people.
Achilleangender: an orientationgender in which one's achillean identity heavily affects, correlates with, or influences their gender. One may feel that their attraction to men has an impact on their gender that can only be explained by them.
Agender: without gender
Amomortic: a xenogender relating to/represented by love and being (un)dead. it may feel like being (un)dead and feeling love for someone else, or it may feel like your love itself is undead in some way. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that corpses lack a gender. it may feel warm, safe, comforting, cold, rotting, final, and/or any adjectives with which one would associate love and/or (un)death. the love in question may be of any variety.
Analogender: A gender that feels vague and distorted, possessing traits of uncertainty and tension. Something’s off, but you can’t quite tell what. This gender is linked to a fondness for old media formats, feeling low-quality and worn out. It’s grounded in feeling out of place and seeing the world - and/or perhaps one’s state of self - in a slightly skewed, difficult to understand manner. There’s an implacable fuzzy warmness to Analogender, one of channel-surfing late at night, but it’s tainted with the suspicion that it might not be what it seems. This gender finds comfort in the strange, the odd, the old, and the uncanny.
Anemoiran: A kenochoric gender related to nostalgia for a time you’ve never lived in. For some, it can feel wistful or strange, as though you’re walking through a dream, and may have a deep sense of longing.
AnimalCannibalsongic: songic xenogender about “Animal Cannibal” from Possibly In Michigan
Annulian: a non-binary gender alignment from the galactian system. It is xenine-aligned (xenic/spacialian), neutral-aligned (stellarian), and masculine-/male-aligned
Aporagender: A nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term for a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling
Aroace: a individual who is both aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec.
Astraean: A Galactian Alignment for someone who is neutrois-aligned. This is different from stellarian in that stellarian can include unaligned people as well as people who are neutral-aligned without necessarily considering neutrois or neutral to be their gender. Additionally, this can be accompanied by other alignments, Galactian or not (e.g. a phoebian astraean would be a masculine-aligned neutrois person).
Autigender: a neurogender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic, or when one's autism greatly affects one's gender and/or how one experiences gender.
Autix: an umbrella term and neurogender for any autistic individual who feels like their gender is affected by their autism in some way.
Axvir: a gender that is a combination of agender and proxvir. These two parts can exist in any proportion. The amounts of each gender can fluctuate, but it doesn’t have to.
Benzowarmic: a gender related to the warm feeling one gets when high on benzodiazepines. this gender may feel comforting, soft, golden, cozy, or anything someone would associate with this feeling.
Brainfogtix: A neurogender for autistics or people with PTSD/psychosis/disassociation who feel disconnected from their body & have frequent brainfog or psychosis, to the point it has become part of their gender!
Bloodyknifegender: this gender is related to bloody knives, it can feel sharp, dangerous, metallic, scary &/or gory. this gender can be related to a specific type of knife or be related knives in general.
Boötian: Agender aligned
Boötihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both boötian and helian - i.e. both agender-aligned and man-aligned.
Boötiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both boötian and astraean - i.e. both agender-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned.
Bxyfriend: when you’re (an) agender (boy) and you’re a boyfriend! this could be in the sense of being (an) agender (boy) and using the label “boyfriend” for yourself in a relationship, or you could relate to the world “boyfriend” in a gendered way like some people relate to “man” or “woman” and also be (an) agender (boy)
Caligic/Sablic: a term for kenochoric people attracted to other kenochoric people, exclusively or not
Callistian: someone who is both mspec veldian (solian) and mspec cenelian (or enbian), either at the same time, or switching between them.
Candyheartic: a gender related to heart-shaped candies! these can be candies of any kind, and while this gender is likely to be lovecoric and/or a lovegender, it doesn't have to be.
Cannabgender: A gender related to the feeling of being high, the scent of weed, and feeling blissful. Has an aura of being relaxed and nice vibes.
Cenelian: a term for people experiencing gay attraction to nonbinary people
Cenrell: a gender identity that is on the neutral spectrum, but still has a strong connection to masculinity.
Churchauntic: a gender that relates to, feels like, or is best represented by a ghost haunting a church. it may feel empty, hollow, and floaty, as well as reverent, joyful, and virtuous, or any adjectives with which one would associate ghosts and/or churches. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that ghosts are genderless. depending on one's connection with ghosts and/or churches, this gender may be kenic and/or spiritine. the connection to churches can be aesthetic, religious, or metaphorical (e.g. related to a feeling of community). this gender may be affected by one's experiences with religion, negative or otherwise.
Claustrobathkenic: a kenic (link), horror-in-nature gender related to school bathrooms, claustrophobia, decay, being unable to leave, feeling the walls close in on you, and knowing there's no escape even as the room rusts and molds and decays around you.
Coffeeloveic: a lovegender that is connected to/represented by coffee!
Consumlovic: a gender related to all consuming love, being consumed by love, etc!
Comfcarvikinkic: a kinkic gender related to the comfort from things being carved into skin. not in a self-harm way, but in a safe manner.
Corpseagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way corpses do.
Daroric: a gender alignment that is completely separate from male, female, or neutral, and is instead connected to darkness or shadows.
Daybrainlight: a gender related to being out during a sunny day while in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. depending on one's associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
Delphinian: an agender or genderless individual who is attracted to other agender or genderless individuals
Delphiniangender: an orientationgender where one's delphinian identity heavily affects, correlates with, or influences one's gender.
Demiboy: a gender identity in which one's gender is partially male, and partially another gender(s)
Diamoric: attractions experienced by non-binary individuals that cannot be described as "same gender" or "other gender", "straight" or "gay".
Discomfic: a gender associated with, related to, or represented by discomfort. having this gender is not necessarily a negative experience, as it may relate to trying to become more comfortable with discomfort (since such is a part of life). it may also be related to things that others find discomforting but that the user relates to and/or enjoys.
Dissociagender: a gender experience relating to or caused by dissociation
Drogegender: An umbrella term for genders related to drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, etc.
Droxinine: a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral, but is its own thing, similar to how androgynous is a combination of masculine and feminine, but still distinct
Droxiveldic: a gender related to being a droxinine veldian - that is, a gay man with a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral.
DXMgender: A gender related to DXM
DXMrecrean: A gender related to DXM, specifically in a recreational context
Enbian: a diamoric orientation that refers to non-binary individuals attracted to non-binary individuals
Feargender: a gender that is characterized or connected to fear in some way - the gender does not cause fear for the person who experiences it, and may even enrich or encourage the person, but it is connected to the fear of others.
Fixigender: a gender identity where one feels like their gender is based in a hyperfixation that they have, or had at one point
Floastgender: A gender identity delineated by a profound feeling of detachment from the material plane / the physical world.
Foggender: A xenogender that feels foggy, unknown, confused, and mysterious.
Foggygender: a gender identity that feels foggy, like one can’t just put one's finger on it. It may be influenced by dissociating
Fuzzgender: a neurogender in which feels fuzzy, lost, or fading due to being neurodivergent.
Fuzzinbrainix: a gender related to, connected to, or affected by, feeling as though your head is fuzzy
Gay: attraction to people of the same [or similar] gender.
Gayplatonighostic: a xenogender related to/represented by ghosts and gay platonic love! it may feel empty, floaty, transparent, warm, safe, comforting, and/or any other words with which one would associate ghosts and love. "gay platonic love" may be defined any way the user wishes, but some possible definitions are platonic same-gender love that leads to a relationship that may be given an orientation label (such as a queerplatonic relationship), platonic love between people who are gay, or platonic love that is expressed in a way that others would construe as seeming gay. it may be agender-in-nature in the way that ghosts are genderless. due to its relationship to love and being gay, it may also be considered a lovegender and/or an orientationgender.
Genderanalog: a subset in the gender system where one is affected by analog horror
Genderbodiless: a gender that relates to the fact that its user is bodiless, views themself as bodiless, and/or identifies with the concept of not having a body. this may be due to alterhumanity, systemhood, neurodivergence, or any reason. this gender may be agender-in-nature (where not having a body corresponds to not having a gender) but does not have to be.
Genderhawk: a xenogender under the kenochoric umbrella describing an individual who experiences a quiet and mysterious gender which can only be described as masculine and rough
Genderowl: a xenogender under the kenochoric umbrella describing an individual who experiences a quiet and mysterious gender which can only be described as masculine and soft
Gendervir: a gender identity and an umbrella term for all male-adjacent, male-aligned, and male-identified genders. Gendervir is not synonymous with masculine gender or masculine-aligned identities, it is only for genders that related to manhood or boyhood.
Gendervoid: a gender identity in which one feels nothing where a gender should be.
Ghostagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way ghosts do.
Ghostenamoric: a gender relating to ghosts and love , you may feel connected to ghosts and love , feel like a ghost in love , or a ghost full of love
Ghostiloveic: a xenogender lovegender relating to/represented by a ghost who loves another ghost. this love can be of any kind. it may feel transparent, undead, haunted, warm, soft, safe, glowy, familiar, understanding, and any other adjectives with which one would associate with ghosts and love, or a ghost loving another ghost. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that ghosts don't have a gender. it may therefore be a form of delphiniangender (an agender-loving-agender orientationgender) but it does not have to be.
Gorekinkic: A gender connected / related to the Gore Kink
Haunian/Salvaen: a term for gay kenochoric people
Helian: solarian; man-aligned
Hesperian: A Galactian Alignment for someone who is neutral-aligned. This is different from stellarian in that stellarian can include unaligned people, whereas this term is specifically for people who do have an alignment and whose alignment is neutral. Additionally, this is not necessarily about being neutrois or considering your actual gender to be neutral, just your alignment to be. For example, someone could be a hesperian woman if they consider themselves a woman who is neutral-aligned.
Hesperiboötian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both hesperian and boötian - i.e. neutral-aligned and agender-aligned.
Hesperihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both hesperian and helian - i.e. neutral-aligned and man-aligned. This could be the same as "neutral-aligned man", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Highliminalic: a gender that can best be described as liminal or in-between in the same way that being slightly high feels like being in-between sober and fully high. while this gender expresses itself in relation to drugs, the gender(s) or the experience thereof does not have to be connected to substances. due to its in-between nature, it can be considered demigender or ambiguine. depending on the user's association with liminality, it may be kenochoric.
Horrorboy: being a boy but in the way that your gender also relates to horror, whether it be analog, video games, movies etc!
HorrorEnigmatic: a gender that is hard to grasp and understand yet feels much like resembles something of the horror genre. including themes of vhs tapes, hauntings, slashers, running in dark forests, the feeling of fear and dread, chills, blood, and so on.
Horrorfannish: A gender that is, itself, a horror fan
Horrorgender: a xenogender with a strong connection to horror elements, media, styles or genres. It is for anyone who feels a connection with horror and its related elements.
Horrorkinkic: A gender connected to the Horror Kink
Horrorloveic: A gender related to love and the horror genre!
Horroric: An umbrella term/gender alignment for genders related to all things horrifying, terrifying, morbid, macabre, scary, creepy, eerie, uncanny or otherwise disturbing.
Horrorstellic: A gender related to horror and being a stellian (mspec gay).
Horrostalgic: gender connected to horror and nostalgia, mainly nostalgic horror. this can include things such as certain creepypastas, rituals such as bloody mary, or whatever the user finds as nostalgic.
Humangender: A gender connected to being human in some way.
Humanidoxic: A gender related to feeling paradoxically both human and non-human at the same time.
Humanthing: a gender relating to feeling like a human but not, as if you know you're human but you don’t feel human. you feel separated from your human identity and you feel comforted / more comfortable being seen as a thing &&/or non-human better.
Inbissiec: an umbrella term centered on the idea of being bizarre. It is an umbrella term circling all labels that center around being odd.
Introtivigender: a gender that may be directly linked to the fact that you're an introject
Intrusic: a gender related to intrusive thoughts.
Intrusimacarshric: a macarshric gender related to intrusive thoughts.
Itboyfriendic: a gender that can adequately be described by the mixing of it/its pronouns with the term boyfriend, such as in the phrase "it’s my boyfriend".
Kenocarshric: a gender that is both kenochoric and macarshric.
Kenochoric: an umbrella term for gender identity that's centered around, among other things, the unknown, eerieness, the uncanny valley, obscurity, nostalgia, emptiness or vastness, liminal spaces, nonhumanity, and things that can evoke any or all of those things.
Kenoloveic: a kenic lovegender in which love and kenosity/kenochoric-ness are linked.
Kenomasculine: When one is kenochoric in a masculine way of any kind, and/or vice versa. Masc-aligned is not synonymous with man-aligned!
Kenostellic: a gender relating to being kenochoric and a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel vast, nostalgic, empty, frightening, liminal, or any other adjectives associated with kenic genders. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
Kenovoid: A kenochoric person with a gender that is absent, empty, or simply not there.
Kenoweirdcoric: a gender that is related to weirdcore but specifically in a kenous/kenochoric way. it may be liminal, frightening, nostalgic, eerie, empty, or any other kenochoric themes that apply to weirdcore.
Killerinmirroric: A term connected to killer in a mirror. May it be by the gender itself feeling like it's a killer that can be seen through a mirror or something else.
Knifegender: a xenogender with a connection to knifes and blades
Knifeloveic: A gender related to love and knives!
Knifething: For when your gender is both related to knifes and also being a thing.
Khusamorian: A gender that is the embodiment of feeling like you are being stabbed in the heart when you're in love
Liminalcoric: A coric gender related to liminal spaces, or liminalcore.
Liminalgender: a neurogender related to liminal spaces. It is often, but not always, said to be a "warm" gender. Its definition applies exclusively to those with trauma and/or neurodivergence. Because of this, it can seem detached and void-like, and at times may feel like it doesn’t exist or only partially exists.
Liminalistellic: a gender relating to liminality and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel in-between, unsettling, ephemeral, or any other words one may associate with liminality. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be. depending on one’s assocations with liminality, it may also be kenic.
Liminoelic: A gender related to liminal space hotels, motels, and hotel rooms. May be comforting but ominous and/or feel unreal, dizzy and/or like tv static
Lostdreamic: an obscurian and soporine gender related to/represented by dreams that one has trouble remembering immediately upon waking up and only has more trouble remembering afterwards. it may feel hazy, distant, fragmented, abstract, unknown, or any words one may associate with this experience. its obscurian nature emphasizes the part of the experience that involves the inability to know what one dreamt.
Loveagender: an agender-in-nature lovegender in which love and genderlessness are linked
Lovegender: a xenogender related to the feeling of love and being loved, it can also be related to loving someone else.
Lovemasculine: a masculine lovegender in which love and masculinity are linked.
Loveneutral: a neutral lovegender in which love and gender neutrality are linked.
Lovexenic: a xenic lovegender in which love and xeninity/xenogender-ness are linked.
Loviokenolux: a kenoluxine gender related to an awe-inspiring and fear-inducing capacity and intense desire to protect loved ones to the point of committing acts of violence to whatever scale deemed necessary, and the enjoyment of carrying out those acts.
Macarshric: the sum of macabre and horror themes which generally means the distress or disturbed feelings that can arise from death and/or violence
Macarshrikinkic: a macarshric gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink.
Macarshristellic: a gender relating to being macashric and a stellian.
Manprox: a term for anyone who experiences a connection to boyhood or manhood, regardless of their actual gender
Mascstoneric: A masculine/MIN gender related to smoking weed, getting high, being high, smoke, brownies, edibles, any dusty and/or greyed out shades of blue, green, and purple, and shades of light gray
Meatgender: a gastrogender related to the flavor, texture, appearance, and feeling of meat.
Meatloveic: a gender related to/represented by meat(core) and love(core)! it may feel raw, bloody, and visceral, as well as happy, comforting, and bright, or any other adjectives with which the user would associate meat and love.
Miningender: a gender that is neutral and masculine in nature.
Mnemonilossic: an obscurian gender related to/represented by lost memories. this may feel empty, confusing, absent, hazy, frightening, or any words one may associate with those things. if the memories are lost due to a psychological condition, it may be a neurogender, but it can relate to memories lost for any reason.
Moldgender: a xenogender that is connected to mold. It feels as though it is rotting away.
Moldylunggender: A xenogender related to rotting alive by having mold growing inside ones lungs, this could be connected to immortality and the consciousness being alive still while the body decomposes. This gender may feel related to human organs specifically the lungs, gore, different types of mold, rotting bodies, and immortality.
Molebug: an term representing the opposite of gender, identifying with unreality and dissoconnection from humanity, and an attachment to an alien-like sense of self. Can be described as surreal, intense, and dreamlike.
Moriamoric: A kenochoric gender related to the concepts of life and death falling in love with one another.
Multigender: having multiple gender identities, either at the same time or moving between different gender identities at different times.
Mushroomgender: a xenogender identity in which one feels a strong gendered connection to mushrooms and nature
Musicagender: An audiogender that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or even song
Mxn: A gender that is both male and agender.
Mycocarshric: A macarshric gender relating to fungi.
Mycokenic: A kenochoric gender relating to fungi.
Neurogender: a gender identity and an umbrella term to describe when someone's gender is somehow linked to their neurotype, mental illness, or neurological conditions.
Nightbraindark: a gender related to/described by being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. depending on one's associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
Nikawiyan: Boötian and novarian [i.e. agender-aligned and neutral/unaligned and masculine/male aligned]
Neutraporine: in which one feels that they are partially aporagender while being aligned with a neutral or genderless gender as well.
Neutric: an neutrois individual who is attracted to other neutrois individuals.
Neutrois: In which one's gender is neutral or null. It may also be associated with genderlessness.
Nihilgender: a gender that feels absent and empty. One has a gender, yet it is empty
Nightbraindark: a gender related to/described by being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. depending on one's associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
Nihilique: A gender related to, connected to or affected by non-existence. may be related to one’s own non-existence, or simply the concept of it.
Nullchoric: A combination of gendernull and kenochoric. A gender that is related to kenopsia and also undefinable/unable to be labeled as a certain gender, empty, or inexplicable.
Nuumian: a neutrois individual who is attracted to other neutrois individuals. This attraction is exclusive [but the word is being used in an mspec gay way]
Nyxivull: a non-xenic term umbrella connected to nothingness, void, emptiness, black holes, and never-ending vastness. this term may feel empty, null, nonexistent, or emotionless.
Nyxloveic: a nyxivull (and kenic) lovegender - that is, a gender that has to do with love as well as emptiness/vastness/nothingness/other nyxivull themes.
Objectum: the attraction to inanimate objects
♪ ♪ ♪ Aesthetically attracted to knives.
Objectumgender: A gender related to being objectum!
Oldianoic: A xenogender that feels lost or old, but also connected to media in some way.
Outnightic: a gender related to and/or best represented by being outside at night and that can be described as biting, nocturnal, and evil.
Paridoxigender: a gender that has qualities that are a paradox, or seems to contradict itself
Perstolgiakenic: a kenochoric gender related to nostalgia for time periods and/or places that one has actually lived in.
Phoebian: solarian; masculine-aligned
Phoebiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both phoebian and astraean - i.e. masculine-aligned and neutrois-aligned. This could be the same as "masculine-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Phoebiboötian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both phoebian and boötian - i.e. masculine-aligned and agender-aligned. This could be the same as "masculine-aligned agender person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Platonimortus: an amourtus gender related to passionate platonic love, being undead, and death imagery (e.g. cemeteries, coffins, etc.) it may feel exciting, devoted, friendly, cold, morbid, silent, or any words one may associate with these things.
Platonisleepghostic: an agender-in-nature gender connected to/represented by sleep, ghosts, and platonic love. it may feel deep, haunted, safe, warm, dark, friendly, or any other adjectives with which one would associate those things. it may be kenic depending on one's association with sleep and/or ghosts.
Plurillean: a member of a system who is attracted to other members of their own system. This doesn’t have to be exclusive, and they can love both system members, and non-system members.
Pinkshadowic: a gender related to/represented by hot pink, spiders, blurry feelings, and shadows. it may feel delirious, frightening, crawling, bright, hazy, empty, or disconnected. given that this gender is inspired by the appearance and effects of diphenhydramine, it may be considered a druggender.
Possiblyinmichical: A gender related to the short film, ‘Possibly in Michigan’ and its music
Prennian: A term for gay agender people, like how lesbian is a term for gay women. It is named after the prehnite gemstone, which is light green like the middle stripe of the agender flag.
It could be considered the delphinian (agender-loving-agender) version of cenelian (gay non-binary).
Proxvir: A gender that is strongly connected to masculinity, but in a different way to how men are connected to masculinity.
Queerplatonigender: a lovegender related to queerplatonic love and attraction. it may feel warm, happy, excited, safe, or any feelings with which one would associate queerplatonic love/relationships.
Queerplatonisubstic: a xenogender related to queerplatonic feelings and substances (namely anything that would be considered "drugs"). the themes could be combined (e.g. taking substances with a queerplatonic partner) but do not have to be.
Quoiroloveic: a lovegender related to being quoiromantic and the way one experiences love as a result of being quoiromantic.
Quoiromantic: not being able to distinguish romantic from platonic attraction
Recorstatic: a gender that is related to found footage horror, OR a gender that is fuzzy and difficult to make out; it feels as though the experience of the gender is secondhand, like through a camera, and it may occasionally create unease
Rosenion: a non-xenic neogender gender similar to love , red / pink / violet , and amatopunk aesthetics . it may feel bright , comforting , caring , safe , warm , loving , lovestruck , obsessive , or soft , but it doesn't have to be . it can describe your gender feeling comforting and caring , being described by love and stereotypical romantic / sexual / platonic / etc gestures , relating to one's amatopunk identity , a combination of those things , or something different .
Rotaesic: A xenogender relating to the aesthetics of decay botched taxidermy decomposer animals and insect larvae this gender feels warm and sickly
Rottinghousegender: A gender that feels like its rotting in an old house, or that its roaming an old decaying house
Saudenic: a KEIN gender related to or best explained by the portuguese word "saudade", which is untranslatable, but is defined as a feeling of missing or longing for someone or something in a bittersweet manner, a mix of melancholy and happiness deep within. it's like cutting someone off of a picture and staring at the empty space with mixed, but longing, feelings.
Scribblespectric: This is a gender connected to scribbly, humanoid figures. This can lead to a feeling of uneasiness, because while the figure is a humanoid, its almost not human. This identity is eerie + dark. One might not be able to fully understand it.
Slasherboyfriend: A gender related to slashers and boyfriends. This can mean being a slasher and a boyfriend, having a boyfriend who is a slasher, or any other way the user wishes to entwine the two ideas. One does not have to identify as a boy or masculine to use this gender!
Slasheric: a gender that relates to not only slashers in general, but binging them and indulging in them!
Slashermovian: A gender related to slasher movies in general
Slasherosic: A horrorgender where being in love and part of a slasher duo / group with your partner ( s ) // the intimacy of killing ( with ) another is a key theme !
Slashertix: A neurogender related to slashers; a slasher-related gender linked to/influenced by one's neurodivergence
Solarian: Masculine and/or man-aligned
Solian: someone who is mspec veldian
Somniloveic: a soporine lovegender related to sleep and dreams. it may be related to or represented by dreams about love, falling asleep next to someone you love, the feeling of knowing you’re safe sleeping in the presence of someone you love. it may feel deep, dark, comforting, warm, or any adjectives with which one would associate sleep and/or love.
Somnospectric: a soporine gender relating to/represented by ghosts. it may specifically feel like a sleeping/sleepy/dreaming ghost, dreams about ghosts, being asleep when a ghost is present, the ghost of a dream, or any ways in which ghosts and sleep/dreams are similar.
Soporidreamless: a soporine gender relating to/represented by dreamless sleep. it may feel lost, dark, heavy, empty, or any adjectives one may associate with these things. depending on the way one views one’s gender in relation to dreamless sleep, it may be agender-in-nature.
Spaciahelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and helian - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and man-aligned. This could mean "xenic-aligned man", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Spacialastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and astraean - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned. This could mean "xenic-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Spacialian: xenine/xeno-aligned
Spectreloveic: a gender related to love and ghosts. it may feel floaty, haunted, and dark while also being warm, loved/loving, and bright. it does not have an alignment but could be considered agender in the same way that ghosts are genderless. the feelings of love associated with it can be of any variety.
Spectricandloveic: a xenogender related to ghosts, candles, warmth, darkness, and love. it may feel empty, haunted, safe, nocturnal, bright, or any adjectives with which one may associate these things.
Spectristellic: a gender related to ghosts and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be. it may also be agender in nature due to how ghosts lack a body and thus potentially a gender. it may feel hollow, haunted, undead, or any other adjectives one would associate with ghosts.
Statibrainix: a gender related to, connected to, or affected by, feeling as though your head is filled with static
Staticgender: Best described by TV static; fuzzy and incomprehensible. It may feel complicated or confusing. It may also feel fluid or ever-changing.
Stellarian: abinary/unaligned, or neutral-aligned
Stellian: anyone who is mspec gay
Stellicomfic: a gender related to being a stellian (mspec gay) and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in being a stellian, but also stellian themes involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.) it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
Stelliloveic: a gender related to love and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be. the love involved in this gender can be of any variety, which naturally includes love felt as part of stellian attraction.
Stonerpresentic: A gender that presents itself in a stoner way/as a stoner.
Tealoveic: a lovegender that is connected to/represented by tea!
Traumatix: A label for genders that are caused by, related to, and/or affected by trauma.
Traumoldic: a pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system.
Traumoldicagender: an agender pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system.
Traumoldickeno(choric): a kenic pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system.
Traumoldicmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system.
Traumoldicneu(tral): a neutral pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system.
Traumoldicxeno(gender): a xenic pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system.
Trennian: a gender caused by or due to dissociation, depersonalization and/or derealization, that is grey and feels like static. It is unknown and abstract, a paradox of both being yours and not yours at the same time, and feels dreamlike but not quite at the same time.
Unghoric: A gender and flag related to ghosts, the void, static and feeling like one doesn't belong anywhere/is adrift.
Unsettifriendic: a gender that is unsettling and unnerving but friendly and ultimately harmless.
Vaporliminalic: a kenochoric gender best represented by the eerie, liminal feeling present in vaporwave music. it may feel nostalgic but uncanny. it may be a musicgender and/or an aesthetigender too.
Vaporwavic: A wavic xenogender that is related to vaporwave.
Veiraine: a gender related to being enveloped in love, feeling as if love envelops your gender in a way, or anything else that's similar.
Veldian: men with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to other men
Venelian: Being both veldian/turian and cenelian, either at the same time or being fluid between the two
VHShorric: a gender relating to vhs tapes in a horror setting — but not in like how they are in analog horror args. this can be vhs tapes used to further the narrative, being items you can pick up, the horror setting having a grainy look, or any way the user thinks fits!
VHSveldistatic: A gender relating to VHS tapes, being a Veldian/Turian and static.
Violintrusic: a gender related to violence and intrusive thoughts.
Viollitmeatic: an agender-in-nature xenogender relating to meat, altered states of consciousness, smoke, books, and violence. it may feel raw, fleshy, hazy, distorted, strong-smelling, literary, bloody, painful, or any other adjectives one may associate with these things. its relationship to violence does not have to be expressed as violent actions taken in reality (alternatives including fictional violence or violent feelings that do not lead to actions). if the altered state of consciousness and/or smoke have anything to do with psychoactive substances, this may be a druggender. if the altered state of consciousness comes from dissociation, this may be a neurogender.
Voidchoric: A combination of gendervoid and kenochoric. A gender that is related to kenopsia and also feels empty, void-like, or like a dark abyss. It feels like there is a void where your kenochoric gender "should" be.
Voidrian: Kenochoric aligned
Voidriastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both voidrian and astraean - i.e. both kenic/kenochoric-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned. This could mean "kenochoric-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Voidrihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both voidrian and helian - i.e. both kenic/kenochoric-aligned and man-aligned. This could mean "kenochoric-aligned man", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Wastewarnic: a gender related to and/or represented by proposed long-term nuclear waste disposal warning architecture. this gender may feel hostile, jagged, sharp, ominous, dark, and/or radioactive.
Weirdcoric: A -coric gender related to weirdcore.
Xenogender: A gender that isn't defined in relation to "female" or "male" (the binary genders), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender.
Xyric: a diamoric orientation for xenic individuals who are attracted (exclusively or not) to other xenic individuals.
Zauygender: a gender which is influenced by the fact that one feels they are not subject to life, do not possess a soul, and/or they do not exist while still being “alive.”

Pub: 29 Mar 2024 21:53 UTC
Edit: 03 May 2024 18:44 UTC
Views: 118