♪ Pulsar's extended identity collection ♪

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Full list of queer labels Pulsar identifies with.

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80scoric: an aesthetigender that describes oneself as encompassing the vibe of the 1980’s; the bright neon lights, the filth of the cities, the bold sense of color and dress, the unabashedly forward music, the deliberate nonconformity of the artists, and so forth….this is a gender one may use to describe a nonbinary sort of alignment, that is very intense and ever-present in other areas of one’s life; a gender that has no ‘ideal’ presentation, and that was shaped partially by neurodivergence. This may be used in conjunction with other aesthetigenders, neurogenders, or otherkind-based genders, and has no specific, singular set of pronouns attached.
Aetherine: a non-xenine umbrella term that encompasses all things related to the otherworldly/ethereal. It is usually centered around the idea of otherworldly ideas/concepts/things and/or connection to concepts/ideas/things from other planets, whether fictional or real, but not always.
Alcoholpathetic: a genderpathetic subterm; a gender connected to alcohol and patheticness, etc.
Aliastraffectis: An alteraffectis term for the way an alien feels about outer space, or vice versa.
Alienfreak: a gender connected to being an alien and a freak ; an alien freakgender freak in this instance is NOT used in a negative way unless otherwise is specified by the user of the term
Aliengender: when one's interpretation of gender / their gender(s) feels as though it's from a nonhuman perspective. One may or may not adopt a gender or attempt to fit into a gender but it feels like it's in an "alien trying out foreign species’ gender" sort of way.
Alienstar: a gender under the genderstar system in which ones gender is related to aliens and stars, being an alien and a star, an alien decorated in stars, etc.
Alienstoneric: This gender is when you relate to aliens or is obsessed with aliens but also relate to being a stoner
Alihumaffectis: An alteraffectis term for the way an alien feels about a human, or vice versa.
Alislimestargender: a gender relating to green slime, aliens and stars. Can also relate to aliens made of green slime with stars inside or green slime with star and alien charms.
Althumafreak: a gender in the genderfreak system where one is/feels like a freak due to alterhumanity, that one's freakishness is related to alterhumanity, and/or that one's gender is connected to freaks and alterhumanity.
Androgynous: the act of simultaneously having or showing qualities that are associated with both femininity and masculinity
Angelhigh: a gender under the GenderHigh system related to angels and being high, being an angel that's high, an angel that's high, or whatever you think fits best !
Angelweirdic: a xenogender associated with weird things/weirdcore, angels/angelcore, or being a weird(core) angel! this gender may feel strange, heavenly, unsettling, light, or any adjectives one would associate with weirdness/weirdcore or angels. depending on one's associations with weirdness/weirdcore and/or angels, this gender may feel kenous or luxine/spiritine.
Angliastralic: A gender related to being an Angel that is heavily connected to outer space and it’s aesthetics OR a gender that is related to being an Angel that is in outer space. It also can be seen as the combination of any angel related genders and any space related gender.
Anticarnal: a term under the ARCsexual umbrella which describes an individual who is sex-repulsed. Anticarnal individuals are repulsed by sexual attraction/interaction, both involving them and not involving them.
Aporagender: A nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term for a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling
Apothisexual: another word for sex-repulsed
Aroace: a individual who is both aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec.
Astraglittric: a gender connected to/represented by glitter, music, the colors blue and orange, outer space, gender non-conformity, and aliens/being an alien. it may feel shiny, exciting, bright, spacey, distant, or any other adjectives one may associate with these things.
Astrocomfic: a gender related to outer space and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in outer space, but also themes of outer space involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
Brainfogtix: A neurogender for autistics or people with PTSD/psychosis/disassociation who feel disconnected from their body & have frequent brainfog or psychosis, to the point it has become part of their gender!
Cadalgender: a gender connected to or related to deep sleep, galaxy aesthetics, and soft blankets.
Cannabgender: A gender related to the feeling of being high, the scent of weed, and feeling blissful. Has an aura of being relaxed and nice vibes.
Celestiangelic: a xenogender related to being a celestial/alien/space being, and an angel!
Chaosstar: a gender system in which one's gender is connected to stars and chaos, stars decorated with chaos, being a star and chaos, etc.
Cinnawhiskeyic: A drogegender (related to cinnamon whiskey or Fireball, whether it be the appearance of the bottle, the taste of the drink, the concept of cinnamon whiskey, whatever!
Diamoric: attractions experienced by non-binary individuals that cannot be described as "same gender" or "other gender", "straight" or "gay".
Drogegender: An umbrella term for genders related to drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, etc.
Egogender: A gender which is so personal to someone that they can only describe it as "me"-gender
Epicene: that which exhibits characteristics of both [male and female] yet is neither
Ficsourceial: a type of alterhuman attraction (alteraffectis) that describes how a fictionfolk feels towards the characters of the same source
Galactiblastic: a gender that is neon, alien, and feels like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick. it tastes like mint and olive, and it feels intense, burning, bitter and salty. it is a strange cacophony that messes with one’s brain.
Galasterios: a gender related to 〜 coziness ,, stars && space .. examples of this could be a gender which feels cozy && reminiscent of the stars && space .. a gender which is tied to space && the stars being cozy to someone ,, or being something that brings comfort to them.
Galaxygender: a xenogender/neurogender where some feels connected to stars, planets, moons, black holes, milky ways and anything that is part of a galaxy.
GenderJoynt: A subset of Weedgender related to or influenced by the euphoria, relief, and overall good vibes that can come from using weed or other THC products.
Genderspace: An umbrella term for all genders influenced by, or related to, space/astronomy.
Genderqueer: A person whose gender identity cannot be categorized as solely male or female.
Glitterrainbowic: [a gender related to glittery rainbows]
Glowstarrian: a xenogender in which one’s gender is represented by glow in the dark stars.
Glowystaric: a gender related to colorful glowing neon stars !! can range between one star or many stars, just whatever the user feels like !!
GNC: different from society's conventional binary expectations of masculine or feminine presentation.
Goatangel: A gender relating to being a goat and an angel, otherwise known as a goangel! this gender may feel angelic, whimsical, strong, and free!
Goatgender: A faunagender related to goats
Gothgender: your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity
Greengender: a gender connected to the color green
Greenglowstaric: a gender related to stars, specifically glowing ones, the color green, and glowing green stuff!!!
Greenspacecherritrum: a neutral xenogender gender related to or represented by outer space, the color green, and cherries! it may be vast, lively, sour, or any adjectives with which one would associate any of those things.
Greenstoneric: This gender is when you relate to the color green or being obsessed with the color green but also relate to being a stoner
Inficomfort: an infivan related to taking comfort in one's insignificance and smallness in comparison to the universe
Infinitycubic: a gender related to the fidget tool/toy called the "infinity cube", it can also be related to fidgeting
Kandicoric: A gender relating to the aesthetics of Kandi! // it's a bright and colorful gender that can have many elaborate and unique things about it!
Kiddieratgender: a gender connected to rats and kidcore aesthetics it may feel small, cute and colorful
Lavalampic: xenogender related to lava lamps and neon colors
Liminalcoric: A coric gender related to liminal spaces, or liminalcore.
Marijuanliminalnightspace: A gender related to smoking weed/marijuana in nighttime liminal spaces.
Maverastric: A maverine gender whose autonomous nature and strongly gendered component are connected to and/or represented by outer space.
Maverigoth: A maverine gender whose autonomous nature and strongly gendered component are connected to and/or represented by goth. This can be goth music, fashion, culture, etc. and any style of goth.
Maverique: a term to describe those whos gender exists outside of the binary completely, while still having a strong gendered feeling. It exists on its own plane of gender, seperate from all others. It is a gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent.
Mnemonilossic: an obscurian gender related to/represented by lost memories. this may feel empty, confusing, absent, hazy, frightening, or any words one may associate with those things. if the memories are lost due to a psychological condition, it may be a neurogender, but it can relate to memories lost for any reason.
Musicagender: An audiogender that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or even song
Neufox: nonbinary person who presents androgynous distinctly to defy gender expectations
Neutrois: In which one's gender is neutral or null. It may also be associated with genderlessness.
♪ ♪ ♪ Uses this to describe their ideal body/sex, not their actual gender.
Queerplatonic: [a relationship that] may involve a greater degree of intimacy or commitment than a platonic friendship, but does not always include sexual or romantic elements
Rainbowcoric: A xenogender related to rainbowcore
Rainbowgender: a colorgender identity in which one's gender is related and correlated to the rainbow and/or the colors of the rainbow.
Rainbowhigh: related to rainbows and being high, being a rainbow and high, rainbows being high, or whatever you think fits best !
Rainbowputtyic: A xenogender relating to glitter rainbow putty. This gender may feel shiny and stretchy but, can also mix into something completely diffrent.
Rainbowstar: a gender under the genderstar system where ones gender is related to rainbows and stars , rainbows with stars on them , being a star of rainbows , etc . . .
Rainbowstoneric: This gender is when you relate to rainbows or being obsessed with rainbows but also relate to being a stoner
Rainbowweedfreak: A gender where one's gender is tied to rainbows, weed and being a freak! Freak is being used in a positive connotation, unless you don't want it to be.
Ratticomfic: a gender related to rats and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in rats, but also themes of rats involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
Rodentlial: An autigender evilgender, that feels like either roadkill, an angry rodent trying to rattle out of it's cage or just like any kind of rodentia that's seen as "dirty" "rabid" and feared by common folk
Scalecosmic: an umbrella term that describes gender(s) that can be described by space, space objects, or particles that don't exist on Earth, but indeed are somewhere in space (antimatter, for example).
Scifigenreic: A gender related to the sci-fi genre
Smokcontentic: a gender related to/represented by smoke, contentment, vanilla, spice, and lavender. it may feel hazy, calm, fragrant, or heavy. if the smoke comes from a psychoactive substance, it may be a druggender, but it doesn't have to be.
Spacearcadic: [a gender relating to arcades and outer space]
Spacenigmaventgender: a gender that emphasizes on the danger and mysteriousness of space.
Spaceperson: a gender-neutral equivalent of “spaceman”. being a spaceperson could involve feelings of being a person from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a person made of space matter, a person associated with or defined by space, etc.
Staractor: a gender under the genderactor system that is connected to the stars and acting. this could be a star that acts, an actor playing the stars/acting on the stars, etc!
Stardustian: a gender that feels as if it is made of stardust and in turn, makes you yourself feel as if you are made of stardust.
Starfusic: a spacegender related to/represented by the nuclear fusion that happens inside of stars. it feels as though it is burning itself up and/or turning into something else and may someday explode brilliantly.
Stargender: an other-worldly, non-human gender which is beyond comprehension in earthly terms, as if it originated from beyond the Earth. According to the coiner of the term it was similar to aliagender, and is related to it, however stargender specifically related to outer space and/or other worldliness.
Starhigh: A gender under the Genderhigh system related to stars and being high, or whatever the user think fits best!
Starrynightian: a gender relating to ( bright ) starry nights
Starspillnessic: a gender connected to being sick and coughing up stars, in a sense that stars are spilling from your lips
Stelladomaffectis: An alteraffectis term for the way an alien feels about their home star or vice versa.
Stellaliaffectis: An alteraffectis term for the way an alien feels about stars/a star (either their home star or another) or vice versa.
Stonerpresentic: A gender that presents itself in a stoner way/as a stoner.
Surrealhumoric: a xenogender related to surreal humor. this can be humor delivered in any form - comedy media, memes, jokes, etc. and the gender may feel strange, silly, confusing, uncanny, or any other qualities of surreal humor. what qualifies something as either surreal or humorous is up to the person using this term.
Tangletoyic: a gender related to/represented by tangle toys. it may feel like it has the same shape as a tangle toy, that it moves in a way that feels like playing with one, or that it has the same texture as one. this gender does not have to be a neurogender, but it can be.
Toric: a diamoric orientation that refers to non-binary individuals who are attracted to men
Traumatix: A label for genders that are caused by, related to, and/or affected by trauma.
Tulikidic: a gender related to/represented by tulips, kidcore, and childhood nostalgia. it feels nostalgic, youthful, creative, familial, safe, and childish.
Vaporliminalic: a kenochoric gender best represented by the eerie, liminal feeling present in vaporwave music. it may feel nostalgic but uncanny. it may be a musicgender and/or an aesthetigender too.
Vaporwavic: A wavic xenogender that is related to vaporwave.
Waterglassgender: [a gender relating to waterglasses, i.e. liquid timers]
Weedfreak: A gender where one's gender is tied to weed and being a freak! Freak is being used in a positive connotation, unless you don't want it to be.
Weirdbeing: when your gender is best described as “a weird being” - i.e. a being who is weird, inhabits a weird world, represents or is made of weirdness, etc. it may feel strange, unsettling, bizarre, inhuman, mysterious, or any adjectives one would associate with a weird being. this gender may be viewed as part of the genderabeing system.
Whiskeyburnic: a gender related to the way whiskey "burns" when it's drank.
Xenogender: A gender that isn't defined in relation to "female" or "male" (the binary genders), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender.

Pub: 29 Apr 2024 16:38 UTC
Edit: 25 Jun 2024 18:27 UTC
Views: 50