♪ Shockwave's extended identity collection ♪

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Full list of queer labels Shockwave identifies with.

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80scoric: an aesthetigender that describes oneself as encompassing the vibe of the 1980’s; the bright neon lights, the filth of the cities, the bold sense of color and dress, the unabashedly forward music, the deliberate nonconformity of the artists, and so forth….this is a gender one may use to describe a nonbinary sort of alignment, that is very intense and ever-present in other areas of one’s life; a gender that has no ‘ideal’ presentation, and that was shaped partially by neurodivergence. This may be used in conjunction with other aesthetigenders, neurogenders, or otherkind-based genders, and has no specific, singular set of pronouns attached.
90scoric: A gender related to 90score
Anemoiran: A kenochoric gender related to nostalgia for a time you’ve never lived in. For some, it can feel wistful or strange, as though you’re walking through a dream, and may have a deep sense of longing.
Aesthetigender: non-binary xenogenders that are either derived from, an embodiment of, similar to, or shares qualities of an aesthetic or other sensory experience.
Ambonec: a gender in which one is female, male, and neither, at the same time. [in my case, this is when] one’s gender is paradoxical, so one feels like they're male and female, but at the same time feels like they're neither.
Amethystian: a combination between roseian quartz and blue moonian quartz from the quartz system. It is both feminine-aligned and masculine-aligned, but it is not male-aligned or female-aligned.
Anderangi: a gender that is both androgynous and outherine
Andernova: a gender having outherine, xenic and androgynous qualities.
Androgyne: a gender identity in which a person has a gender that is a blend of both binary genders. People who are androgyne may describe this as being "between" female and male, man and woman, masculine and feminine, or simply 'in between.' They may also identify as neither feminine nor masculine, or neither female nor male.
Androgynull: a multigender where someone is part androgyne and part gendernull, or both at the same time
Anemoiran: A kenochoric gender related to nostalgia for a time you’ve never lived in. For some, it can feel wistful or strange, as though you’re walking through a dream, and may have a deep sense of longing.
Aporangi: an androgynous gender/lingender in which one is both androgynous/androgyne and aporine/aporagender
Arcadegender: an aesthetigender that is related to arcadecore and flashy colors. This includes arcade games, aesthetics, lightings, sounds, music, etc. One may feel as though their gender in of itself is an arcade, or they may feel as though their gender fits best within an arcade. They may also feel connected to the bright patterns on the carpets, the fluorescent lights in some arcades !
Bigcatgender: a gender relating to any big cat
Blackglitteric: a glittergender connected to black glitter
Bluriandrogynous: a gender in which it is so vague and blurred that one cannot figure out the specifics of it, only that it is connected to androgyny.
Boygirl: someone who identifies as both a man and a woman, or is connected to both manhood and womanhood. They may identify partially or entirely as a man and partially or entirely as a woman. They may experience these genders simultaneously or their gender can be fluid or flux. One may also identify as bigender, androgyne, or femache.
Butch: an LGBTQ+ masculine gender expression or gender identity. While many people who identify as butch use the term in reference to their gender expression, others claim it as a nonbinary identity in itself
Calypsian: a non-binary gender alignment within the galactian system that describes those who are androgynous-aligned
Candycoric: A gender related to candycore
Candyheartic: a gender related to heart-shaped candies! these can be candies of any kind, and while this gender is likely to be lovecoric and/or a lovegender, it doesn't have to be.
Catplushbutchic: A butch gender involving or represented by cats and plushes. It may feel cute, soft, small, or anything with which one would associate these things. Butch can but does not inherently mean masculine-aligned and can be used by any gender.
Catpupbondic: gender for those who identify as catgender and love the bond they create with pupgenders or vice versa
Cenelian: a term for people experiencing gay attraction to nonbinary people. It is a NLN equivalent to lesbian and veldian
Centrangi: an experience for when ones gender identity is somewhere in-between male and female genders, a gender that is centered in the middle of man and woman, or intermediary of maleness and femaleness or intermediating both masculinity and femininity.
Chainbowic: a gender connected to/represented by bright colors, heart shapes, rainbows, leopards, chains, and gender non-conformity.
Cheetdogfriendic: a gender related to or represented by the bond between dogs and cheetahs in captivity. this gender may include feelings of friendship/love, security, playfulness, and non-humanity. it may also include themes of contrast (e.g. between cat and dog or wild and domesticated) as well as the blending of those things. this may be a doggender and/or a catgender, as well as a lovegender and a kingender, but it doesn't have to be seen as any of these.
Consciloveic: a gender related to/represented by love and altered states of consciousness. if the altered states are due to substance use, it may be a druggender. if they are caused by dissociation, it may be a neurogender.
Contrandrog: a gender that is not derived from androgyny or a mix of masculinity or femininity, yet still feels androgynous in a unique way.
Cozylovic: A subset of lovelazic but sleepy and cozy rather than lazy.
Cuddlepupgender: [a gender related to dogs and cuddling]
Cursedwebic: Related to off-putting, strange, weird internet aesthetics.
Daybrainlight: a gender related to being out during a sunny day while in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. depending on one's associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
Demiandrogyne: a demigender in which one is partially, but not fully androgyne or otherwise androgynous, or slightly but not fully relates to being androgyne
Dogcupidgender: a xenogender connected to dogs, cupids, and love sickness. People who use this xenogender may feel as if their gender js a lovesick dog and some may use it purely for their hoard or aesthetic wise.
Dogbrainlight: a gender related to/described by dogs and being out during a sunny day in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. it may be associated with loyalty, protectiveness, cuteness, softness, friendliness, or any other traits associated with dogs. it can be both represented by seeing a dog outside during the day as well as BEING a dog who is outside during the day. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. (note that, even when this is a druggender, this gender does not have anything to do with giving drugs to actual animals.) depending on one’s associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
Demigender/demiboy/demigirl: an umbrella term for nonbinary gender identities that have a partial connection to a certain gender. This includes the partly female identity demigirl, and the partly male identity demiboy.
Digibelovin: A gender related to being a digital being in love! can be seen as subtypes of genderabeing (+ digibeing) and lovegender, but doesn’t have to be
Dogandrogynous: an androgynous doggender, or androgyny expressed in a doglike way. it may be associated with cuteness, friendliness, and softness as well as independence, strength, protectiveness, or any mix of traits associated with dogs that may be thought of as feminine or masculine.
Dogcoric: A gender related to dogcore
Dogfriendnestic: a xenogender related to/represented by dogs, friendship, and nesting. it may be represented by a dog making a nest with a friend. it may feel soft, loyal, cute, protective, safe, friendly, comfy, cozy, and/or any adjectives one might associate with those things. it may have sleepy qualities to it (especially if nesting is done before bedtime) and therefore be soporine. if the feelings towards one's friends includes love, it may also be a lovegender.
Dogplushbutchic: A butch gender involving or represented by dogs and plushes. It may feel cute, soft, small, or anything with which one would associate these things. Butch can but does not inherently mean masculine-aligned and can be used by any gender.
Dreamcoric: a xenogender related to dreamcore
Fruitigaeric: an aesthetigender related to and/or best represented by the Frutiger Aero aesthetic. it may feel smooth, shiny, bright, deep, or digital. it may also be related to the future and technology and the relationship between those things and gender.
Fluoritian: a combination of roseian quartz, blue moonian quartz and jasperian from the quartz system. It is feminine, masculine, and xenine aligned, but it is not female aligned or male aligned.
Furrygender: A gender identity related to (enthusiasm for) anthropomorphic mammals
Glitchcoric: A gender related to glitchcore
Glitrum: a nonbinary and glitter xenogender; where glitter is intertwined with one's gender.
Glittercoric: A gender related to glittercore
Glittergender: a xenogender related to glitter. It can also be defined as a gender that feels glittery, or as if it is glittering
Glitterheartgender: a xenogender relating to/represented by glitter and heart shapes! it may feel sparkly, shiny, decorative, happy, warm, loving, or any adjectives with which one would associate glitter or hearts.
Glowcoric: A gender related to glowcore
Goldentigergender: a gender best described by the rare golden tiger or strawberry tiger
Goldglitteric: a glittergender connected to gold glitter
Glitterbouncyballgender: a gender relating to glitter bouncy balls!
Glowstarrian: a xenogender in which one’s gender is represented by glow in the dark stars.
Gummisharkic: [a gender relating to gummi sharks]
Heartcookiegender: A xenogender connected to heart shaped cookies
Heartic: [a gender relating to hearts]
Highliminalic: a gender that can best be described as liminal or in-between in the same way that being slightly high feels like being in-between sober and fully high. while this gender expresses itself in relation to drugs, the gender(s) or the experience thereof does not have to be connected to substances. due to its in-between nature, it can be considered demigender or ambiguine. depending on the user's association with liminality, it may be kenochoric.
Kaifemagender: when your gender is feminine and masculine at the same time
Kandicoric: A gender related to kandicore
Lanum: one of the base metals from the alloy alignment system based on platinum. It represents a gender that is, to some degree, androgynous in nature. It can mean that one's gender is in between masculine and feminine, or is a combination of the two.
Lesbian: women, women-aligned (selenian), and/or feminine-aligned (artemian) individuals who experience gay attraction to women/lunarians and/or feminine individuals.
Loveandrogynous: an androgynous lovegender in which love and androgyny are linked. some examples of what this may look like: -relating to expressions/acts of love, some of which are seen as masculine and some as feminine -expressing traits society genders as masculine as well as feminine as part of expressing love -feeling like one experiences love in an androgynous way -feeling like one experiences androgyny in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love. this can refer to love of any kind.
Lovecoric: A gender related to lovecore
Lovegender: a xenogender relating to the idea of love, platonic and/or romantic relationships, crushes, and romantic/platonic feelings!! It can also be used as an aesthetigender relating to lovecore, cupidcore, or crushcore!!
Luckypupian: A subset of pupgender related to being/feeling lucky! It can be related to luck, the joy of finding a four leaf clover, and anything the user deems lucky!
Luveratix: a feminine and masculine non-binary gender, influenced by one’s neurodivergence and related to feelings of optimism, innocence, and an intense desire to feel love in all its forms.
Mesogender: a gender that is something between male and female but not distinct from both.
Meteorian: a non-binary gender alignment from the galactian system. It is a combination of xenic/spacialian, solarian, and lunarian
Milkian Quartz: an androgynous gender alignment from the quartz system, although it is not androgyne-aligned because it's not male-aligned or female-aligned. It's connection to androgyny may fluctuate but it doesn't have to.
Neoncoric: A gender related to neoncore
Nightbraindark: a gender related to/described by being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. depending on one's associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
Nostalgiacoric: A gender related to nostalgiacore
Nonpuerella: someone who is both nonpuella and nonpuer. They are not male, partially male, or male-aligned in any way and they are not female, partially female, or female-aligned in any way. However they still experience some connection to both masculinity and femininity in their gender. It can also be described as a gender that is lingender or androgynous but is not liaspec, miaspec/male-aligned, or fiaspec/female-aligned
Oddcoric: a -coric gender related to oddcore
Orchellian: someone who is attracted to those who are women, woman-aligned, woman-adjacent, etc., but are not fully binary women
Pantherabutchis: a gender that is related to big cats in a specifically butch way (especially where domestic cats are seen as their femme counterparts). this gender may feel simultaneously masculine and feminine but doesn't have to.
Partsnowleopardgender: an xenogender connected to having the ears, tail and/or other features of a snow leopard while still having a overall human body
Perstolgiakenic: a kenochoric gender related to nostalgia for time periods and/or places that one has actually lived in. this feeling is similar in some ways to nostalgia for things one did not personally experience (such as nostalgia for decades during which one did not live, or evoked by pictures that do not resemble places one has ever actually gone to). however, there are feelings evoked by nostalgia for an era in which one has lived and the types of locations one actually visited in one's past that are not evoked by "nostalgic imagery" unrelated to one's actual past, or by the concept of nostalgia in general. this gender concerns kenochoric themes of nostalgia specifically through this lens. this gender may feel personal, distant, bittersweet, melancholy, happy, innocent, longing, or any other words one may associate with nostalgia.
Pluviplushic: a gender related to old computers, plushies, and rain
Programiglitch: a gender that is described as/represented by a glitch in the program. it feels chaotic and all over the place, and while it can sometimes be masculine/feminine/etc., it is usually simply a glitch.
Proxangi: a non-binary gender that is connected to and is derived from androgyny, but is still distinct from androgyne
Pupgender: a xenogender that is puppy-like, connected to puppies, and/or described as small, lively, cute and any other quality associated with puppies. It is sometimes used as an umbrella term for dog-associated genders.
Queerplatonigender: a lovegender related to queerplatonic love and attraction. it may feel warm, happy, excited, safe, or any feelings with which one would associate queerplatonic love/relationships.
Rainbowbubblestoneric: This gender is when you relate to rainbow bubbles but also relate to being a stoner
Rainbowcoric: A gender related to rainbowcore
Scenecoric: a xenogender related to scenecore
Servalgender: a faunagender connected to servals.
Slimecoric: A gender related to slimecore
SnowleoparNOMtailgender: A gender related/connected to Snow Leopards noming on their tails.
Snowleopardgender: a gender in which the user feels in some way connected to snow leopards
Sparklecoric: a xenogender related to sparklecore
Sparklegender: an aesthetigender that feels sparkly, as if it is sparkling, or related to sparkles.
Sparklefurgender: a xenogender associated with things like sparklefurries/brightly colored animals, rainbows, and internet nostalgia.
Starcoric: A gender related to starcore
Stellian: anyone who is mspec gay
Sweetcoric: a xenogender related to sweetcore
Tangletoyic: a gender related to/represented by tangle toys. it may feel like it has the same shape as a tangle toy, that it moves in a way that feels like playing with one, or that it has the same texture as one. this gender does not have to be a neurogender, but it can be.
Vaporian: a xenogender from the Element System. It is a combination of the masculine element fervian (fire), and the feminine element eluvian (water), and is represented by the element of vapor.
Watergamic: A xenogender/xenoid related to the water games (especially the ones like a game controler) ! Thiz gender also goes for childhood , all types of water games and Game controles!!
Webcoric: a -coric identity; a gender connected to the webcore aesthetic.
Webgender: A gender where u are the web
Weirdcoric: a -coric gender related to weirdcore
Weirdpupian: [a gender related to weirdcore and dogs]

Pub: 29 Feb 2024 13:33 UTC
Edit: 08 Jul 2024 15:12 UTC
Views: 76