♪ Silent Hedges Sidesystem's identity collection ♪ ⚰️(he/they/it/x)⚰️

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♪ Kin ♪

☆ corpses
☆ ghosts
☆ Silent Hedges (Bauhaus song)
☆ void

♪ Names ♪

☆ Brian
☆ Silent Hedges

♪ Plurids ♪

1980splurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to the 1980s, or identify with the 1980s in a way that affects the system collectively.
Addictplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as an addict, even if not all the individual members do.
Deathplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to death, or identify with death in a way that affects the system collectively.
Eldritchplurid: A plurid in which the eldritch affects the system's collective identity, or in a way with which the system collectively identify.
Filthplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as filthy, or where the concept of filth collectively affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
Freakplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a freak, even if not all individual system members do.
Gothplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as goth, even if not all the individual members do.
Grossplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as gross, or where the concept of grossness collectively affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
Horrorplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving the horror genre, or where horror affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
Humanplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as human, even if not all individual members do.
Insaneplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as insane, even if not all individual system members do.
Kinkplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as kinky, even if not all the individual members do.
Nonfandomplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively view themselves as non-participant in fandom or do not collectively identify with fandom/as "a fandom person", even if some system members do identify with fandom.
Voidplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving the void and/or in which the void affects the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
Writerplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a writer, even if not all members of the system individually write.
Xenogayplurid: A plurid in which being gay/gayness/gay identity/etc. affect the rest of a system's identity in a collective way, outside of just identifying as gay.

♪ Queer ♪

Agender Masc: Having a lack of gender/genderless, but feeling masculine spikes, presenting as masculine, or feeling a moderate-strong connection with masculinity.
Agender: without gender
Asexual: a sexual orientation defined by a lack of sexual attraction
Gay man: men with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to other men
Gothgender: [a gender where] your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity

♪ System ♪

1980sbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by the 1980s.
Addictionbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though addiction affects the way their system works, without automatically saying anything about the system’s origin.
Corpsebased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by corpses.
Gaymanbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though gay male identity/being a gay man affects how the system works
Kinkbased: a system whose functions, headspace, system members, etc. are affected by kink.
Musicabased: a system that is based on music.
Traumabased: a system that is based in trauma. This does not always mean DID/OSDD etc (but it could), and it doesn't mean only childhood trauma. It can affect structure or members. This means that trauma has affected the way the system exists, but it isn’t necessarily an ‘origin’
Voidbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though the void affects their system's functioning/headmates/headspace/etc.

♪ Vesility ♪

Gothvesil: A vesil term for when goth - music, aesthetic, subculture, etc. - affects many or all parts of one's identity.
Kinkvesil: when kink may influence all or many aspects of one’s identity, it may define one’s identity, it may be one’s entire identity itself, alongside many other things. it may be literal, metaphorical, etc.
Leathervesil: A vesility term for when leather affects many or all aspects of one's identity.

Pub: 05 Mar 2024 01:29 UTC
Edit: 09 Dec 2024 20:32 UTC
Views: 143