♪ Stigmata's extended identity collection ♪

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Full list of queer labels Stigmata identifies with.

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Achillean/MLM: a man or man-aligned individual who is attracted to other men and man-aligned people.
Aetherine: a non-xenine umbrella term that encompasses all things related to the otherworldly/ethereal. It is usually centered around the idea of otherworldly ideas/concepts/things and/or connection to concepts/ideas/things from other planets, whether fictional or real, but not always.
Alienextranic: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to aliens, which only alien extranths (nonhuman system members) can experience! this gender is exclusive to alien extranths!
Alienfreak: a gender connected to being an alien and a freak ; an alien freakgender freak in this instance is NOT used in a negative way unless otherwise is specified by the user of the term
Aliengender: when one's interpretation of gender / their gender(s) feels as though it's from a nonhuman perspective. One may or may not adopt a gender or attempt to fit into a gender but it feels like it's in an "alien trying out foreign species’ gender" sort of way.
Alieveldic: a neutral-in-nature gender that is connected to/represented by aliens, gender non-conformity, and being a gay man, like an alien navigating human gender on Earth and translating their identity into Earth terms as “GNC veldian”.
Androgynous: the act of simultaneously having or showing qualities that are associated with both femininity and masculinity
Aroalloconnec: an identity in which one feels connected with the aroallo/alloaro/aromantic allosexual label, but does not identify as such
♪ ♪ ♪ This is due to them not being allosexual but them having interest in kink without romantic feelings or a relationship associated with it, similar to how many aroallos may feel about sex.
Astraean: A Galactian Alignment for someone who is neutrois-aligned.
Auto-spec: people who elicit attraction from themselves, by themselves
Beltzaain: a xenogender related to the color black. can be related to the night, the moon, space, technology, darkness, etc.
Boötiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both boötian and astraean - i.e. both agender-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned.
Calypsiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both calypsian and astraean - i.e. both androgynous-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned. This could mean "androgynous neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Cannabgender: A gender related to the feeling of being high, the scent of weed, and feeling blissful. Has an aura of being relaxed and nice vibes.
Cenelian: a term for people experiencing gay attraction to nonbinary people
Citynightaesic: a (xeno)gender aesthetically related to bright cityscapes at night
Clematian: A term for androgyne-loving-androgyne, exclusively or not. It is named after the clematis flower, which is purple in color (a mix of pink and blue, traditionally feminine and masculine colors).
Coldnightic: a gender related to flickering streetlights, the rousing quality of crisp night air, and wind flowing in one's hair.
Cosmigothlavenic: an agender-in-nature xenogender connected to/represented by outer space and feeling like one comes from space, altered states of consciousness, goth music and aesthetics, smoke, the color purple, and being a lavenian (a GNC gay man).
Cosmilavenic: a gender related to outer space and being a lavenian (GNC gay man). it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be. its relationship to outer space may extend to aliens if one wishes.
Cosmiveldic: a gender related to outer space and being a veldian. it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender. its relationship to outer space may extend to aliens if one wishes.
Daemofurvus: a masc leaning gender connected to demons and the color black specifically
Daimastignisgender: A gender tied to fire, being a demon, and being a system protector.
Daimogender: when you feel your gender is closely related to demons or the supernatural. this is not exclusively for demonkin, though if anyone uses it, the coiner would like them to be involved in supernatural things.
Darkmonestic: a term connected to being a shadow demon, darkness and the dark, shadows, forests, and having glowing white eyes. This term can be used as a gender, but doesn't have to be.
Daroric: a gender alignment that is completely separate from male, female, or neutral, and is instead connected to darkness or shadows.
Daybrainlight: a gender related to being out during a sunny day while in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. depending on one's associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
Demoncoric: A gender related to Demoncore
Demonfreak: a gender in the genderfreak system where one is/feels like a freak due to demons, that one's freakishness is related to demons, and/or that one's gender is connected to freaks and demons.
Demongender: An exclusive neurogender that is connected with anything demonic
Demonian: a slightly LIN gender related to demons, candles, and death
Demoniveldic: a gender relating to being a demon/demonic and a veldian.
Demonstar: a gender under the genderstar system, a gender related to demons and stars, demons adorned with stars, being a demon of the stars, etc.
Demonvamp: a gendervamp subset connected to feeling like a demon vampire , vampiric demon , a demon that likes vampires , a vampire that likes demons , or demon and vampiric aesthetics
Demonvoidmasc: A gender influenced by being a demon and/or being voidgender, with a connection to masculinity. can also be used by people who have a connection to demons or the void. The amount of masculinity is irrelevant, as long as the connection is there.
Demonward: A gender under the genderward system that protects you from demons, is protective and connected to demons, and/or is protective in an demonic way. it can be connected to magic, spirituality, and religion, but it's not always.
Discomfic: a gender associated with, related to, or represented by discomfort. having this gender is not necessarily a negative experience, as it may relate to trying to become more comfortable with discomfort (since such is a part of life). it may also be related to things that others find discomforting but that the user relates to and/or enjoys.
Dominagender: a gender related to being dominant, dominant things, and dominance-related roles (ex: master)
Drogegender: An umbrella term for genders related to drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, etc.
Droxaceveldic: a droxinine gender related to being an asexual veldian, where the neutral component is informed by asexuality and the masculine part is informed by being a veldian.
Droxinine: a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral, but is its own thing, similar to how androgynous is a combination of masculine and feminine, but still distinct
Droxiveldic: a gender related to being a droxinine veldian - that is, a gay man with a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral.
Egospiritine: a spiritine egogender related to the fact that one has a unique and deeply personal spiritual practice that one feels is an extension of oneself, and therefore a part of one’s identity/self manifesting as gender.
Epicene: that which exhibits characteristics of both [male and female] yet is neither
Galaxygender: a xenogender/neurogender where some feels connected to stars, planets, moons, black holes, milky ways and anything that is part of a galaxy.
Gastrokinkic: a xenogender related to kink and food. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. food kink, involving kink in food), or they can be more separate.
Genderspace: a xenogender which is influenced by or related to space. It is also an umbrella term for any genders that are influenced by or related to different parts of space.
GNC: different from society's conventional binary expectations of masculine or feminine presentation.
Gothgender: [a gender where] your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity
Gothleatherkinkic: a xenogender related to kink, leather, and goth music. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. having a kink for the other aspects of the gender, or leather as emblematic of both kink and goth), or they can be more separate.
Hesperian: A Galactian Alignment for someone who is neutral-aligned.
Holivoidic: a luxine gender whose luxinity is kenous due to the user finding the Void to be holy, and therefore themes of emptiness, the unknown, outer space, etc. are within the luxine concept of "holy" for how the user defines that word. this gender may have any other luxine qualities to it, but especially vastness (as this overlaps with kenous as well as void-like qualities).
Industretallic: a gender related to or best represented by industrial metal. it may feel powerful, forceful, energized, harsh, musical, angry, aggressive, or anything else with which one would associate industrial metal.
Kenochoric: an umbrella term centered around liminality, loneliness, nostalgia, distortion, darkness, nonhumanity, fogginess, disconnect, and similar/related concepts
Kenogorvampic: a kenochoric gender related to vampires, vampire aesthetics, nighttime, darkness, other worlds, and gore
Kenokinkic: a kenic gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink.
Kenoloveic: a kenic lovegender in which love and kenosity/kenochoric-ness are linked.
Kenoveldic: a gender relating to being kenochoric and a veldian.
Kenyctylvia: a kenochoric gender related to dark forests at night
Kinkgender: a gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink.
Kinkloveic: a kinkgender related to love!
Neutric: an neutrois individual who is attracted to other neutrois individuals.
Lavenian: a turian (gay man or non-binary person) who is gender non-confoming
Leatherkinkic: a xenogender related to leather and kink. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. leather kink, items made of leather being used in kink), or they can be more separate.
Lepidan: A term for gay androgynes, like how lesbian is a term for gay women. It is named after the lepidolite gemstone, which is purple in color (a mix of pink and blue, traditionally feminine and masculine colors).
Lovesubaftercaren: A gender related to giving your sub praise, love, and aftercare.
Mascdemon: a gender under the genderdemon system which is related to demons and being masc(uline), being a masc(uline) demon, etc
Mascstoneric: A masculine/MIN gender related to smoking weed, getting high, being high, smoke, brownies, edibles, any dusty and/or greyed out shades of blue, green, and purple, and shades of light gray
Masculine: having or showing qualities associated with masculinity- a set of behaviors, presentations, and roles which were/are typically culturally associated with being a man
Masokinkic: a kinkic gender related to masochism kink.
Moatzic: A term for musicgender individuals who love other musicgender individuals, exclusively or not.
Morningstarlexic: a gender related to the word 'morning star'
Musicagender: an audiogender that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or even song.
Musicdemongender: A xenogender where one is a singing demon in hell
Musikinkic: a xenogender related to kink and music. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. involving music in kink, songs about kink), or they can be more separate.
Neutrangi: a non-binary gender in-between androgyne and gender neutral
Neutric: an neutrois individual who is attracted to other neutrois individuals.
Neutrois: In which one's gender is neutral or null.
Nightbraindark: a gender related to/described by being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. depending on one's associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
Noxian: a xenic alignment to darkness or night
Nuumian: a neutrois individual who is attracted to other neutrois individuals. This attraction is exclusive [but the word is being used in an mspec gay way]
Objectum: the attraction to inanimate objects
♪ ♪ ♪ Attracted to instruments and knives
Objectumgender: A gender related to being objectum!
Oriented aroace: an aromantic asexual (aroace) individual who experiences a form of tertiary attraction, that they feel is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aroace orientation.
Outnightic: a gender related to and/or best represented by being outside at night and that can be described as biting, nocturnal, and evil.
Pellic: A term for someone who prefers non-sexual kink acts to sex.
Phoebiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both phoebian and astraean - i.e. masculine-aligned and neutrois-aligned. This could be the same as "masculine-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Plurillean: a member of a system who is attracted to other members of their own system. This doesn’t have to be exclusive, and they can love both system members, and non-system members.
Pospearic: A SPIN (soporine-in-nature) kenochord related to heavy drowsiness from waking up and/or staying up late in the middle of the night, while experiencing something that causes intense fear, anxiety, or dread.
Praisekinkic: A gender related to the Praise Kink
Protectidemonaffectis: An alteraffectis term for a demon feeling protective, or protectiveness expressed as a demon or felt in a demonic way.
Proxangi: a non-binary gender that is connected to and is derived from androgyny, but is still distinct from androgyne
Proxvir: A gender that is strongly connected to masculinity, but in a different way to how men are connected to masculinity.
Publumooshinic: a gender related to purples and blues and the moon shining down on you in the middle of the night.
Queerplatonic: [a relationship that] may involve a greater degree of intimacy or commitment than a platonic friendship, but does not always include sexual or romantic elements
Queerplatonigender: a lovegender related to queerplatonic love and attraction. it may feel warm, happy, excited, safe, or any feelings with which one would associate queerplatonic love/relationships.
Queerplatonisubstic: a xenogender related to queerplatonic feelings and substances (namely anything that would be considered "drugs"). the themes could be combined (e.g. taking substances with a queerplatonic partner) but do not have to be.
Sanguivampyr: A xenogender that feels connected to the concept of vampires, characterized by an intense longing for blood, a sense of darkness and mystery, and an affinity for the night. Sanguivampyrs may identify with the power and allure of vampires, as well as their association with death and transformation.
Sataniachaosic: A xenogender related to the connection with Satan and Chaos, or however you want to interpret it.
Sinneridic: A label for when being a ''sinner'' influences ones gender so much that it becomes their entire identity, connecting to gender, species, identity etc
Smokcontentic: a gender related to/represented by smoke, contentment, vanilla, spice, and lavender. it may feel hazy, calm, fragrant, or heavy. if the smoke comes from a psychoactive substance, it may be a druggender, but it doesn't have to be.
Smokerish: A gender that is, itself, a smoker
Solarian: man-aligned and/or masculine-aligned
Somniloveic: a soporine lovegender related to sleep and dreams. it may be related to or represented by dreams about love, falling asleep next to someone you love, the feeling of knowing you’re safe sleeping in the presence of someone you love. it may feel deep, dark, comforting, warm, or any adjectives with which one would associate sleep and/or love.
Soporiveldic: a soporine gender related to sleep and being a veldian. it may feel heavy, peaceful, dark, or any other words one may associate with sleep. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
Spaceperson: a gender-neutral equivalent of “spaceman”. being a spaceperson could involve feelings of being a person from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a person made of space matter, a person associated with or defined by space, etc.
Spacialastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and astraean - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned. This could mean "xenic-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
Spiritnightic: a masculine- and neutral-in-nature gender that feels theatrical, strong, overwhelming, dark, nocturnal, and musical. it may be expressed through gothic aesthetics and feel like a performance. it is inspired by the song "Spirit" by Bauhaus, so it may be considered a musicgender.
Stardustian: a gender that feels as if it is made of stardust and in turn, makes you yourself feel as if you are made of stardust.
Starrynightian: a gender relating to ( bright ) starry nights
Starspillnessic: a gender connected to being sick and coughing up stars, in a sense that stars are spilling from your lips
Stellarian: a non-binary gender from the galactian alignment system describing someone who is unaligned, or neutral aligned.
Substakinkic: a xenogender related to kink and substances. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. intox kink), or they can be more separate.
Substancegender: A gender related to substances - mostly intended to refer to things that would be considered "drugs", but inclusive of any kind of substance.
Toric: a diamoric orientation that refers to non-binary individuals who are attracted to men
Traumatix: A label for genders that are caused by, related to, and/or affected by trauma.
Vampgender: a mythologender related to vampires
Vegaionic: A gender that feels like smoking a cigarette on a cold evening, visiting a shabby club and feeling dissociated, and the mysticism of the night.
Veldian: men with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to other men
♪ ♪ ♪ Preferred due to its name not mentioning the term's user's gender.
Veldigender: [a gender related to being a veldian/gay man]
Veldiloveic: a gender related to love and being a veldian. it may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender, as well as concepts of (queer) masculinity performed in relationships, or (queer) masculine expressions of love. the love involved in this gender can be of any variety, which naturally includes love felt as part of veldian attraction.
Whiskeyburnic: a gender related to the way whiskey "burns" when it's drank.
Wollsic: A term for gothgender individuals who love other gothgender individuals, exclusively or not.
Xenogender: A gender that isn't defined in relation to "female" or "male" (the binary genders), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender.
Xyric: a diamoric orientation for xenic individuals who are attracted (exclusively or not) to other xenic individuals.

Pub: 05 Apr 2024 17:58 UTC
Edit: 08 Jul 2024 13:58 UTC
Views: 80