♪ Venn's extended queer identity collection ♪
Full list of queer labels Venn identifies with.
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☆ Addictoldic: a gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include: -feeling your role as an addiction holder in a gendered way -relating to gendered archetypes or depictions of addiction as part of your system role -having a xenogender related to the subject of the addiction -feeling as though a certain gender is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder) this is both a systerm and a gender. by definition, it cannot be used by singlets.
☆ Addictoldicmasc(uline): a masculine gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include: -feeling your role as an addiction holder in a masculine way -relating to masculine archetypes or depictions of addiction as part of your system role -having a masculine xenogender related to the subject of the addiction -feeling as though a masculinity is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder) this is both a systerm and a gender. by definition, it cannot be used by singlets.
☆ Aetherine: a non-xenine umbrella term that encompasses all things related to the otherworldly/ethereal. It is usually centered around the idea of otherworldly ideas/concepts/things and/or connection to concepts/ideas/things from other planets, whether fictional or real, but not always.
☆ Agereplushic: a gender connected to age regression/age dreaming, plushies, soft things, cuddles, and feels small, soft and young
☆ Alcoholpathetic: a genderpathetic subterm; a gender connected to alcohol and patheticness, etc.
☆ Aliastraffectis: An alteraffectis term for the way an alien feels about outer space, or vice versa.
☆ Alienextranic: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to aliens, which only alien extranths (nonhuman system members) can experience! this gender is exclusive to alien extranths!
☆ Alienfreak: a gender connected to being an alien and a freak ; an alien freakgender freak in this instance is NOT used in a negative way unless otherwise is specified by the user of the term
☆ Aliengender: when one's interpretation of gender / their gender(s) feels as though it's from a nonhuman perspective. One may or may not adopt a gender or attempt to fit into a gender but it feels like it's in an "alien trying out foreign species’ gender" sort of way.
☆ Alienplushic: a gender related to (cute) alien plushies
☆ Alienstar: a gender under the genderstar system in which ones gender is related to aliens and stars, being an alien and a star, an alien decorated in stars, etc.
☆ Alienstargender: A xenogender about aliens and stars
☆ Alienstoneric: This gender is when you relate to aliens or is obsessed with aliens but also relate to being a stoner
☆ Alieveldic: a neutral-in-nature gender that is connected to/represented by aliens, gender non-conformity, and being a gay man, like an alien navigating human gender on Earth and translating their identity into Earth terms as “GNC veldian”.
☆ Alihumaffectis: An alteraffectis term for the way an alien feels about a human, or vice versa.
☆ Alislimestargender: a gender relating to green slime, aliens and stars. Can also relate to aliens made of green slime with stars inside or green slime with star and alien charms.
☆ Androgynous: the act of simultaneously having or showing qualities that are associated with both femininity and masculinity
☆ Androstarboyic: a gender relating to being androgynous/genderless, stars/space, and being a boy
☆ Androx: a non-binary gender in between male and androgyne
☆ Angeroldic: A pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
☆ Angled Aroace: a individual that is both ace-spec and aro-spec (though not necessarily strictly aromantic and asexual) who experiences some form of attraction that they feel is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aro-spec and ace-spec identities.
☆ Artehelian: anyone who is both Feminine-aligned and Man, Boy, or Guy - Aligned
☆ Astraglittric: a gender connected to/represented by glitter, music, the colors blue and orange, outer space, gender non-conformity, and aliens/being an alien. it may feel shiny, exciting, bright, spacey, distant, or any other adjectives one may associate with these things.
☆ Astroscenic: a gender that is related to space, neon colors, and scene aesthetic! or, a gender that feels like space and being a scene kid!
☆ Astrogreenetcuddlic: A gender related to stars, green, blankets, and cuddling!
☆ Astrumgender: a xenogender that is connected to stars and/or constellations. An astrumgender individual may feel like their gender is like lights in a void, or that a light is bursting from within them.
☆ Autislut: A gender related to having autism and being a slut
☆ Avocaplushic: a gender related to avocado plushies.
☆ Avoidantfreak/AvPDfreak: a term that ones gender related to having AvPD and being a freak and/or being a freak with AvPD
☆ Badplushic: a gender related to, influenced by, or otherwise connected to plushies/soft things of "bad" animals ⊹ this includes, but is not limited to: rats, mice, and opossums
☆ Biolumistarric: [a gender relating to bioluminescence and stars]
☆ Boyloser: [when you're a boy and a loser]
☆ Boywreck: when you’re a boy and you’re a wreck. this may be construed as the opposite and masculine version of the term “girlboss”. this gender may feel chaotic, disastrous, disorganized, tired, and/or other words one would associate with this experience. it may also be related to archetypically/stereotypically masculine expressions of frustration, exhaustion, and/or dysfunction. this gender is not intended to encourage people to overly-identify with negative emotions/experiences but rather describe how they feel gender with regards to those things.
☆ Breadplushic: a gender connected to bread / toast plushies
☆ Cadalgender: a gender connected to or related to deep sleep, galaxy aesthetics, and soft blankets.
☆ Casomnic: A gender relating to lavender, feeling sleepy and comfortable, and the colour purple.
☆ Candyheartic: a gender related to heart-shaped candies! these can be candies of any kind, and while this gender is likely to be lovecoric and/or a lovegender, it doesn't have to be.
☆ Candygender: a xenogender and an aesthetigender that relates to candy in some way, whether that be through literal or metaphorical means
☆ Cannabgender: A gender related to the feeling of being high, the scent of weed, and feeling blissful. Has an aura of being relaxed and nice vibes.
☆ Cakegender: [a gender relating to cake]
☆ Cenelian: a term for people experiencing gay attraction to nonbinary people
☆ Cenetoric: Experiencing your toric attraction in a cenelian way. Being toric under a cenelian lens. You're cenelian for men. A cenelian nblm, a cenelian toric.
☆ Cherrybalmic: [a gender relating to cherry lip balm]
☆ Cherrydreamic: a gender related to stars, sleep, dreams, being snuggled up in bed, sleepiness, cherries and cherry flavours.
☆ Cherrygender: a xenogender and gastrogender connected to cherries or is a cherry. it may feel red, sweet, and lukewarm.
☆ Cherryvanillagender: A xenogender connected to cherry vanillia flavouring. This gender feels sweet.
☆ Chromastellavenic: a neutral-in-nature gender connected to/represented by stars, rainbows, glitter, and being a lavenian (a GNC gay man). it may feel shiny, colorful, bright, glowy, or any adjectives one may associate with those things. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Chococupflavic: [a gender relating to the flavor of chocolate cupcakes]
☆ Chocolatecookiesharic: A xenogender related whit chocolate cookies, cookies, chocolate, Chocolate chips and the sweet things
☆ Cigashic: A gender related to cigarette ash
☆ Cigbuttic: A gender related to cigarette butts
☆ Cinnawhiskeyic: A drogegender (related to cinnamon whiskey or Fireball, whether it be the appearance of the bottle, the taste of the drink, the concept of cinnamon whiskey, whatever!
☆ Colorfulneonic: xenogender connected to any neon-colorful things! It can also connected to lava-lamps, hyperactivity and the cities at night!
☆ Confetticakeic: A gender connected to the taste, aesthetic, or just general look of confetti cake. It may also be related to birthdays, childhood, and birthday cakes.
☆ Cosmilavenic: a gender related to outer space and being a lavenian (GNC gay man). it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be. its relationship to outer space may extend to aliens if one wishes.
☆ Cosmiveldic: a gender related to outer space and being a veldian. it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender. its relationship to outer space may extend to aliens if one wishes.
☆ Cowplushic: a gender relating to soft cow plushies, or other plush farm animals!
☆ Cupcake graysexual: fem graysexual
☆ Cygnian: mspec cenelian
☆ Demiboy: a gender identity in which one's gender is partially male, and partially another gender(s)
☆ Demiboyflux: A gender that changes on different levels of demiboy Example: going from a demiboy to paraboy to magiboy to nanoboy to libraboy to agender
☆ Dinotarius: A gender thats in someway associated with mushrooms dinos and space all at the same time this can be felt like any other gender or could be because of comfort or hyperfixations but are not limited to these and can be felt in other ways as well
☆ Dinoplushiboy: a gender where one relates to dino plushies and being a boy
☆ Dinoplushgender: an objectgender and aesthetigender best described by its relation to dinosaur plushes
☆ Dinoplushregressic: a gender connected to dinosaurs, plushies, dino plushies, and age regressing / age dreaming. This gender may feel young, soft, fuzzy and small but doesn't have to.
☆ Dragon: androgynous presenting gay man
☆ Drogegender: An umbrella term for genders related to drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, etc.
☆ Droxinine: a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral, but is its own thing, similar to how androgynous is a combination of masculine and feminine, but still distinct
☆ Droxiveldic: a gender related to being a droxinine veldian - that is, a gay man with a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral.
☆ Dollkinknamic: A gender connected to the petname Doll used in kink. It is connected to calling someone (a) Doll, or being called (a) Doll during sex.
☆ Epicene: that which exhibits characteristics of both [male and female] yet is neither
☆ Fairilimushica: A gender related to the thought, aesthetic, look or feel of a mushroom with fairy lights wrapped around it
☆ Femanonix: A gender that feels slightly connected to masculinity / neutrality or being masculine / non-binary , but likes to present femininely
☆ Femboy: a gender expression where a man presents in a more feminine or otherwise “soft” way
☆ Feminine: a set of behaviors, presentations, and roles which were/are typically culturally associated with being a woman
☆ Femme: a person of queer gender expression that embraces, reclaims, or subverts their culture's understanding of what it means to be feminine
☆ Femmeian: a gender thats literally just..femme !
☆ Fidgetcubic: a gender related to fidget cubes
☆ Frogplushic: a gender related to frog stuffies / plushies.
☆ Fullashtric: A gender related to full ashtrays
☆ Funfetticakegender: When your gender is soft, fluffy and sweet as well as bright, colorful and rainbow. Just like funfetti cake!
☆ Fungusgender: [a gender relating to fungi]
☆ Galactiblastic: a gender that is neon, alien, and feels like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick. it tastes like mint and olive, and it feels intense, burning, bitter and salty. it is a strange cacophony that messes with one’s brain.
☆ Galasterios: a gender related to 〜 coziness ,, stars && space .. examples of this could be a gender which feels cozy && reminiscent of the stars && space .. a gender which is tied to space && the stars being cozy to someone ,, or being something that brings comfort to them.
☆ Galaxygender: a xenogender/neurogender where some feels connected to stars, planets, moons, black holes, milky ways and anything that is part of a galaxy.
☆ GenderJoynt: A subset of Weedgender related to or influenced by the euphoria, relief, and overall good vibes that can come from using weed or other THC products.
☆ Genderspace: a xenogender which is influenced by or related to space. It is also an umbrella term for any genders that are influenced by or related to different parts of space.
☆ Glitterrainbowic: [a gender related to glittery rainbows]
☆ Glowystaric: a gender related to colorful glowing neon stars !! can range between one star or many stars, just whatever the user feels like !!
☆ Greengender: a gender connected to the color green
☆ Greenglowstaric: a gender related to stars, specifically glowing ones, the color green, and glowing green stuff!!!
☆ Greenspacecherritrum: a neutral xenogender gender related to or represented by outer space, the color green, and cherries! it may be vast, lively, sour, or any adjectives with which one would associate any of those things.
☆ Greenstoneric: This gender is when you relate to the color green or being obsessed with the color green but also relate to being a stoner
☆ Greyrose: a person that is both greyromantic and greyasexual
☆ Greysexual: an asexual identity characterized as being "in between" asexual and allosexual
☆ Grossboy: A neuro gender related to being a boy / masc and gross or a boy thats gross
☆ Guyslut: A gender related to being a boy/guy/man and a slut
☆ Heartcookiegender: A xenogender connected to heart shaped cookies!
☆ Honeylavendix: [a gender relating to honey and lavender]
☆ Homocannixual: Homocannixual is an orientation where someone experiences cannixual attraction to the same and/or similar genders. [cannixual is] A form of attraction characterized by sexuality and cannibalistic urges , this could include but not limited to wanting to cannibalize or be cannibalized by someone one may have sexual relations with etc .
☆ Howlitic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for xenogender people who are attracted to agender people. That is, xenogender-loving-agender.
☆ Inficomfort: an infivan related to taking comfort in one's insignificance and smallness in comparison to the universe
☆ Infinitycubic: a gender related to the fidget tool/toy called the "infinity cube", it can also be related to fidgeting
☆ Inhasmokiniac: a gender related to inhaling smoke!
☆ Introtivigender: a gender that may be directly linked to the fact that you're an introject
☆ Iridaplushic: a gender related to plushies that have rainbow coloring somewhere on them, or comfort coming from said plushies
☆ Jamcookiegender: a gender connected to jam cookies in some way, whether thats in the look and aesthetic of jam cookies, the feeling you get while eating one etc
☆ Kandicoric: A gender relating to the aesthetics of Kandi! // it's a bright and colorful gender that can have many elaborate and unique things about it!
☆ Kiddieopossumic: a gender connected to opossums and kidcore aesthetics
☆ Kiddieratgender: a gender connected to rats and kidcore aesthetics it may feel small, cute and colorful
☆ Kinkgender: a gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include: having a xenogender that is connected to the thing for which you have a kink -feeling more like a particular gender while doing kink -feeling the traits associated with your role in kink in a gendered way (like how men would feel masculine traits).
☆ Kinkubusic: a gender related to kink and concubi/succubi/incubi! this can involve being a succubus/incubus/concubus who prefers kinky sex to vanilla sex, being one that feeds off of kink instead of sex, or just being one that engages in kink to any extent. this can also involve being someone who engages in kink with a concubus or has a kink for them. this can be a kingender or otherwise be related to being non-human, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Konpeitocoric: a Xenogender and subset of Candyic, related to the Japanese candy Konpeitō. This is described as you relate to the looks of the star shaped candies, or relate to pastel stars of any kind, or have a connection to such that interferes with your gender.
☆ Kyufrogender: A gender related or connected to plush frogs, crystals, and pastel colors.
☆ Lapisfem: a gender modality for system members who are transfem in a transmasc body
☆ Lavalampic: xenogender related to lava lamps and neon colors
☆ Lavenderaesic: A gender related to lavender (flower) aesthetics
☆ Lavendercosmic: A gender related to the colour lavender and space, stars, space dust, galaxies, planets and the cosmos
☆ Lavenderscentic: [a gender relating to the scent of lavender]
☆ Lavengender: a xenogender, or more specifically a floragender, related to lavender. It is a bit more specific than lavenderiae, because this gender feels very calm and smoothing like the feeling of smelling lavender.
☆ Lavenian: a turian (gay man or non-binary person) who is gender non-confoming
☆ Lavenskystellic: A gender related to lavender colored starry skies
☆ Lavenstarric: A gender connected to the color lavender && stars ; this can be connected to lavender-colored stars , the aesthetic of both lavender && stars , etc .
☆ Lavrosmokic: a gender related to/represented by lavender, rose, mint, and smoke. it may be fragrant, thick, smokey, refreshing, calming, floral, or any other adjectives one may associate with those things. if the smoke is coming from the consumption of a psychoactive substance, this may be a druggender.
☆ Linistornia: A gender related to the stars, astronomy, and the scents of lime and vanilla.
☆ Mage: man/masc enby whose masculinity is typically fem
☆ Mascstoneric: A masculine/MIN gender related to smoking weed, getting high, being high, smoke, brownies, edibles, any dusty and/or greyed out shades of blue, green, and purple, and shades of light gray
☆ Masokinkic: a kinkic gender related to masochism kink.
☆ Meerkataniplushic: a gender that has a strong connection with looking at meerkats at the zoo and finding meerkat plushies or key-rings in the gift shop. it may also be related to having meerkats as your favourite animal.
☆ Mushmelodic: a gender related to music generated from the electrical signals of mushrooms
☆ Mushroomdecorated: a gender under the genderdecorated system related to your gender feeling as if it is decorated with Mushrooms, related to Mushrooms decorations and/or related to your gender being decorated in Mushroomgenders
☆ Mushroomgender: a xenogender described by a strong connection to mushrooms
☆ Mycolumic: a gender relating to or represented by bioluminescent mushrooms. it may feel glowy, small, alive, natural, or any other words one may associate with them.
☆ Neonstargender: this gender feels pastel and glowey!
☆ Neucosmicherribowic: a neutral-in-nature gender relating to outer space, cherries, tea, and rainbows. it may feel bright, warm, tart, empty, vast, starry, colorful, flavorful, or anything else with which one would associate these things.
☆ Neutric: an neutrois individual who is attracted to other neutrois individuals.
☆ Neutrois: a non-binary gender identity described as being a neutral or null gender
☆ Nocmotrellic: a xenogender related to plushies, burying your face into pillows, hanging star lights, and projector nightlights that project stars
☆ Objectum: the attraction to inanimate objects
♪ ♪ ♪ Emotionally/romantically attracted to plants
☆ Opossumplushic: a xenogender that is connected strongly with opossum plushies
☆ Otter: a hairy slim or small-framed man
☆ Ownedynamen: A dynamen gender related to the Owned dynamic role.
☆ Ownerdynamen: A dynamen gender related to the Owner dynamic role.
☆ PastelBoyish: PastelBoyish is a gender that is a pastel boy, however each individual defines that. It’s related to and likes and/or wears pastels, pastel clothes, oversized hoodies, pastelcore, pinkcore, purplecore, lilac and lavender colored things and flowers, fluffy stuffed animals, and comfortable beanies.
☆ Pastelgender: a gender relating to light, pastel colors
☆ Pathetiboyfreak: a gender connected to being boyish / a boy , a freak && pathetic
☆ Petplayic: a gender related to the petplay kink in some way.
☆ Phoenix: fem presenting gay man
☆ Pinkpupplushic: a gender that is connected to pink puppy plushies! A gender that is small, cute, and soft.
☆ Plurautonic: attraction that between members of the same system that feels auto-spec as a result of them sharing the same body.
☆ Plurillean: a member of a system who is attracted to other members of their own system. This doesn’t have to be exclusive, and they can love both system members, and non-system members.
☆ Plushbedcomfic: based on finding comfort in a bed covered in soft plushies
☆ Plushgender: a gender that feels related to a stuffed animal
☆ Plushnostalgia: a gender connected to or influenced by the aesthetic and nostalgia for vintage stuffed animals.
☆ Plushsleepyic: a gender related to cutesy sleepyness and plushies
☆ Praisekinkic: A gender related to the Praise Kink
☆ Prettycorpse: a gender that's under the gendercorpse system that means being a corpse & pretty/being a corpse that is pretty
☆ Proxvir: a gender identity that is strongly connected to masculinity, in a way that is different from how men may be connected to masculinity
☆ Pupdynamen: A dynamen gender related to the Pup / Puppy dynamic role.
☆ Pupplayic: a gender related to the pupplay kink in some way.
☆ Pupplush: A xenogender in which someone feels connected with dog plushies
☆ Puppypet: a gender under the genderpet system in which one has qualities of both being a puppy and a pet, or a pet that has puppy-like qualities ; a puppypet
☆ Queerplatonic: [a relationship that] may involve a greater degree of intimacy or commitment than a platonic friendship, but does not always include sexual or romantic elements
☆ Rainbowcakegender: a gender that connects / relates to rainbow cakes !! this can also be connected to rainbows, cakes / cupcakes, parties & happiness but it doesn’t have to !!
☆ Rainbowcoric: A xenogender related to rainbowcore
☆ Rainbowgender: a colorgender identity in which one's gender is related and correlated to the rainbow and/or the colors of the rainbow.
☆ Rainbowhigh: related to rainbows and being high, being a rainbow and high, rainbows being high, or whatever you think fits best !
☆ Rainbowputtyic: A xenogender relating to glitter rainbow putty. This gender may feel shiny and stretchy but, can also mix into something completely diffrent.
☆ Rainbowstar: a gender under the genderstar system where ones gender is related to rainbows and stars , rainbows with stars on them , being a star of rainbows , etc . . .
☆ Rainbowstoneric: This gender is when you relate to rainbows or being obsessed with rainbows but also relate to being a stoner
☆ Rainbowweedfreak: A gender where one's gender is tied to rainbows, weed and being a freak! Freak is being used in a positive connotation, unless you don't want it to be.
☆ Ratplushic: A xenogender related to rat plushies
☆ Ratticomfic: a gender related to rats and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in rats, but also themes of rats involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Recuddlovic: a gender related to recovering from sadness while cuddling a teddy bear and feeling comfort
☆ Restoreplushic: a gender connected to old “well loved” stuffed animals being restored and cleaned. This gender may feel nostalgic, clean, soft, safe and loved
☆ Rodentlial: An autigender evilgender, that feels like either roadkill, an angry rodent trying to rattle out of it's cage or just like any kind of rodentia that's seen as "dirty" "rabid" and feared by common folk
☆ Rosboy: a term for a feminine boy or man. They consider themself a boy or have a connection to manhood, but they also have a connection to femininity, either in their gender or their gender expression. It is an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both a boy and feminine, and includes feminine aligned men and men who present femininely.
☆ Safortplushold: a gender that feels like the safety and comfort of holding a plush close
☆ Scalecosmic: an umbrella term that describes gender(s) that can be described by space, space objects, or particles that don't exist on Earth, but indeed are somewhere in space (antimatter, for example).
☆ Scifigenreic: A gender related to the sci-fi genre
☆ Seclusmokinaic: A gender related to smoking joints in secluded places, eg. alleyways
☆ Sleepicomfic: connected to feeling sleepy, cuddles, warm soft bedding, plushies, love, affection, and cuddles
☆ Sleepykiddic: related to snacks, dino toys/plushies, sleeping, and reading a bedtime story as a child! a very sleepy, childlike gender!
☆ Slutworldec: A gender related to being the slut you want to see in the world
☆ Smokcontentic: a gender related to/represented by smoke, contentment, vanilla, spice, and lavender. it may feel hazy, calm, fragrant, or heavy. if the smoke comes from a psychoactive substance, it may be a druggender, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Smokejointic: A gender related to joints and smoking them
☆ Smokerish: A gender that is, itself, a smoker
☆ Softpastelcoric: A softcoric gender related to pastel rainbow aesthetics, pastel and kawaii plushies, and cute pillows.
☆ Softplushcomfic: A gender related to the comfort one may get from their plushies!
☆ Sotenia: A MIN gender related childhood, age regression, toys and stuffed animals.
☆ Spacearcadic: [a gender relating to arcades and outer space]
☆ Spacefriendic: A --friendic subtype. A gender connected to being a spacefriend; For when you're from space / space-aligned / etc && a friend, or you're from space / etc && use the term spacefriend to replace girlfriend / boyfriend to represent one's non-humanity / etc .
☆ Spaceman: when the word “spaceman” also describes your gender. being a spaceman could involve feelings of being a man from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a man made of space matter, a man associated with or defined by space, etc.
☆ Spacenigmaventgender: a gender that emphasizes on the danger and mysteriousness of space.
☆ Spaceplushic: a spacic and plushic xenogender related to plushies and space, space themed plushies, or both
☆ Squishableplushyic: a xenogender that is related to squishables as a whole or multiple squishables
☆ Staractor: a gender under the genderactor system that is connected to the stars and acting. this could be a star that acts, an actor playing the stars/acting on the stars, etc!
☆ Starcandygender: A xenogender that feels strongly related to both stars and candy
☆ Starcollaric: A gender related to a collar, choker, etc, decorated with stars.
☆ Starcollector: when somebody collects genders related to stars and other space related things.
☆ Stardustian: a gender that feels as if it is made of stardust and in turn, makes you yourself feel as if you are made of stardust.
☆ Starfusic: a spacegender related to/represented by the nuclear fusion that happens inside of stars. it feels as though it is burning itself up and/or turning into something else and may someday explode brilliantly.
☆ Stargender: an other-worldly, non-human gender which is beyond comprehension in earthly terms, as if it originated from beyond the Earth. According to the coiner of the term it was similar to aliagender, and is related to it, however stargender specifically related to outer space and/or other worldliness.
☆ Starhigh: A gender under the Genderhigh system related to stars and being high, or whatever the user think fits best!
☆ Starlemonic: a xenogender where ones gender is connected to and / or related to star shaped lemons!!
☆ Starrynightian: a gender relating to ( bright ) starry nights
☆ Starspillnessic: a gender connected to being sick and coughing up stars, in a sense that stars are spilling from your lips
☆ Starvir: a gender that's part male, part celestial gender
☆ Stelladomaffectis: An alteraffectis term for the way an alien feels about their home star or vice versa.
☆ Stellaliaffectis: An alteraffectis term for the way an alien feels about stars/a star (either their home star or another) or vice versa.
☆ Stellian: anyone who is mspec gay
☆ Stellarian: a non-binary gender from the galactian alignment system describing someone who is unaligned, or neutral aligned.
☆ Stonerpresentic: A gender that presents itself in a stoner way/as a stoner.
☆ Strawberrycakecharic: A xenogender related to strawberry cake, cakes, strawberrys, the sweet things and cream
☆ Subslut: A gender related to being a sub and a slut
☆ Submissigender: a gender related to being submissive, submissive things, and submission-related roles (ex: slave)
☆ Subpresentic: A gender that presents itself in a sub(missive) way/as a sub(missive) specifically in a sexual sense. Can be used as a descriptor for other terms.
☆ Subspaceic: A gender that feels like subspace.
☆ Succuboy: a masculine aligned gender intended for succubuskin and succubus extranths though anyone may use it.
☆ Succubusic: A gender that is simply just succubus. No masc. No fem. No neutral. Just ;; Succubus. points. Gender.
☆ Succubusslut: A gender related to being a succubus and a slut
☆ Succubusvir: a gender related to being a succubus, but in a masculine/male-aligned way!
☆ Succuvicta: an alteraffectis term describing the attraction a succubus feels towards a human
☆ Sugarplushian: a gender related to sugar cookies, Sanrio plushies, and soft blankets!
☆ Symptoldic: a pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system.
☆ Symptoldicmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve: -feeling masculine in relation to the symptom -masculinity affecting or being involved with the symptom -feeling that the symptom and masculinity are connected -feeling that the symptom is masculine and that it is your gender -experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a masculine way this is both a systerm and a gender. its definition excludes it from being used by singlets.
☆ Symptoldikinkic: a pluralgender related to kink and being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve: -coping with the symptom with kink -having a kink related to something involved with the symptom -being both a symptom holder and a kink headmate -the symptom and the kink having the same cause
☆ Teacomfic: A gender that relates to the comforting feeling one may get from a warm cup of tea. This may relate to a specific comfy experience with tea or can just relate to comfort from tea itself
☆ Teagender: A gender that relates to tea in any form. It can be the milky kind pictured in the flag or it can be another kind of tea, like green tea. It could also be multiple kinds of tea.
☆ Tealoveic: a lovegender that is connected to/represented by tea! things it may be related to include the following: -consuming or making tea with/for someone as an act of love -love(core)-related imagery including tea (e.g. hearts on teapots) -love that feels energetic, calm, or other ways tea makes one feel the kind of love this gender relates to may be of any kind - romantic, platonic, familial, for fictional characters, etc.
☆ Thoclaesic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for men who are attracted to agender people. That is, man-loving-agender.
☆ Toric: a diamoric orientation that refers to non-binary individuals who are attracted to men
☆ Transintesi: A gender tied to being trans that can only be understood in the context of being a system member .
☆ Transmascfem: an individual who is both transfeminine and transmasculine
♪ ♪ ♪ this is in the context of his timeline/in-space body. he's an alien who comes from a society that doesn’t have human gender and was essentially assigned neutral at birth but whose body is generally read by humans as male and who identifies with masculinity in the context of being someone who was initially an outsider to it. he is transmasc in that he identifies as male without having been assigned that at birth, and he's transfem in terms of transition that he's undergone in-space as well as his presentation (but not in terms of his actual gender nor the body he's physically in).
☆ Transxenine: a transgender individual who identifies fully or partially as xenine/xenic
♪ ♪ ♪ while his assigned gender at birth isn’t a human gender, it also isn’t considered “xenogender” where he's from, and his identification as xenogender is not about the gender he was raised as on his home planet.
☆ Translucentechic: a gender connected to translucent/transparent technology, like plastic see-through controllers, consoles, etc.
☆ Traumoldikinkic: a pluralgender related to kink and being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve: -coping with the trauma with kink -having a kink related to something involved with the trauma -being both a trauma holder and a kink headmate -the trauma and the kink having the same cause
☆ Traumoldic: a pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system.
☆ Traumoldicmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve: -a masculine gendered connection to the role of trauma holder -feeling as though one's masculinity affects the way one holds the trauma -a masculine/male identity that was involved in the trauma -a masculine xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it this is both a systerm and a gender. its definition excludes it from being used by singlets.
☆ Traumoldicneu(tral): a neutral pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve: -a neutral gendered connection to the role of trauma holder -feeling as though one's gender neutrality affects the way one holds the trauma -a neutral gender identity that was involved in the trauma -a neutral xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it this is both a systerm and a gender. its definition excludes it from being used by singlets.
☆ Trinketgender: [a gender relating to trinkets]
☆ Turian: a term to describe gay men, along with any gay non-binary individual who wish to be included under the label.
♪ ♪ ♪ preferred due to its connection to science
☆ Turifem: for those who relate to the broad definition of turigirl, but really don't like the "girl" part in the name.
☆ Turigender: [a gender related to being a turian/gay man]
☆ Turrenian: Being both veldian/turian and cenelian, either at the same time or being fluid between the two
☆ Twialienic: xenogender that feels like looking up as you’re beamed into a UFO, or a xenogender connected to twinkling lights, space, UFOs, alien abductions and starlight.
☆ Vanilcupflavic: A gender related to the flavor of vanilla cupcakes
☆ Vanillabalmic: [a gender relating to vanilla lip balm]
☆ Vanillaixic: a gender that embodies the flavour of vanilla
☆ Venturic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for non-binary/genderqueer people who are attracted to agender people. That is, nonbinary-loving-agender.
☆ Vintagegarfplushic: a gender connected to vintage garfield plushies
☆ Waterglassgender: [a gender relating to waterglasses, i.e. liquid timers]
☆ Weedfreak: A gender where one's gender is tied to weed and being a freak! Freak is being used in a positive connotation, unless you don't want it to be.
☆ WeedSmokingBoyfriendish: A gender that is, itself, a weed smoking boyfriend
☆ Whiskeyburnic: a gender related to the way whiskey "burns" when it's drank.
☆ Wisterian: nonbinary person who presents both masc, fem and neither
☆ Xenomale: For those that are man/man-aligned and also identify with xenogender(s)
☆ Xeminian: xenoboys (xenic men or man-aligned individuals) who are attracted to xenoboys (exclusively or not).
☆ Xyric: a diamoric orientation for xenic individuals who are attracted (exclusively or not) to other xenic individuals.
☆ Y2Kbeanic: a gender related to beanie babies and the y2k aesthetic