β™ͺ Vexxi's identity collection β™ͺ πŸ’Œ(it/love neos/she/any)πŸ’Œ

[ Directory ]

β™ͺ Kin β™ͺ

β˜† hamster
β˜† lovecore
β˜† Pomeranian (synpath)
β˜† roses
β˜† void succubus/concubus (not kin)

β™ͺ Queer β™ͺ

[ Extended version here ]

β˜† Angled Aroace: a individual that is both ace-spec and aro-spec (though not necessarily strictly aromantic and asexual) who experiences some form of attraction that they feel is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aro-spec and ace-spec identities.
β˜† Arolovic: An identity for aros who still feel that love is an important part of their identity! This may be platonic love, love for objects and concepts, or any type of love you associate with.
β˜† Candygender: a xenogender and an aesthetigender that relates to candy in some way, whether that be through literal or metaphorical means.
β˜† Consciloveic: a gender related to/represented by love and altered states of consciousness. if the altered states are due to substance use, it may be a druggender. if they are caused by dissociation, it may be a neurogender.
β˜† Cutegender: an aesthetigender that fits one's definition of "cute".
β˜† Holivoidic: a luxine gender whose luxinity is kenous due to the user finding the Void to be holy, and therefore themes of emptiness, the unknown, outer space, etc. are within the luxine concept of "holy" for how the user defines that word. this gender may have any other luxine qualities to it, but especially vastness (as this overlaps with kenous as well as void-like qualities).
β˜† Femboy: a gender expression where a man presents in a more feminine or otherwise β€œsoft” way
β˜† Femme: a person of queer gender expression that embraces, reclaims, or subverts their culture's understanding of what it means to be feminine
β˜† GenderJoynt: A subset of Weedgender related to or influenced by the euphoria, relief, and overall good vibes that can come from using weed or other THC products.
β˜† Hamstergender: a xenogender in which one feels an extremely strong connection to hamsters, strongly identifying with them or simply wanting to incorporate them into their gender to better understand their identity.
β˜† Kenolux: an umbrella term for the intersection between kenochoric and luxine. In short, it's for anyone who is both of these identities in some sense.
β˜† Kinkgender: a gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include: having a xenogender that is connected to the thing for which you have a kink. feeling more like a particular gender while doing kink. feeling the traits associated with your role in kink in a gendered way (like how men would feel masculine traits). This can manifest as kinkmasculine, kinkfeminine, kinkandrogynous, and kinkneutral.
β˜† Lovegender: a term for when one's gender feels connected to love / the person they are loving
β˜† Luxine: an umbrella term centered around the ideas of divinity, light, holiness, and vastness.
β˜† Proxvir: a gender identity that is strongly connected to masculinity, in a way that is different from how men may be connected to masculinity
β˜† Queerplatonic: [a relationship that] may involve a greater degree of intimacy or commitment than a platonic friendship, but does not always include sexual or romantic elements
β˜† Rosboy: a term for a feminine boy or man. They consider themself a boy or have a connection to manhood, but they also have a connection to femininity, either in their gender or their gender expression. It is an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both a boy and feminine, and includes feminine aligned men and men who present femininely.
β˜† Succubusic: A gender that is simply just succubus. No masc. No fem. No neutral. Just ;; Succubus. points. gender.

β™ͺ Roleics β™ͺ

β˜† Addictionroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves addiction in some way.
β˜† Angelroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves angels in some way.
β˜† Concubusroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves concubi/succubi/incubi in some way.
β˜† Cuteroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves cuteness or being cute in some way.
β˜† Kinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink in some way.
β˜† Loveroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves love in some way.
β˜† Substanceroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves substances in some way (inclusive of anything but mostly intended to mean anything that could be considered "drugs").
β˜† Traumaroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves trauma in some way.
β˜† Voidroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the void in some way.

β™ͺ System β™ͺ

β˜† Aesthetic introject (lovecore)
β˜† Brainsourced: A brainsourced system member is a system member who feels that they are simultaneously sourced and brainmade (i.e. not an introject). This could be due to: -being an introject but being so source-divergent that you identify with being brainmade -being an extranth of a fictional species -having a timeline and memories associated with a fictional universe without being a specific character depicted in that media -being sourced from something that doesn’t have a personality per se (e.g. a song or an aesthetic) and thus the personality of the introject is unsourced
β˜† Kink alter
β˜† Void alter

Pub: 26 Feb 2024 17:05 UTC
Edit: 14 Apr 2024 15:47 UTC
Views: 180