• Hi. I go by Katarina or Lux, either name is fine. I also have other names, just ask! Please do not shorten "Katarina" down to "Kat" unless we are close friends. My pronouns are she / him or neos if you want! I'm 18 & wasian (white mx + jp)
    • I'm not a very social person though I do like attention. I can take days to weeks to answer dms and sometimes never replies! Please dm me once more so I can see and (maybe) reply.
  • I'm lesbian & butch, I'm also transmasc but I think me being a butch is more important to my identity.
    • I use any terms (fem/neu/masc) because I'm everything, sometimes I use the term girlboy and lesboy to describe myself if that matters
  • I've got hella disorders, my most obvious ones is schizophrenia, bpd, npd, and did. I'm super forgetful & paranoid so I may randomly cut you off (or attempt) I COME BACK!!! I NEVER DIE!!! I think I'm pretty npd pilled, but my friends say I am more bpd coded. We are both wrong, I am dpd canon.
    • I'm also super attention needy and high maintenance. If I'm not getting love and attention just know I'm crying. You can say this is hpd of me, but no I'm a very childish narcissist and more so I love depending on people. I am helpless, a wounded deer even. I like to act youngish and doglike to cope with that.

  • I collectively "kin" THIS IS NONSERIOUS!!!! its for FUN. I also speaking of "collectively" I can refer to myself as we/us but I also use i/me! Ask for my simply plural if you care. I'm deep into sys shame era, I hardly mention my system even with other systems...
  • Do not ask me who is fronting or push me to proxy unless youre a friend or a system! Please I beg. My introjects like being treated as people but a lot of them have some source connection if their sources arent weird.

  • I don't have a real DNI, I block freely all bigots and weirdos, but I also block people who yume my nonsharing yumes! LOL I dont make them public because its not that serious to me.
    • I also dont like discourse. That includes shipping discourse, I have my personal limits. I dont identify as "neu" "pro" or "anti". I am just normal. I cope and make jokes among friends about my extensive trauma (incest, grooming, abuse, cults, etc)! It is a thing that really depends on the people, if I know I cant make a joke I simply wont! These jokes can look anywhere from "well my dad sold me so" to something tame, I really do not care.
  • Main Interests ATM: League of Legends, Tokyo Color Sonic, Revue Starlight, Bandori, Cartoons, Enstars, Project Sekai, A3, VNs, and more! ask me and I'll probably know the media.
    • fave characters: Every league girlie, Towa Sebumi, Mirai Zaizen, Claudine Saijo, Kaoruko Hanayagi, etc!
    • Fave ships: kuromaya, towamira, leodia, kaisa/akali, kaisa/ahri, etc...
  • If you are blocked, it's probably because you:
    • yume my yumes, you only start discourse, you harass artists instead of just blocking, youre into media with annoying fanbases (& youre annoying). I dont shame interests if youre critical, I CANT!!!! IM A LEAGUE OF LEGENDS FAN!!!! However, I hate people who are like "this ship that is clearly proship is not proship" or "yumes dni im not a yume, im autistic" like be serious for 3.5 seconds here, you just suibaited over a twink.
  • I identify as a fujoshi, himejoshi, and a yumejoshi, I am the biggest himejoshi ever and much rather prefer yuri over yaoi but I love yaoi too!!! I'm making a list of both yuri and yaoi come back soon
Pub: 30 Oct 2017 13:18 UTC
Edit: 10 Feb 2025 17:24 UTC
Views: 10535
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