♡ ◟matching with ‹ akane 3 Amia / Milotic ◟⟡ s(he) 16 & yt
╯╭ sys bpdhd hldr introject
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  • imnot good at about mes' so pls bear with me !!
  • im pretty dry at first too... (sorry :sob:)
  • im a sys alter, im 16 (bodily 15 !!) im yt (ukrainian/jewish)
  • im hyperfixated on flyleaf, look back, and goodbye eri pls dont say u like these more than me!!
  • i also love tbhk, bsd, pokemon, hello charlotte, milgram, and omori tons !! heres a full interest list!
  • dont separate me from my sources please !!! only applies to the ones listed (eri, chuuya, kyomoto, yashiro, BASIL)
  • no dni aside from the basics, if you associate/are this freak ... , publicly hate on my sources/sp/ins , dont like akane (leave rn !!!) + our psys in general
  • umm im bffs with aoi !!! hiiiiiiii ^_^ !!!! coolest ever. aoi haters dislikers etc dni ur so weird her>>>u
Pub: 09 Dec 2022 18:16 UTC
Edit: 12 Dec 2022 09:27 UTC
Views: 117