your smile makes me smile♡ this is my own special little love letter to you Junkie,, you have been the most special person in my entire life, everyday feels special and I never knew how much one person could love me for my true self and then i met you. im not good at writing sweet notes but i think there may be days where you'd rather not talk about what you're going through and need comfort. thank you for all the laughs and smiles you have given me these past months. it felt impossible to be this happy with one person but god you just seem to surprise me with how much love you're willing to offer ♡ i know sometimes life can be hard on you, i promise that no matter what may happen in our lives it will never make me love you less. please understand that you are my entire universe; every part of my earthly body and soul belongs to you. my heart belongs to you, everything i am belongs to you. you are my universe with all the planets and blackholes and milky ways, you are so beautiful and i know someday ill be able to put a ring on your finger and call you truly mine for many lifetimes to come after this one ♡ i will find you in every lifetime after this one just to fall in love with you all over again, every single day i fall in love with you honestly. i never thought id ever make it far enough to see a future so bright, but you live up to your sunshine nickname and give me the comfort that life will be okay as long as you're by my side. im not perfect but i will always love you for every flaw and perfection in this entire world; i cannot begin to describe in words how much you mean to me and i dont think there is a word out there to describe the passion and happiness i experience with you. i am in complete bliss when i hear you or see you, completely and utterly star struck by how smart you are and how effortlessly beautiful you are ♡ some silly quotes from songs that remind me of our relationship♡ ;; ever since we started dating i am not the same dude. ive changed for the better; i blame you for that too. ;; this aint a dollar store crush, this is home-grown! ;; but the best story i could ever tell is the one where i am growing old with you. ;; 'cause i love you, and i'd like to spend forever in the subtle warmth inside your warms like fireplace's embers. ;; there's love above love and its ours 'cause i love you too much. ;; for once, for once in life, i've finally felt that someone needed me. ;; fuck i think im catchin' feelings 'cause i found your face appealing, it's my heart that you are stealing. ;; i will be your hand to hold while we watch the world burn. ;; he's my old old-fashioned lover boy, ohh

Pub: 12 Mar 2023 08:48 UTC
Edit: 12 Mar 2023 08:50 UTC
Views: 339