lukey's love mail  𓈒  .nakahara on dc owns this

ac @ikoistic on twt / literally keo & me

(◞ ◟  keys⠀/⠀notes ᵎ
fp bffs close friends friends others
just a place where i can dump all my love for my friends !
this is NOT organized (well, besides keo && the keys. but people in certain color sections arent organized.)

ohhh keo.. how i love LOVE keo... I LOVE U SOOOO MUCH KEO!!!!!!!!! lukeo strong for liek.. 3 years going onto 4!!!!! ur the CLOSEST person to me ever and the only person i love this THSI MUCH!!! ur my husband wife, boygirlfriend, bestfriend, enemy... and SO MUCH MORE IN EVERY OTHET LIFE AND UNIVERSE!!!!!!!! i lvoeee calling with u i lvoe texting u i love matching with u i love WVERYHGING ABOUT U!!! im sosoosos grateful ur in my life and i woild not give u up for anyone. even my FAMILY. ur the only person that sees every single part of me and knows everything about me, i tell u EVERYTHING and i dont CARE if u dont believe me because i DO!!!! we are skk & sskk & ranpoe & rimlaine and everyother ship i like and no one in the universe can compare. LOVE U SO MUCH!!

lin my 2nd closest friend.... ive known u for a little over a year and its safe to say i trust u LOTS!!!!!!! i tell u (almost) everything... ESPECIALY DRAMA AND MUDAE THINGS... i dkont know how we got so close this fast to the point ur higher then people ive known for literal years/? like damn ok.... anwyas. ur my sibling (abusive or loving it doesnt matter) it every life and universe. we are sunday and robin. we are verlaine and chuuya. we are dazai and yumeno. we are fyodor and atsushi. we are shibusawa and atsushi. we are orphan director and atsushi. we are ALLL THE TOXIC ABUSIVE SIBLINGS 🩷 maybe ayato and ayaka... ig..... even though were poor... thank u for being the most abusive and toxic sistyer i can ask for 🩷 #doomed4life #abused4life #mysibling4life

look gusy... its my 2nd ODLER SISTER! actually shes the 1st techniclaly cause shes older then lin... but its ok. ive ltierslly known iu for less then a year and ur my 4th closest firned. i tell u abotu (ALMSORT) everythign. including my trauma, problems, disorders etc... and its jsut like ur my ltieral twin. like ok sibling duo for life (and trio ig... inclduign lin) ur literlaly the olderr sistsrr i never had 🤍 u give me advidce... u bully me... u scold me... u call me starved.... like YASS WE ARE LITEREYALLY SIBLINGS! we are kunikida and atsushi. weare mori and honey. we are adam and chuuya. we are tenma siblings. we are ABUSE FOR LIFE! the lawyers might be after u but its ok... love u so mcuh abuse!!!! thank u for scolding me it actually wakes me up i lvoer U!

nyx ew... its n-n-n--n-n-nnyx....?? EW.... nyx is soooo mean to me and beats me up and htis me... besides that!! oh nyx ur my bff... i defend u with my whple life eve though u kick me out like a dog... AND STOP BLOCKIN ME GOD DAMN!!!!!!!!!! anwyays... ur soooo nice to me (sometimes) and we are poor forever, attic best firends 💓 (i dont have an attic) (i think) you give me honest advice and i appreciate that so mcuchh!!!! u scold me and i SDONT LISTEN AND THEN I REGRET IT SAND IM LIKE "damn...... i shouldve listened to nyx..." ur like if my older sister (salem) was IS a fagbo and had a autistci wife that has a drinking problem 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 we are dazai and atushsi!!!!!!!!! chuuya and yumeno!!!!!!!!!! aku and chhhuya!!!!!!! lav u so much best foreind! plz stop beating me and yellinf at me and stabbing me in mm2 that isnt nice

AHHH ITS ANDREW OH MY GOD PUT HIM SDOWNWNWNN 😭 jokign i lave u heart 🩷 my favorite white person with nyx... the most retard to retard (slash lovely) ur my bff.. and sooo ncie and stupid can u get ur food combos aAWAY I THINK THEIR FRYING UR BRAIN.. anyways. i think... we are... kyouka and yumeno, raanpo/poe and mushitaro, higuchi and tachi!!!!!!! idk any genshin ones or hsr i dont play any of those FREAK GAMES. ur always so nice to me and ur soo polite... toll u arent sometimes... (uncoming out slave — 8/25/24, 3:37 PM tell that fucking cunt to slice their throat).. plzzz stop going afk in mm2 and then being SYUPID WHEN U COME BACK OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! anyays. u give me good advice and sometimes i use it cause we are both retarded. woaw. thanks for being my bestie andrew I ALV U

boner omg haii boenr 🩷 iv eonyl met u recently (liek months ago that counts as recently ok) and ive been talking with u and palying a lot with u recently... (mm2 and ftf yay!!!) ur liek lins husband.. the one that always gets bullied and picked on and is drunk and can beat us but wont 🩷 i have no charavters to assign us uhmm leave suggestions. ur sooo nice like srs and veyr fun to ;lay with. even if u roleplay FAGGOTS WITH LIN 🤮 GOSH YOU BOH GOT ME BANNED IM GOING TO STAB U WHEN I SEE U IN MM2. IM GONNA DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nayways. thanks for beign a good feriend and i hope we can be bffs and i can trauam dump on. you 🩷 ILY!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hashtag close fieends hashtag nice train wilby. 🚂 < thats curry and its you

my lexi... oohhh i love u so much... ur my platonci queer gf or something. #platonic #wlw i lav u so much. i love how easy u are to tlak too. i love ur humor and i love ur PERSONALITY! ur so cute and pretty like omg ur the cutest ever.. even if ive known u for less then 2 years. it feels like ive known u for years. it was so easy for me to socialize and befriend u and u did NOT make me feel uncomfortable in anyway. i could talk to u outside of school which was so surprising because i HATE IRLS SO BAD. but no. u felt like an online friend AND a irl. u are never annyoig t o me and i lvoe seeing ur gay queer self pop up in my dms talking about ANYTHING. because we can make the convo last long and u made it interesting. ur like me but with a few different opersonality traaits. its like taqlking to a mirror im so srs in a good way obviously. anyways. i lvoe u. ur one of the best friends i couldve asked for. 🩷

Pub: 03 Sep 2024 04:45 UTC
Edit: 10 Mar 2025 03:09 UTC
Views: 374