hello, my dear!!!!!! my jerbear, MY MIRI!!!! my one and only sunshine, there are no words to express how much i adore you. you are everything to me, my sun, and my divine. my rock for whenever i need you and to just come to whenever i need a shoulder to cry on, i want to embrace you every night because you bring me joy every single day, i couldn't have POSSIBLY ever known what to do if it weren't for you in some situations, you've done so so so so so so so much for me and i could never ever repay or give you my thanks enough for you. i cherish you above all else and youll always be mine and i'll forever be yours<333 you are both my favorite boy in the whole world and my handsome and amazing partner in life, i couldn't possibly imagine life without you and you're the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. i would never, ever give up on you. you have given me a newfound faith in love and life and every day, you're my reason to keep going and to wake up every morning. you've truly made me the happiest boy i have ever been, forever and ever, i want to listen to you talk about your favorite things and kiss you till you can't take it anymore, i can't wait to have you in my arms again soon. i intend to accomplish everything with you, including getting married to you, because you are my true love and my person. i cherish you, adore you, and love you with my entire being and heart and soul, my love<33333333333. please NEVER forget that.