list of every rentry url i have so far
bold = in use

some rentries are outdated but ill get to fixing it sometime.... maybe at the time you see it, itll be right! maybe ill spend all night fixing it.

friendlyfire, gacktt, virtualsingers, ma_cherie, cupidnote, lovetime, bloody-stream, KANET0-JUUSEI, dreaminsun, lovenight, zombiething, ghostsyndrome, NOZOMI-TOJO, Eccentric-W, SNOW-HALATlON, appIedotcom, MONOCHROMEVOICE, candydetective, G0D-ISH, BADENDNlGHT, law-light, AKlANGEL, pareidoIia, troublebusters, FRIGHTS-CAMERA-ACTION, malice-mizerr, acogedora, insidethewired, beyondbirthdayy, moi_dix_mois, s-conscious, changetheworLd, berrypop, yu-kicore, klahacore, manacore, gacktcore, kozicore, tetsucore, kami-core (mad at whoever took kamicore), gaz-core (mad at whoever took gazcore), lightrule34, lightr34 (ignore these.)

holy shit these are gonna be a bitch to fix

Pub: 21 Aug 2022 04:15 UTC
Edit: 17 Dec 2022 07:55 UTC
Views: 252