a little "thank you" to all of my dear friends and assorted beings ♥︎♥︎♥︎

in real life:

Corvan made me Corndog, always sticks around, reliable

Valcifer funny, cool art, debates with me

Aixa tries hard on everything, never presnt but really fun, gives me their lunch

V snatches stuff, only one i don't hit, great with character design and art, can contact Gem


Luchika super silly goober, makes some really nice jokes, also good taste in music

Tora has great taste in "cheer me up NOW" music, super good with Rentry, really fun to be around :)

Pixie nice pfp's and profile themes, super silly, has made sone controversial takes

Ari keeps looking out for my mental health, gets it, citrus flavored soda

Idia extremely calm, murder assistant, same brand of silly as Tora and Luchika

Theo seems small and huggable (is only semi-squishy), likes to be amusing

Wiggle super funny, Ruler of Wiggleham, has common sense, chill (i miss you, hope you're doing well)

this is just rambling :)

Old Mom wonder how you're doing up there. hope you aren't too disapointed and disgusted with me haha! have a good time whereever you ended up back then

younger me dude what happened to us? are you sad this happened, or resigned to our fate? whatever the case, i don't remeber half of what happened so idc :P

Marie Onzy i'm sorry for bringing you here just to suffer, i really am

hope this cheered you up! :D

:heart: beecha :heart: back to HUB?

Pub: 16 Mar 2024 15:37 UTC
Edit: 21 May 2024 02:48 UTC
Views: 333