i just have to tell you that i love you so much these days
have to tell you that i love you so much these days, it's true

my lovemail! (not even close to done yet! u probs wont be in here :(

cody no, i will never stop hating you i know i always say i hate you but to be honest, it's just my way of showing love and even tho this won't stop me from hating on you, you're the best sibling i could ever ask for and you've been by my side for my entire life. even when you've frustrated me, upset me, or done anything to annoy me, i've always loved and cared about you and i always will. you're just so funny and cool and i still want to be as amazing as i've thought you were all these years. then again, i am cooler, you're weak so i can beat you up, you're pathetic, and your girlfrind never loved you (/j) that's all

mars i need to get splatoon grr MARSICUSSSSS MARSY WARSYYY where do i even start with you... /pos you're so fucking fun to hang out with whether that means a few minutes at the gorillaz concert, or four hours at your house!! watching you play super sluggers, us playing mario kart, making stupid mii's, and cracking jokes with you is seriously the highlight of my year because you bring so much joy to my life!! you've made this year better than all the rest and i don't know where i would be without you, or you forming the sillies!! i love you so much you're like another sibling to me and we need to make plans this month to hang out!

the sillies i just shat myself probably have the most to say about you guys cuz there are so many of you!! but anyways, i remember this amazing server started from a handful of us in a discord group chat, and it evolved into something far more wonderful! the g tournament (SOUK EYE ON TOP!), your personal channels with all your interests, our individual quote channels, everything leading up to now and you yourself (i mean you! literally everybody in the server) has shaped me into a version of myself i can love and appreciate. the only reason life is worth living for me anymore is to come online and laugh with all of you, mess around with you, be excited when anybody comes online, and at the end of the day, have a dream of someday meeting up with all of you! this server and every person, all enjoyments, hyperfixations, music, and art you've shared with me, i couldn't be more thankful for. i couldn't be more thankful for all of you because i wouldn't be here without everybody here. throughout the hiatuses, tough times, quotes we won't be able to live down, you're all so unforgettable to me and i hope you know that

Pub: 09 Aug 2023 20:04 UTC
Edit: 23 Aug 2023 17:33 UTC
Views: 133