Optimizing, tweaking and debloating the updated .iso image (old method):

Download the Optimize-Offline GitHub script (Open-Source) made by mydigitallife forum member @GodHand aka. DrEmpiricism.

  • Make sure to place your Optimize-Offline folder in a short path like C:\Optimize-Offline\ (long paths are not supported and will cause serious errors)
  • If you're getting red errors in the Optimize-Offline's command prompt while optimizing non-english (en-us) .iso image, try to remove the -Dedup parameter from the Start.cmd - i remember that the Dedup packages integration was always buggy and throwing the errors out on foreign languages (non en-us) .iso images

Also, check out the README on the Optimize-Offline GitHub page for more details and if you find any bugs, issues or have any suggestions you can contact the author over there.

The script removes Provisioned Application Packages in a safe and proper way, so the installed OS will remain sfc perfect, it also applies registry tweaks to the offline registry hives in order to disable all the possible telemetry & to enhance aesthetics + usability of the system.

If you want to integrate your own scripts and files to apply/install with the Windows Setup together using the Optimize-Offline's SetupComplete.cmd file - check out my supplementary minor guide.

It's highly recommended to edit the .ps1 file yourself - at least basic PowerShell knowledge is required to edit more advanced parts of the script, however even if you're a noob you still should be able to at least review the registry section easily; add your own registry tweaks, remove existing ones you don't like, etc.

Edit the Optimize-Offline's Start.cmd file and point it to your new W10UI updated .iso image, afterwards run Start.cmd as Administrator:

(Open image in a new browser tab to enlarge) NOTE: If for whatever reason you want to integrate the Store app to LTSC 2019 x64, then you have to add the -WindowsStore parameter right after the -Features parameter, it's also not recommended to remove any Xbox-related system apps if you're integrating the Store!

In the Optimize-Offline GUI windows, you have to press & hold the left Ctrl button on your keyboard while clicking on the values with left mouse button

Here's the list of the Windows Apps that are completely safe to remove with Optimize-Offline:

  • SecHealthUI (Windows Defender - highly recommended to remove if you're going to install a third party AV suite, like ESET or Kaspersky)
  • BioEnrollment (remove only if you're not going to use any biometric sensors like fingerprint readers or camera's face recognition)
  • ECApp (another app related to biometrics)
  • Win32WebViewHost (app related to Microsoft Edge browser, useless and safe to remove since there's no Edge on LTSC 2019)
  • MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient (same as above, useless)
  • ContentDeliveryManager (this app is used by Microsoft to push the sponsored content to the end users; it is responsible for automatic Start Menu pinning of the 3rd party apps shortcuts, such as "Candy Crush Soda Saga" and other bloatware)
  • LockApp (it's the Lock Screen which you have to move with the mouse cursor, it's a crap for tablets and other touch screen devices, completely useless and safe to remove, the true Login Screen will remain intact)
  • ParentalControls (just as the name suggests, bloat, safe to remove)
  • PeopleExperienceHost (it's the "People" icon on the taskbar, useless and safe to remove)
  • XboxGameCallableUI and XGpuEjectDialog (remove them only if you hate Full Screen Optimization and Xbox Game Bar, Game DVR, do not remove if you integrate the Store app)

Here's the list of Windows Capability Packages that are safe to remove:

  • App.Support.QuickAssist
  • Hello.Face.17658
  • Hello.Face.Migration.17658
  • MathRecognizer
  • OneCoreUAP.OneSync

Here's the list of Windows Features recommended to disable:

  • Printing-XPSServices-Features
  • WorkFolders-Client
  • FaxServicesClientPackage

Here's the list of Windows Features recommended to enable:

  • LegacyComponents
  • DirectPlay
  • Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux (Optionally, if you need it)
Pub: 15 Jul 2019 17:00 UTC
Edit: 15 Jul 2019 17:21 UTC
Views: 2710