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- Sprout𓈒 Null,⠀⠀Xe.⠀⠀Neutral Terms
⠀⠀⠀⠀Luanˏ⠀ou⠀Brittany is also okay.- Paranoid Narc、Q/PBPD Schizo.⠀IWC。
- Bi-Gay⠀⠀Unlabeled Gender-wise,⠀Questioning.
- I refer to myself with Fem terms, this doesn't allow you to do it.
- I refer to myself with Fem terms, this doesn't allow you to do it.
- I am prone to episodes, and I tend to come off as rude 24/7. If I seem rude, I apologize, this is just how I act.
- I tend to be dry 2 others, this may be because my social battery is extremely low. I always put myself first before others, my well-being > yours.
- I lack empathy for many things and many people. I make kys / slit jokes, and my humor is cruel. If this is an issue, I encourage you to confront me about the problem instead of staying silent.
- I have some interests believe it or not. I like engaging and learning about Psychologyˏ⠀and True Crime. I also like CRK.