micaiah graphic

Edit Request Info
Icons I'm okay with shape/size specifications as well as gif/dash/pride icons
Headers Default is tumblr, unless specified otherwise. Gif/bouncy/transparent/pride specifications are okay
Layouts Default is tumblr, unless specified otherwise. Matching layouts are okay to request
Wallpapers Please tell me device model or device dimensions
Stimboards Tell me what stims you wouldn't like
Aesthetic boards Specify themes if you’d like to, i can also do instagram boards
Stamps Stamps come in one size only. Please limit # of characters in a stamp to 2
Rentry graphics Tell me if you're okay w gifs. I'd love more specifications with these requests.
Gif sets For things that aren’t mvs, I would appreciate a link. Give me specific timeframes if possible (ex: when x is in frame with y)
PSD please give me a character or a card set
Pokemon teams I can take type specifications and I can do ship teams
Reply icons these take longer to do, I may be selective with specifications / themes (color specifications are okay though!)

You may send in a past edit of mine as an example of how you'd like your request to be! However it may not look the same.


Pub: 26 Oct 2023 00:55 UTC
Edit: 15 Feb 2024 03:50 UTC
Views: 315