can i call you tonight? luminary perfume byi / dni vampire heart2heart i tend to be rlly dry around people i dont know or js met.. sorry !! heart2heart im very annoying abt prsk .. especially the characters 1 2 3 nd 4 !! heart2heart i heavily gatekeep kayano mikoto and norton campbell !! they r mine nd u cant have them srry not srry .. !! heart2heart i spam rt ship art on twt .. srry if u have my notifs on!!

vampire as for dni .. akikasa, akimizu, kanamafu, toyasaki, toyakasa shippers dni .. nothing personal [unless its toyasaki or toyakasa] i js dont like those ships.. other than that i dont rlly have a dni aside from basic dni criteria ..

Pub: 01 Feb 2023 00:48 UTC
Edit: 01 Feb 2023 00:59 UTC
Views: 401