Zomrades are the worshippers of the Kureiji, the corpse goddess of the Indo Pantheon who was once dead and twice lived, much like her own people. The zomrades are a people of an intense liveliness despite the majority of their population being composed of the undead, their intense passion and curiosity driving their pale limbs forward to greater and greater heights regardless of the possible dangers which might lie hidden. This great passion is also their greatest bane for a zomrade is quick to become manic and obsessive in their pursuits, unable to shake the gnawing feelings of want and roaring passion and apt to drive their bodies and minds to ruin with the intensity of their passion.
While the phenotype of a zomrade is dependent on the pieces that they were revived with, the natural born living population of /zomb/ are known as Olivians. Olivians tend toward stark pale white skin and bright red hair with eyes to match, it is uncommon but other eye colors such as green and yellow can appear in their population. Zomrade clothing is typically gothic and victorian in nature and much of the architecture within the Deadlands reflect this with pointed arches, flying buttresses, and macabre stone decorations on sprawling cathedrals risen in the name of their corpse queen. A zomrade begins life as an Olivian born to living parents however the first life of an Olivian will be lived with their eventual death fresh in their mind. Olivians are eager to seek out and experience as much as they can, exploring new interests at a whim and making connections wherever they might be made. Within zomrade society Olivians are considered almost like children for the entirety of their lives however they're also treated with an air of reverence. They're young, immature, and often ignorant when compared to their zoombie elders, however the vibrancy of the youthful living is respected and few laws are put in place to restrict Olivians from pursuing their desires, it is a rare thing for an Olivian to be imprisoned for longer than a week and an even rarer thing for an Olivian to be punished with execution for a crime. Olivians have a natural lifespan of around 60 to 80 years however most end up tragically dying young while exploring their eccentric interests and studies, ignoring risks for the sake of their curiosity and taking chances ignoring the possible ramifications of their action.
After their death, the family and friends of the Olivian gather up items and symbols that represent the lives that they lived, these objects are said to be the vessels of the soul and are integral to the revival process. Depending on the damage done to the body upon death there may be limbs that require stitching back together and after hundreds of years of doing this process zomrades have gained a reputation for being able to prepare bodies of the dead with an artist's touch, the appearance of an undead while strange and morbid is usually not hideous to look at. Once the body has been prepared and the items of their past life stitched into their flesh, a ritual involving /zomb/ chuubanite occurs which rises the Olivian back to life as a zoombie, newly energized with the vigor of the Kureiji herself. Some speculate that instead of specifically reviving the Olivian from death, it instead remakes the concept of their soul or personality using the relation of the Olivian's flesh and their personal items to hold this new patchwork soul together.
Some take new names upon being revived and consider the second life to be a new chance to reinvent themselves while others cling to their previous lives and continue the work and businesses that they did as an Olivian. Once revived as a zoombie, the zomrade has two ages: a young age and a true age. The status of a zomrade in their society is dependent on their true age with the eldest of the zoombies acting as the governing party of zomrade society. Zoombies tend to have some consistent traits post-zoombification, senses such as pain are significantly dimmed as well and zoombies are prone to fits of sudden drama even more so than their previous lives. For a zoombie, dullness and boredom are their greatest enemy, a lack of passion gradually erodes their spirits and slowly begins to rot the connection between the soul and the body further degrading their senses and connection to their bodies, eventually resulting in the literal rotting and decomposition of their flesh. This rot is the most common way for a zoombie to die and is considerably hard to pushback once it begins,
Instead of strictly reviving the dead, /zomb/ chuubanite would cause an enlivening effect that surges and accelerates energy. Without the rot, zoombies would still have usage of certain organs like a beating heart, working lungs, and vocal cords however these aren't nessecarily needed for their survival. The items stitched into their bodies are the true cores of who they are and would be what keeps them from becoming inert rotting husks and damaging these can hasten the process of rotting for a zoombie. Zoombies can also survive intense dismemberment if the individual however the rot will eventually set in if the body is kept apart for too long.
In terms of government and organization, a cabal of the eldest known zoombies who have dedicated their unlife to a certain critical function of society make decisions for the majority. Zoombies can potentially remain alive for hundreds or even thousands of years however the rot becomes harder to resist as the zoombie in question grows older and the more lively and dangerous a zoombie lives their life, the more likely a physically destructive end. Some zoombies refer to a second death, where one forgets the origins of their lives as an Olivian and lacks any flesh belonging to their original life however this is more philosophy than actual function for most zoombies.

Pub: 23 Nov 2022 15:21 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2022 10:23 UTC
Views: 263