Get to know the staff: Shinizawa Euzumi

Full Name: Shinizawa "Elicina" Euzumi
Birthday: 02/05
School: UTokyo
Birth place: Australia, Sydney
Height: 5'3
Blood type: A
Foot Size: 22.1cm
Sleeping time: 4 to 8 hours (varies)
Inspired person: Sofonisba Anguissola
Fav food: Coconut jelly
Disliked food: Crocodile meat
Fav animal: Anything not slimey
Fav season: Autumn
Fav subject: Art
Weakest subject: Mathematics
Holiday activities: Paint, sleep, eat, get groceries
Motto: "Persevere."
Hobbies: Guitar & painting
Strengths: Multi-tasking, memorisation & creativity
Weaknesses: Oversharing, can't say no, daydreams
Last day on earth? Cry and have a good feast then sleep


BLUE LOCK: Tell us a little about yourself for people at home.
SHINIZAWA EUZUMI: Well - (Laughter) Hello! I'm the head medic at Blue Lock, Shinizawa Euzumi. I ... I used to do competitive swimming! It's a pleasure to be here!
BL: (Clapping) You've been up on the Olympics, haven't you? Representing Australia?
SE: Ah yes, I swam in the Olympics in 2016 before I retired. I was born in Australia so that's my country!
BL: You retired so young? There were hopes of joining the next Olympics, no?
SE: My priorities changed. Swimming was apart of my life but I couldn't keep doing it forever, haha! I'm much happier here in Blue Lock!
BL: Of course, the staff were handpicked by Miss Anri and Mr Ego themselves! How is it as the head medic?
SE: I'm glad to have this learning opportunity - definately a rare one and I'm honoured to be selected. Most of the players take care of themselves already but on the field, they're reckless. It's an alright job, I have Haruka helping me and all the other staff so it's lots of fun!

BL: Any favourite players yet? What team should viewers at home be rooting for?
SE: (Laughter) My opinion is totally not biased! Go Bastard Munchen! Make sure to vote, viewers!

BL: What do you do in your spare time?
SE: Aside from studying, I've always been into music and art. I'm a self-taught guitarist and painter! Not very good but I'm getting there!

BL: Spare a fun fact for the audience?
SE: I enjoy minecraft! Anyone with an open SMP, hit me up in DMS!

BL: How are your studies going? You ranked in the top 10 in your course - Biotechnology?
SE: Ah - yes! I'm studying biotech in UTokyo currently! It's my first year so I'm just getting eased into the environment. It's alright - a lot of effort is needed but in the end, it's always so rewarding.

BL: Thank you for your time, Shinizawa. One final word before we leave?
SE: Support our vlogs! It helps us keep the show runnin'!

Pub: 09 Oct 2023 04:40 UTC
Edit: 10 Apr 2024 01:55 UTC
Views: 81