Fall, but you'll never land
Second star to the right. . .
and straight on til you die. . .
HOME | i. ABOUT | ii. BYI | iii. DNI | iv. FRIENDS | v. LOVE LETTERS 📍
These letters are either platonic or romantic (obviously specified) toward my friends, and my partner if applicable. If you are not featured here, don't worry, I might just be taking my time to write out a truly thoughtful letter to you (genuinely, I don't want to write something if I don't mean it, so if you're not here, I'm probably trying to find the right words!)
These letters ARE in order from when I met you, if I can remember when. Please do not take it personally if you're further down the list, it just means I met you more recently!
This seems cheesy, but its needed. The most important love letter, to myself. You may not believe it, but you are so strong, and you've been through so much. You are loved so much more than you know, you have wonderful people who surround you, people who appreciate you, and look up to you. You are wonderful, and so full of love, your kindness reaches the deepest corners to the people who are willing to accept it. You put yourself down so much, but you are perfect as you are. Never forget that. More than anything, I love you, I love me. To a wonderful life, myself.
I've known you for nearly 15 years, actually hell, almost exactly 15 years by this point. You are my best friend, through and through. Though we have our arguments, or periods of time where we do not talk, I know that you'll always have my back, as I'll have yours. I could not be more thankful to have you in my life, truly. I appreciate everything you've done for me, and for always being there for me to listen to me when I need you to. You probably understand me better than anyone else, maybe more than I know myself. I'll always be here for you too, if you need a shoulder to lean on or anything, don't forget that, and don't be afraid to reach out to me. Love ya buddy /p
I could say so, so many words to you, but I don't think I could ever truly put fully into words just how much I care about you. Regardless, I will try my best, so that you know how deep my appreciation and admiration for you goes. When we met 2 years ago, I always looked up to you, I'm not gonna lie, you were someone who intimidated me at first, but you were someone I found very cool and wanted to know better. Though we may have only grown closer in this recent year, it's still crazy to me how everything has lined up, that we went through similar experiences again. That we met in a similar place to where we grew closer again. There are so many things I wish to say to you. I want to see every side of you, the ones you fear, dislike, or hate, and show you the same sides to me. I want to watch you heal and grow, I want to be able to lend my hand to you when you need. I will always love and care about you, and you deserve to be loved /p