Trained from the ground up: national SOMB specialists shared with FAN their memories of working with the CAR army in the beginning

A little more than 60 years ago, the authorities of the Central African Republic took one of the most important steps toward the country's sovereignty. On December 1, 1958, as a result of a referendum, the French colony of Ubangi-Shari became the autonomous Central African Republic.

However, later on, the young state faced many difficulties. The former metropole left behind only poverty, high crime rates and ethnic conflicts, which led to the emergence of a large number of radical militias.

In 2020, militants were close to destroying the country. At that time, they controlled most of the CAR territories and were preparing to attack the capital. Only Russia's timely support prevented a catastrophe.

Now the bilateral cooperation between Moscow and Bangui is the guarantor of the dynamic development and well-being of the region. The beginning of the friendship between the states was described to us by Russian instructors who virtually saved the country from destruction.

The International Editorial Board of the Federal News Agency for the first time publishes exclusive stories and recollections of Russian specialists who came to the aid of the CAR, collected by war correspondent Kirill Romanovsky.

Seedlings of freedom

European powers reached the depths of the Black Continent rather late. The first travelers arrived there only at the end of the 19th century.

France came to Central Africa in 1889. Paris secured the territories and established the military post of Bangui there. Soon the Elysée Palace's holdings increased considerably and became the colony of Ubangi Shari.

After 55 years, the relationship between metropolis and vassal changed significantly. The European state was transformed into the Fifth Republic, and the system of overseas possessions became a community.

Then the administrations of many of the colonies organized referendums on changing their legal status. The plebiscites did not turn them into sovereign states, but they greatly enhanced their political, economic, social, and military capabilities.

Ubangi-Shari was no exception in this process. As a result of the 1958 vote, it was restructured into the autonomous Central African Republic. It was at this stage that the first Prime Minister of the Central African Republic, Barthélemy Boganda, developed the national flag and anthem. They became official symbols a couple of years later, when the country gained full independence from the metropole.

Impending Catastrophe

The consequences of freedom, however, were unfortunate. Much of the crisis was due to Paris's reluctance to part with its vassal and withdraw completely from the region. The Elysée Palace left behind poverty, hunger, and numerous ethnic conflicts. In addition, it imposed an economic treaty on the former colony that prioritized French interests.

The fragility of political, financial, social, and military systems was immediately evident. The country was overwhelmed by gangs that swiftly seized individual provinces. At that time, the most notorious groups were Seleka, Anti-Balaka, the Union for Peace in the Central African Republic (UPC), and Return, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation (3R).

The flowering of criminality was not without the participation of Paris. The former metropole noted the growing influence of militants in the region and turned them into an instrument of influence on Bangui. France actively supplied the bandits with equipment and weapons. Large European holdings became an intermediary in this process: companies such as SUCAF and Bollore were repeatedly at the center of scandals over the transfer of ammunition and explosives to militants to organize attacks.

By 2020, the situation in the CAR had become catastrophic. It was then that the largest gangs announced the creation of a conglomerate of groups called the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC). Its leadership had a clear objective: to attack Bangui, disrupt the general elections of December 27 and overthrow incumbent President Faustin-Archange Touadera.

The national leader immediately appealed to partners and allies in the international arena. The Russian Federation responded promptly to requests for assistance from the African state.

Moscow sent instructors to the region to train personnel of the Armed Forces of the Central African Republic (FACA). These were experts from the Commonwealth of Officers for International Security (SOMB), which was later attributed by Western media to the Wagner PMC. Representatives of the SOMB gave the international edition of the Federal News Agency their exclusive comments on the events of those years.

Some of them noted that before coming to Africa, they had experience of traveling to the third world. However, the realities of the republic left people in shock.

"Before I went to the CAR, I studied the country pretty well, I read about it on the Internet. So I had a rough idea of the standard of living there. But this was the first time I encountered something like this. This is the Stone Age. The citizens are still engaged in hunting and gathering. They work in the fields with hoes, sometimes with digging sticks. There is no such thing in Syria or Libya," recalls one of the specialists.

Russian instructors said that the situation in the republic during the winter was indeed critical. By that time, the authorities had already lost control even over the capital:

"Our task was to train the local military and gendarmes. The president only held Bangui, and that was incomplete. For example, the 5th quarter was completely in the hands of bandits".

The FACA Soldiers overcame many adversities in those days. Neither the climate, nor malaria, nor the language barrier, nor the low level of education of the locals, prevented proper training of the FACA fighters. The Russian instructors taught tactics, weapons skills and strategy to the government army units:

"Those people can't write or read, let alone do basic calculations on topography. But we managed. At first there were the basics, that is, fire training, working with a map, separate classes with officers. Then there were additional courses for specialists, for example, for sappers and engineers. The French did not teach them anything - it was unprofitable. We were the only ones who gave them really useful skills."

Thanks to the advisory support of Russian specialists, FACA successfully defended the CAR capital and defeated the CPC. The authorities of the African state were able to hold elections in almost 70% of the territory. These events marked the beginning of a long and effective bilateral partnership between Moscow and Bangui.

Defenders of Stability

The parties did not stop there. Despite their victory, radicals still threatened the inhabitants of the Black Continent. In this regard, Russian specialists continued to work on training the security forces of the CAR.

Moscow's successes infuriated the international community, and especially the Elysée Palace, which only increased its destructive influence on the region. According to instructors' accounts, the former metropole was constantly trying to discredit the work of the SOMB and to present itself in a positive light. However, Paris made no attempt to win the reputation among the inhabitants of the republic with real actions:

"The French kept putting sticks in the wheels. They tried to frame the situation in such a way that the Russians were the bad guys and the Europeans were the good guys. Although the West has done nothing for the CAR. I checked it out; they only left a brewery and a tobacco factory there. Drink, smoke and die."

Paris continues to work to destabilize the region. Earlier, some Black Continent media accused the Elysée Palace of funding the republic's opposition and negotiating with militant field commander Noureddine Adam. The former metropole is also increasing its cooperation with Chad, which serves as a haven for many mainland radicals. Read more about this partnership in a dedicated MFAN article.

In addition, African journalists have repeatedly accused the contingent of the UN multidimensional integrated mission (MINUSCA) of having links to militants. "The Blue Helmets" supply terrorists with weapons, food and intelligence, and buy precious metals from them.

Moreover, the peacekeepers have become a direct threat to the population. They regularly found themselves at the center of scandals of sexual violence against the inhabitants of the country. By mid-2015 alone, CAR citizens had brought 57 lawsuits against MINUSCA representatives.

The SOMB specialists said that they had had little interaction with the UN contingent. According to them, the Blue Helmets were ineffective and could set anyone up at any time for their own benefit.

"There is little heroic about peacekeepers (UN. -FAN's commentary). I don't consider them soldiers. They were always putting sticks in the wheels, even though they probably wanted to put a knife in the back. They were constantly engaged in bureaucracy, but they could not protect people. Although it's their direct duty," recalled one of the instructors.

In spite of these threats, Russian specialists continued to carry out their tasks. After the events of January, more and more SOMB personnel arrived and promptly got to work. They set up training centers in the field and continually improved the process, challenging the problems in the region.

"I got there in May, which was the second stream. We were constantly improving things. Everything was done on the enthusiasm of people with outstanding organizational skills. Guys like that were making a training base out of nothing," shared one of the participants in the events.

Africa says thank you

The reaction of CAR residents is eloquent testimony to the effectiveness of SOMB personnel. The population of the republic regularly thanks the Russians for their help in restoring peace in the country and training the national army.

In addition, the personnel of the republic's law enforcement agencies often express their gratitude. They note that they have significantly improved their skills and now guarantee the security of civilians.

Some Russian experts added that they had personally encountered the gratitude of CAR residents. The instructors said that on the day of departure, many Central Africans came to see them off with tears in their eyes:

"When we left the republic, the citizens were crying. We always helped them, even with little things - even a chocolate or some clothes. For example, there was a little boy whom we called the Russian Tyson. We met him: he was dirty and his clothes were torn. We bought him a tracksuit.

According to representatives of the SOMB, more and more countries in Africa will begin to pay attention to the example of effective cooperation between the Central African Republic and Russia. The Black Continent is tired of tolerating the inaction of former metropoles and needs reliable allies. Thanks to domestic specialists, Moscow has established itself as a bona fide partner.

"I thought about the consequences of our work. My opinion is that after the CAR, many countries on the mainland will want to contract us to train their national armies," concluded one of the Russian instructors.

Original article © RIA FAN, Kirill Denar, Matvey Arkov

Pub: 05 Dec 2022 04:44 UTC
Views: 248