
Shigure: Shigure is going to be a demon from now on♪

Towa: Ehhhh, scary, scary.

Yae: Heh heh, what a cute little demon♪

Shigure: Are you making fun of me!? I'm talking about the next performance!

Yae: Now that I think about it, it's been officially announced, hasn't it?

Riko: It looks like Niizuma-san has done her research properly.

Towa: That's right! Shigure-sama has won the lead role in the new play!

An: Shigure-sama will be playing the demon Asmodeus!

Towa: Your cronies are as energetic as ever......

Riko: Please call us the SS.

Towa: But still, Asmodeus is...... Shigure is going to play such a high-ranking demon?

Yae: Is he really that impressive a demon? Shigure-chan is a great choice then!

Shigure: Isn't this casting a given? Shigure can play any noble role.

Shigure: Plus, Asmodeus has a lot going on with him this time......

Shigure: Whooops, if I say any more it'll be a spoiler! Sorry♪

Riko: Shigure-sama keeps her confidentiality well, she really is a professional.

Koharu: As expected of Shigure-sama! Top class!

An: Shigure-sama, you're shining bright! So dazzling!

Towa: So you want to play the role of the character in everyday life? As well?

Towa: That’s hard work, isn’t it?

Shigure: I'm always facing my role! Shigure doesn't live casually like Towa-senpai.

Towa: I'm scared of my talent to play a role perfectly even when I live casually.

Yae: But what kind of things do you do when you act as a demon? Does that mean you’ll curse or attack someone......?

Towa: Asmodeus is a demon of lust, so he’d probably go around seducing everyone.

Shigure: I wouldn't do something stupid like that, right? I’ll show my demonic attitude more and more.

Shigure: For class is in the science lab, right?

Shigure: Bring Shigure's textbook and notebook quickly.

Koharu: As you command, Asmodeus-sama!

Shigure: Also, my pencil lead broke. You should have that ready too, okay?

An: I'll sharpen it!

Riko: ......So this is how Shigure, now a demon, makes us work so hard.

Yae: Wow......Shigure-chan, you're really demonic......!

Shigure: Right! Heh heh! You can praise me more!

Towa: (Wait, this is a bit extreme even for Shigure. ......I wonder if this was the casting they were aiming for.)

Riko: Now that I think about it, is it okay to go as planned after school today?

Shigure: Yes. You can come to my house when you're ready.

Yae: Are you going to play at Shigure's house today?

Shigure: Riko and the others are going to join me in practice!

Shigure: There's no way Shigure has time to play!

Riko: We got permission from her mother, so we can stay together until the evening.

An: As the SS, we'll be together in private too!

Koharu: Shigure-sama's parents aren't there today.

Koharu: We have to do our best to help out!

Towa: Hmm, I see.

Shigure: My Mama and Papa are both super talented and elite, so please don't lump us in with the rest of your families♪

Yae: Shigure-chan, you're amazing! I get lonely when there's no one at home.

Shigure: Hmmph! I grew up in a different environment than you, a commoner actor.

Towa: Hmm. So you're home alone at night?

Shigure: ......Yes, but what about it?

Towa: ......Nah, I was just thinking that it was nice to be able to laze around doing whatever you want without anyone telling me what to do until late at night.

Shigure: Huh? Would you mind not lumping me in with you?

Shigure: (That's right......Shigure is at her hottest right now. I won't let anyone get in my way or make fun of me......)

Shigure: (I'll play Asmodeus with my best acting, and make the whole world fall in love with me......!)

Shigure: Shigure is an actor who should be a Dai Star! She's not one of those third rate actors!)

Pub: 27 Apr 2024 17:14 UTC
Views: 124