I Tried To Have Fun
Panda: ――So, without further ado! Shall we announce each of our "second parts"...!?
Kamira: Hyuu! I'm so nervous! Seriously, I thought my head was going to overheat from thinking so much!
Panda: Panda also engaged in intense discussions with Sassu for several hours last night, I was dangerously close to sleep deprivation... However, that just fueled my motivation even more!
Panda: Alright, if you don't mind, let's start with Panda!
Panda: Panda's idea is exactly “I tried dancing at a hot bath”!!!
Hikari: “I tried dancing at a hot bath!?" Sounds fun!
Kamira: …
Panda: Panda dancing on the stage of a public bath...! The harmony of retro architecture and modern girls! It's guaranteed to look great in the video!
Panda: Of course, there won't be any sexy shots or anything like that! I want people to focus on Panda’s dance!
Panda: What do you think, Kamira-chan, Hikari-san…!
Kamira: ...Ah, it's not a bad idea, right? It feels like something we could pull off!
Kamira: But isn't it dangerous if you slip on the floor? What do we do about that?
Panda: Yeah, that's right~! I thought about wearing dance shoes, but entering the bathhouse with shoes on isn't a good idea. So, we might have to change the location…
Panda: However, I think that anywhere inside the hot bath would be visually appealing, and Panda can easily take care of getting permission as well!
Panda: So, let's decide on the specific location inside the hot bath and discuss how we can prevent slipping after both of you give the green light. We can consider that during a location hunt!
Kamira: Got it!
Kamira: …What about Hikarin? Is there anywhere you're interested in?
Hikari: No, I think it's good! As expected of Panda-chan!
Panda: Hehe, thank you very much!
Panda: Well, it's still 50/50 whether it'll be slippery or not...!
Kamira: …
Kamira: (...Hikarin seems to be the same as usual.)
Kamira: (Yesterday's broadcast… If there's nothing wrong, that's fine)
Panda: Now then—
Hikari: Yes! May I?
Panda: Oh, you're so motivated, Hikari-san!
Panda: Well then, let's hear about Hikari-san's "Part 2"!
Hikari: Leave it to me! My "Second part" is…
Kamira: …
Hikari: ? Kamira-chan, what’s wrong?
Kamira: Ha! Eh!? What!?
Hikari: Because you were spacing out…
Hikari: Oh, are you hungry? Would you like something?
Kamira: Oh, no, no! I’m okay! Let's all have cake later! More importantly, Hikarin's "Part 2"! C’mon!
Kamira: (On the contrary, what do I do if I'm worried about you, I need to pull myself together. Hikarin is probably fine, and I'm probably just overthinking it... Yeah.)
Hikari: Yeah! Leave it to me! My 'Part two’ is as special as Panda-chan's!
Panda: Oh? So confident?
Hikari: Ehehe!
Hikari: Hey, both of you... do you know what the weather will be like next weekend?
Panda & Kamira: Oh…!
Panda: It’s gonna snow! You two! Snow!
Kamira: Wow... I think it's been a long time since I've seen so much of it piled up.
Panda: "Right, right!? Nice idea, Hikari-san, seriously!"
Hikari: …
Panda: Hikari-san?
Hikari: Amazing, amazing!! It's snowing! It's snowing!!!
Kamira: I see. Hikarin grew up in a place where snow isn’t seen much.
Hikari: Whoa!! It's cold!! So cold!! But fluffy!! And beautiful too!!
Panda: Even so, Hikari-san, aren't you getting a bit too excited...?
Hikari: Hey, can you eat snow!? If you can, let's have shaved ice to fill up our stomachs before shooting!
Panda: Ehh!? No, no!
Panda: It's full of impurities and lowers your body temperature, so it's not good for your body!
Hikari: Eehh... Is that so. Even though it's so fluffy and pure white?
Panda: Even if it's fluffy and pure white, things that are harmful are still harmful.
Hikari: When you say it like that, I guess I have no choice but to give up.
Hikari: ―Pretending like that, I'll catch what's falling and―...! munch
Panda: Ahh! Hold on, Hikari-san!
Hikari: Hnn! Snow is the best!