[05:12] Ugar Wofvir says, "Alright lets go tu8rn this in"
[05:12] Alhena says, "Ah, thank you."
[05:13] Alhena asks, "Ready?"
[05:14] Eclipse asks, "Who's your friend, Alhena?"
[05:14] Ugar Wofvir says, "I cant do it yet, but we can go in for you miss lahena"
[05:14] Alhena says, "... Eclipse. "
[05:14] Alhena says, "Listen. This is a new citizen to Delphina."
[05:14] Ugar Wofvir says, "I even have my own apartment now."
[05:14] Eclipse says, "I'm listening, Alhena."
[05:14] Alhena says, "If you are looking for a fight, he will not be able to provide one.."
[05:15] Eclipse asks, "Is that you volunteering?"
[05:15] Ugar Wofvir says, "Sorry sir but we are out earning a little coin."
[05:15] Alhena says, "... He doesn't even know what's going on. "
[05:15] Eclipse says, "Perhaps you should fill him in."
[05:16] Alhena says, "This is someone who is affiliated with the mons, Ugar."
[05:16] Alhena says, "Demons."
[05:16] Ugar Wofvir says, "Ah shit...."
[05:17] Eclipse says, "I dunno if I'd go so far as to say 'affiliated'."
[05:17] Alhena asks, "Associated? Involved?"
[05:17] Alhena asks, "What other words should I use?"
[05:17] Eclipse says, "'Known to do business with' is the most accurate."
[05:17] Ugar Wofvir asks, "So are we in trouble or no?"
[05:18] Alhena says, "We are. "
[05:18] Eclipse says, "I dunno, it depends on Alhena's attitude."
[05:18] Eclipse says, "I'm sure Nic has told you about the little meeting I had with him."
[05:18] Ugar Wofvir says, "Sir if i give you my only 2 tyrium will you leave us alone."
[05:19] Alhena says, "He has told me. "
[05:19] Eclipse says, "Tyrium is worthless."
[05:19] Eclipse says, "And you must be very proud of him."
[05:19] Ugar Wofvir says, "Oh is he one of them withces/"
[05:19] Alhena says, "Not really. He returned fine and well."
[05:20] Alhena says, "I will not act as long as you leave Ugar alone."
[05:20] Ugar Wofvir asks, "Or is he the one who pointed a blade at mr nics throat?"
[05:20] Alhena says, "They did all of the above, Ugar."
[05:20] Alhena says, "Probably."
[05:20] Ugar Wofvir says, "Oh....... yikes."
[05:20] Eclipse says, "Well unfortunately the kid seems to have short little legs, Alhena."
[05:20] Eclipse asks, "What are we going to do about this?"
[05:20] Alhena held out one arm in front of the Wofvir before sighing.

[05:20] Alhena says, "You know what I must do."
[05:20] Ugar Wofvir says, "I am 6ft man....... Giant are not known for out speed......"
[05:21] Ugar Wofvir says, "I wished I could not get jumped every time I leave delphina."
[05:22] Eclipse says, "If it's any consolation. I'm only using you to get to her."
[05:22] Eclipse draws the sword from their back.

[05:22] Ugar Wofvir says, "With all due respect I am aware."
[05:22] Ugar Wofvir says, "I may be 13 but dont take me for a fool."
[05:22] Alhena says, "That is the unfortunate reality of it all."
[05:22] Eclipse asks, "Do you want to jump in now, or after, Alhena?"
[05:23] Ugar Wofvir says, "May blessing of yemir be with you alhena"
[05:23] Ugar Wofvir asks, "Did i say it right?"
[05:23] Alhena says, "He is thirteen. "
[05:23] Alhena asks, "You're going to maim a child, Eclipse?"
[05:23] Eclipse says, "To get to you, yes."
[05:24] Alhena says, "We can skip that part altogether."
[05:24] Ugar Wofvir says, "Sorry I caused you trouble miss alheena"
[05:25] Alhena says, "And it is 'may Pylae bless you well', Ugar... but Ymir works, too."
[05:25] Alhena says, "All deities can be revered. "
[05:25] Ugar Wofvir says, "Seems I get people into issues a lot...... Really need to work on getting it right those blessings."
[05:25] Ugar Wofvir says, "Jennifer say I would make a good apprentice to learn the hoyl arts."
[05:25] Alhena says, "You might be. "
[05:25] Alhena says, "We should have travelled with a group.."
[05:25] Ugar Wofvir says, "I think it sounds awesome."
[05:26] Ugar Wofvir says, "Well may Pylae bless you well alhena"
[05:26] Ugar Wofvir says, "Still not really understanding religion and blessings much so really need to work on that."
[05:26] Alhena says, "We'll... see, Ugar. "
[05:26] Eclipse says, "Come then, Alhena."
[05:27] Ugar Wofvir says, "Alhena mess him up real good."
[05:27] Eclipse says, "Let's see if it goes better for you this time."
[05:27] Alhena says, "Mm."
[05:29] Ugar Wofvir says, "So I must remember when blessing it ymir and pylae."
[05:32] "You know, you might consider this an underhanded tactic, which it is, but you have to admit it's effective. Though, I might add that traveling in a group probably wouldn't have improved your odds." The sword is lowered slightly, catching the starlight and shimmering a light pale colour, like foggy moonlight.

Blood ran down, coating the surface of the weapon, staining that light crimson. It's given a few experimental swings. "You know I've only used this sword on Aenites so far. So it seems to be doing its job just fine. The last one was... some important dude or something. Fancier cloak."

"Water, ice and wellspring. I don't suppose you know their name? Though even if you did, I wonder if you'd give it to me." The sword is spun gently in its thick arm guard. Despite the size and weight it seems to glide easily. A testament to Eclipse's strength and skill. It is caught with an audible snap.

"If it makes you feel better, when I win, I wont pursue the kid."

[05:37] Watches Alhena And eclipse preparing to fight. He would pray to ymir to keep Alhena safe. He knew it was a tall order by he simply hoped she would be blessed with the strength she needed.
(Ugar Wofvir)

[06:00] Yet another day in which Alhena was caught outside of another city. This time around, she did venture out much further to assist one of Delphina's citizens in completing their errands.

Maybe Eclipse was right in saying that with or without a group they'd be in this position; having friends present barely helped any other time. Giving up part of her life force to empower Seth crippled movements more than ever. It was done for his sake in hopes of protecting him against the denizens of Meranthe. Necessary sacrifices.

"It is underhanded, but I expect no more from you. My duties as a priestess of Pylae extends beyond providing prayer and blessings-- yet, that can be used to your advantage. Also, not too certain who that Aenite is, either.

The description gives me little to go off of."

Digits reached over to readjust her grip on the staff within hand. Gilded accessories and otherwise jingled amongst each other. She inhaled sharply before issuing out uttered words.

"Dearest creator of Hope, I beseech you once more.

Today, it is not strength I ask you for, but the safety and security of Ugar. While it is unlikely your light can extend to us both, see to it that this child returns to Delphina safely.

Through your light, fortune, and ever-lasting love, promise onto him that his life bears many successes. Be it through my noble sacrifice or beyond.

See it so in your hallowed name, 'o eternal keeper.

Allow me to be Ugar's shield in this fight against the wicked."

With that said, Alhena directed her weapon at Eclipse as serenity washed over her prepared form, holy energies pouring out into the environment around them. Before launching into conflict, the young woman spoke to the Wofvir.

"Should I fall here and be captured, Ugar… run and tell Tarathiel Caewynn or Seth Valmonte of the Elzara. Anyone will do, even. Inform Delphina or Aen that my death is imminent."


[06:02] Eclipse says, "Hmm, you've improved your selection of magics."
[06:02] Alhena says, "You have taught me much. "
[06:04] A lapin has arrived, one a tad older than Ugar. She watches as the combat between the priestess and the assailant begins. As waves of darkened ichor flew, the waves of light shone in response, but alas, the moment passes, and Alhena seems worse for ware.

Introductions could be done later, and while Ionia only had her voice and speed, she remains. If necessary, a safe passage upon defeat, or the quickest relay one could imagine.

[06:06] Ugar Wofvir exclaims, "Ionia run and get help!"
[06:10] The metal magic was somewhat unexpected, but it wasn't something Eclipse hadn't dealt with before. In fact it might have made this slightly more predictable, if not a little more annoying. There was a sigh but, at least it wasn't ice. "You've improved, but let's see how much."

The sword came up and they darted in, the cancerous growth sitting upon its flat whistled in the wind as they approached. Strikes found themselves clattering against conjured steel, rebounding off of one another. The holy magic came next but found itself being fended off with a shroud of blood.

"Better! But you still have a ways to go." There was an eruption of crimson that sent Eclipse soaring forwards, the edge of the blade cleanly slicing across Alhena's exposed back as the witch landed heavily behind them. They began to wind up a follow up finishing strike before stopping the blow.

"That will be all." The blood was flickedoff the end of the sword. "There's no point in cursing your mind, you're too zealous for it to make a difference. You have enough interference up there as it is." It was sheathed on their back as the gaze went towards the other two that were present.

"Either attack me or take her to some help. I don't care which."

[06:11] Begins to prepare to grab Alhena and run, he knew he would likely get one chance to grab her.
(Ugar Wofvir)

[06:12] Would walk over alhena and lift her onto his shoulder and carry her off towards delphina if alhena would let him atleast.
(Ugar Wofvir)

[06:37] It seemed taking up metal abilities wasn't the worst choice possible. When her free hand whipped outward, alloyed components from the earth formulated into an exact replica-- giant fingers curled around Eclipse to snare them in place. Holy magics coalesced into a massive orb overhead which sent the assailant flying elsewhere. She seemingly improved her range of attacks between then and now, though fell short once more.

Alhena's vitality had been donated to the Valmonte earlier. So, when the blade weaved through arrays of illumination, nothing much could cease this onslaught of attacks. Eclipse swung their sword downward and against the shaft of her staff, but such an action left her vulnerable. A finishing strike dug into the priestess' back which left exposed muscle and tendons to surrounding elements.

Frame slackening due to this sudden blood loss, the felinae tumbled into green grasses as crimson spilled from said slice. Vision blurred, attempts to reorient herself succeeded and failed. Deep, ragged breaths rattled limbs, however, she pried herself from puddles of ichor. Teeth gritted together while desperate efforts to stand could be spotted.

Ugar almost lifted her onto one shoulder. That would only rip the gash further, so he was stopped. Instead, Alhena collapsed against his side for support. Lips rolled inward, eyes squeezing shut. No amount of holy essence could take away from excruciating agony. Somehow, this hurt more than being infected with toxins. Dark bangs remained plastered against pained features.

"No... no more. What do you want from me?" Her gaze directed itself onto Eclipse.

"... You. Cannot. Keep doing this. To what ends are you aiming? By trying to attack innocent people?"

[06:41] "It's nothing to do with you in particular, really. Though you are an Aenite, which is an issue in and of itself... But, right now you are mainly just being used to further the connection I have with my Lord. Anyone would have sufficed, even the boy. There are very few 'innocents' in the world today."

"Being complacent to the world around you doesn't make you exempt from its consequences." Eclipse began to gently hover from the ground. "Until next time, Alhena. Perhaps next time is when I begin to take your status as an Aenite more seriously."

[06:42] Ionia takes note of the masked assailant, their blood magic and the dark fashion sense.

She rushes charge into the fray a sandy wave rushing behind her, her skin going bronze with anger. As she approaches however, it is revealed that it was a ruse, the golden sand bursting and obscuring sight, the double fading back into sandy particles... A soft whistle could be heard, the resonance maintaining the veil of sand, suspended in the air.

She helps escort the child and the defeated through the forest, racing behind them on the dust they churn from the path. She clears away even the tiniest of weeds in front of the group, repaving the path to remove anything that the group could trip on.

Soon even the sand and dust rests, especially when Ionia is no longer in range, leaving Eclipse alone in the forest of the fae.

[06:46] Would feel her fall to his side and would support her, He was pissed that his own weakness had yet again caused problems. But saw Him and his friends get shrouded by sand and as such would use that to create a slick path of ice for them to skate away on with his friends.

He would heavily support Alhena and take most of her weight so that she didnt have to hold up most of her own weight and would focus on getting them out of there.
(Ugar Wofvir)

[06:47] Alhena says, "M-Mm. "
[06:47] Alhena says, "Let's... finish this."
[06:47] Ionia says, "Geeze, and I only arrived a few days ago-"
[06:47] Ionia says, "Alrighty then."
[06:47] Alhena says, "Thank you."
[06:47] Alhena says, "By the way.."
[06:47] Ugar Wofvir says, "No problem"
[06:48] Ionia asks, "Will you two be okay?"
[06:48] Alhena says, "Maybe.."
[06:48] Ugar Wofvir says, "Yes, I will get her back to delphina"
[06:48] Caspin asks, "Are you all waiting here?"
[06:48] Ugar Wofvir says, "We just escaped a fight."

Pub: 16 Feb 2023 14:57 UTC
Views: 24