"Agent Anon i presume?"
The vile vixen vampire mockingly addressed her shackled victim on the bed
Caught by such a basic gas trap he felt foolish. Thankfully to a gal like this simply killing someone wasn't enough, there was still time to stop her sinister scheme!
"After all the pain you've caused me," She traced a cold gloved hand up his chest "Im going to give you the 'pleasure' of being the last free mortal in the world"
Undoing his jacket on the 2nd pass freezing digits now brushed his exposed chest
"Oh yes! When my overly large, extremely fragile mind controlling crystal exposed on the roof has enough essence to fire, man and beast alike will bow to me!"
With a wicked laugh the immortal fox continued divulging her master plan
"But not you!"
Anon gulped nervously. Her hand roughly squeezed his throat, making sure he was looking deep into those ruby red eyes before speaking. Switching to a sweet sultry tone
"With no more distractions, we are finally going to see how long you can resist a woman like me"
Not just a villain but an ancient dominatrix, to this undead mistress the world is not enough™
She HAD to break our hero...but not with tools or magics. No
This was personal. Only his willing, total surrender to her would satisfy
Hopping onto his chest made him grunt and rattle the restraints, while not wearing much her clothing still felt freezing against flesh. Fluffy breasts bouncing from the motion
Those pesky chains prevented any form of resistance, not that he would try given how her good mood was the only thing saving him right now. If anything he wanted to improve it further so she made a mistake and set him free
"Hows the view boy? Better than last time?" Nemesis at her total mercy this vixen intended to enjoy every moment
Anon shivered between foxy thighs
She'd tried this before
Once catching him from behind, using centuries of experience dominating men to treat him to an amazing paw job, making him hump her hand while she whispered sweet lies about love. A twisted love that required total submission
It didn't work then! It wont work now! Anon confidently thought, grinning and playing along with a nod of the head
The vixen cracked a smile leaning back to foot boop this studs face
"I knew it. Pull. Don't you dare bite"
Already issuing commands like she'd won he reluctantly tugged the vixens foot covers with his teeth, slipping them off
"Theres a good boy" Teasing was too easy, strong willed humans hated pet play
Free those strong legs closed around his chest. Locking around him tight. Surprisingly she was warm, with incredibly soft downy fur
Decades of draining human and anthro alike had taught her a gentle touch, in the right places, was all you needed to make a mortal break
Nothing beat a happy meal®
Anon acted cool & calm but ultimately, he was just a man. Sickeningly righteous and pure but, wait. Yes! That was how she'd finally claim him
Excited by her epiphany the vamp girl ruffled his hair twirling her cape over them
Within darkness she was a queen and he was blind
Unable to see what was happening he soon felt her fangs nipping on his ears. Her grip tightening while he squirmed
A damp tongue followed each little nibble. A tug on the lobe. More seductive whispers
"No males ever resisted like you, Anon. Not in a thousand years"
Cranking up the heat under cover she began peppering her reluctant trophy with kisses, some light on the head & chest, others deep into his mouth, making him gasp for air, taking in the sweet taste of hot vixen with each breath
"Mmm the world no longer needs a savior. But i do. Won't you rescue me Anon?"
She spoke as if she already ruled the world, yet unlike the previous time, these words felt sincere
"My body tells me to comfort you, keep you calm as i drink your blood"
A pair of sharp fangs pressed into the boys neck. Dangerously enough to extract a drop of the crimson fluid
"But im not a monster. I still have a heart. Can you save it?"
Agent Anon was conflicted, on the one hand this devious bitch is stalling for time...yet, being held snug to her breast faint, slow heart beats offered hope that the beautiful white vixen could indeed still be redeemed
Entirely focused on getting our naive hero to willingly make love to her before she crushed him with a thousand years of sexual experience, she hadn't even noticed how loose his wrist restraints had become
A good tug would likely split them
Then what?

Make a break for the crystal? Save the world?
Have love triumph and save the vixen?
Or fall into darkness, a world enslaved to a vampire lord?
Maybe something else?

Let me know

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 13:29 UTC
Views: 407