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Wakko stood at the doorway, shifting his weight from one foot to the other repeatedly for a solid 5 minutes. He didn't know whether to interrupt what they were doing, or to just wait until they noticed him. He knew that if he waited too long though, he wouldn't be able to tell them.

He watched his brother and sister talk in the kitchen. They hadn't noticed Wakko because they were facing away from him. They were too indulged in each other to notice him.

Maybe it's not a good idea to tell them right now. I'll tell them another time, he told himself.

Just as he was about to turn around to head back to where came from, he heard his brother, Yakko, speak up.

"How long have you been standing there baby bro? Ya need something?" Yakko asked. Wakko cringed slightly at "baby bro."

"I-I-- uh..." He stumbled over his words for a moment. "There... there's something I really, really need to talk to you about. It's something that's been on my mind for a few months, but I never knew how to tell you or Dot." He twiddled his thumbs as he spoke.

"Well, hey! Whatever it is, we won't be upset!" Dot said.

"You didn't break anything and not tell me, did you?" Yakko teased.

Wakko chuckled. "No, no! Nothing was broken! But something big was discovered..." He paused. "...about me."

"And what would that be?" Dot asked teasingly while also sounding genuine.

Wakko hesitated for a few seconds before inhaling. "Have... have you ever felt like... you're not a boy, but you're also not a girl?"

Yakko thought for a moment, then said, "No, I haven't felt like I've never been either, I've always been a guy."

"And even though I wasn't assigned as one, I've always known I was a girl, but never something in between," Dot said.

"Why, is this how you feel, Wakko? That you're not either?" Yakko asked his younger sibling. Wakko nodded in response.

"I just didn't know how you two would feel since we never see anything that says that people like that exist here in Burbank. I feel sort'a left out," Wakko said, looking towards the floor, fidgeting with the bottom of his sweater.

"Well, do you want us to try out 'they' for you instead of 'he?'" Dot asked her sibling.

Wakko's ears perked up. "Yeah, I think I'd like that."

"Well then," Yakko put a hand to his chin and thought for a moment, then continued. "Hello Dot! This is our sibling, Wakko. They really love to eat, and they really like singing!"

"Our sibling, Wakko, also really loves their hat, it comforts them when they're sad," Dot finished.

"We so dearly love Wakko, we'd never trade them for the world!" Yakko exclaimed with a smile on his face.

As Wakko listened to their brother and sister ramble on about them with "they" instead of "he," they smiled from ear to ear in euphoria. They never felt so comfortable, so alive, so happy. They flapped their fists slightly in excitement and giggled a bit.

"So, ya like that lil' sib?" Yakko asked

"Yeah! I really like that!" Wakko put his hands to his cheeks and grinned. "I think I'm still kind'a comfy with 'he,' but I'd like 'they' to be used a lot more."

"We'll be sure to make note of that!" Dot said as she hugged her sibling, and they hugged back. A moment passed before the two let go of the hug, and all three of the Warner trio were smiling.

"I also think I wanna try on some skirts someday... they look so fun to wear," Wakko said with a thoughtful look.

Yakko smiled. "Well I don't see how we couldn't go to the mall tomorrow!" he said, and Wakko smiled back.

"Thank you so much, sibs, it makes me really happy that you're being so supportive of me," Wakko said as their siblings hugged them once more.

"How could we not be supportive? You're our sibling, of course we'd support you!" Yakko said as he patted Wakko's head.

And just at that, Wakko smiled greatly.

Pub: 22 Aug 2022 13:30 UTC
Edit: 29 Aug 2022 03:24 UTC
Views: 174