everything about me :3
Shinn /Ren / Aki mainly other names here!ㅤhe it | trans masc
15 [6 august]ㅤㅤfrom UKㅤBST/GMT time
I have autism(disgnosed) + BPD(highly suspected by me and medical professionals) so please iwc
Also dyslexic so my spelling / reading abilitly isnt the best please bear with my spelling errors
My memory is complete dogshit, I can barely remember what i did yesterday on most days and often loose track of conversations due to this so please just be paitent with me and don't get too mad if i forget some things about you.
My mental state is also VERY bad and I have very frequent depressive episodes where I just 'shutdown' and don't talk to people or do anything for days on end so if I randomly disappear for a few days thats why. I am NOT trying to ignore or upset you when I do this.
On the oppisite end i also have manic episodes(much less freaquent tho) where I usually experience hallucnations, extremly irratable, SEVERE paranoia mostly including:
cannibals, people i know being replaced, being watched/stalked, feeling like im not real
I always have paranoia about these things but it just gets very much worse when in an episode. It's harder to tell when i'm manic through only texting but gets pretty obvious during calls / irl. I can not tell when i'm in this state until it's over and will probably deny being in any kind of 'episode' so if you noitice im acting funny feel free to stop talking to me until i start acting normal again.
I have pretty bad attachment issues / abandonment issues where i can 'latch' onto new people really quickly and get kinda clingy / obsessive. and also constantly scared of getting left or blocked or smth so when i get pretty close with someone i need pretty freaquent reassurence or i'll spiral.
Also I somewhat match energy?? kinda?? like if your dry i'll be dry, stuff like that
Kins: VERY attatched to my kins, fine with doubles of all of them other than maeno aki, please doubles of him DNI
heres a lil low effort list of my main kins) - Maeno Aki, Beak Cirrus, Ame chan, 'Hikaru', Basil
<- dumb kin list pic i made
<- acctually me :3