BYF 1.- I am self diagnosed with bipolar disorder and sometimes i have depressive episodes, wish it makes me to be less active on my social medias, so please be patient with me (if i stopped talking in chats, it is most likely that i'm on my depressive episode)
2.- i don't tag all my interests, so if you are uncomfortable with bugs and horror, i recomend to not follow me since that's one of the topics that i talk about the most
3.- if i'm following someone problematic or i missed something serious while i was offline, please dm me!
4.- sometimes i miss notifications or dm's because some of the apps that i use are kind of broken
5.- i am agnostic but i was thinking about becoming religious some day (i may or may not become a christian but i know that i definitely don't want to be an atheist because that doesn't define me), so go away if you are thoses atheists who belive all religious people are evil.


Dni: my dni was so long dw guys i'll do another one but shorter


Pub: 09 Oct 2023 17:00 UTC
Edit: 29 Apr 2024 14:57 UTC
Views: 1155