mafuyu asahina - project sekai

jackpot sad girl Mafuyu Asahina - Project SEKAI apagender ++ pronoun apathetic (mostly she/they) asexual // aromantic borderline personality disorder ,, some kinda dissociative disorder kin tropes: identity crisis, hiding feelings, neurodivergent-coded, childhood trauma, gifted kid, monotone, needs therapy, loses their shit if they make one (1) mistake, book smart, doesn't recognize their own emotions, ourple

spamton - deltarune

NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A [ BIG SHOT ] !! #1 RATED SALESMAN [SPAMTON G. SPAMTON] !! man ++ he/him sexuality unknown some kinda psychotic disorder ,, dissociation/blackouts kin tropes: needs therapy

es - alter ego

i liked it when the voices were gone, i liked to be with you all alone Es - Alter Ego agender ++ pronoun apathetic (mostly she/they) sexuality unknown borderline personality disorder ,, depersonalization/derealization ,, psychosis kin tropes: identity crisis, monotone, needs therapy, book smart, doesn't recognize their own emotions

michael afton - fnaf

permanent damage was not my intention, but i could not foresee the aftermath of my actions Michael Afton - FNAF cis(?) man ++ he/him sexuality unknown complex post-traumatic stress disorder ,, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder kin tropes: hiding feelings, childhood trauma, needs therapy, doesn't recognize their own emotions, main character, ourple

giorno giovanna - jjba

and then my mirror speaks with irreverence, like a soldier i can't command; it sees a frightened child in the body of a full grown man Giorno Giovanna - JJBA: Golden Wind man ++ he/they asexual i think complex post-traumatic stress disorder ,, some kinda dissociative disorder kin tropes: identity crisis, hiding feelings, childhood trauma, needs therapy, loses their shit if they make one (1) mistake, doesn't recognize their own emotions, main character

scout - the arcana

you don't like the ending, then we'll find one that's yours Scout - The Arcana genderless ++ they/them literally just a dog

roman of reston

catch the rhythm and we'll go for a ride, the only way to survive is to keep on playin' Roman of Reston - Roleslaying With Roman cis man ++ he/him homosexual attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder kin tropes: neurodivergent-coded (imo), needs therapy, main character


lyric Edward Faisan - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Crimson Jungle nonbinary ++ they/he asexual(?) generalized anxiety disorder kin tropes: hiding feelings, needs therapy, loses their shit if they make one (1) mistake, book smart, ourple

jack skellington

lyric Jack Skellington - The Nightmare Before Christmas man ++ he/him sexuality unknown autism, some kinda anxiety i think kin tropes: neurodivergent-coded (imo), loses their shit if they make one mistake, book smart, doesn't recognize their own emotions, main character

pannacotta fugo

lyric Pannacotta Fugo - JJBA: Golden Wind trans man ++ he/they sexuality unknown attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ,, borderline personality disorder ,, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder ,, complex post-traumatic stress disorder ,, obsessive compulsive disorder kin tropes: hiding feelings, neurodivergent-coded, gifted kid, needs therapy, loses their shit if they make one (1) mistake, book smart, ourple haze

phoenix wright

lyrics Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney cis man ++ he/him painfully bisexual (probably) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ,, dyslexia ,, anxiety kin tropes: hides feelings, doesn't recognize their own emotions, main character

rui kamishiro

lyric Rui Kamishiro - Project SEKAI nonbinary ++ he/they asexual autism kin tropes: hides feelings, neurodivergent-coded, loses their shit if they make one (1) mistake, book smart, doesn't recognize their own emotions, ourple

Pub: 07 Feb 2024 20:53 UTC
Edit: 12 Feb 2024 05:52 UTC
Views: 76