you never had any idea what you were doing you cowards. the grand year of 92. leaving me. /ref

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pierre, also known as rushing, shiver, grey, moon, (and whatever name you can come up..) with is an interesting creature. as you can see he is writing his rentry in 3rd person rather than 1st person. how original. i wonder where she got her inspiration from.

gender? gender? gender? gender. pierre has been told his personality is "femenine." you know who you are. what did you mean by that? i think about this on a daily basis. THOUST ASK FOR MINE PRONOUNS?! yes. (any and all pronouns. feel free to use whatever you wish my friend!)
if you know me in the "real" "world" then it is probably best to keep the "pronouns" a secret. it'll be our little secret my friend! not everything must be known by the government.

somewhat mentally ill. has the "ADHD," and experiences "hyperfixations" quite easily. "Special Interests" are not uncommon as well. he ❤️'s fictional men. watch mystifying oracle and the FNAF movie. make sure to check out mandela catalogue while you're at it, yeah?

insufferable tally hall fan. his favorites are rob cantor and zubin sedghi. he also likes andrew horowitz and ross federman. did i mention that he is indecisive? his biggest regret is not buying a rob plushie. he wishes he could afford andrew as well. he also is fond of mandela catalogue and considers mark heathcliff to be his "platonic partner." queerplatonic love wins.

not too fond of "proshippers." personally, he hopes they die. A basic DNI criteria can be found here. if pierre has blocked you on any social he wishes to never speak to you again unless he personally unblocks you. do not attempt to evade the block. it's never worth it in the end.

pierre is #1 giggler fan. such joyous creatures indeed

slap your balls and die. stream teenage disaster.

Pub: 15 Nov 2023 06:10 UTC
Edit: 08 Feb 2024 04:35 UTC
Views: 536