꒰ spanish version ꒱

about me: hi hi, my name is myst / mystie / march / miffy. i'm 19, spaniard libra enfp. i have ADHD, so please bear with me. i suffer from social anxiety and i tend to act a little badly sometimes. i speak spanish, english and german but in socials i usually speak priorily in english, i only speak spanish in this account and in my priv account.

before you follow me: most of the content on my account is dedicated to hsr, bandori, pjsk, d4dj, hi3rd, sometimes genshin, frieren, and other animes. if you don't like it you can shadowban me. i write with spaced symbols and occasionally double spacing, i use kaomojis and emojis without sarcasm... etc. i also keyboard smash and spam when I'm excited. i don't use trigger warnings for certain fandoms. i use tone tags for those who need them, so if you need them let me know! i don't rt nsfw things on any of my accounts. i do fav them though. i give selective follow back and i can block you if you do not meet my criteria. i have a private account @mystiefull and i retweet nsfw and talk about nsfw stuff but i don't let minors in. (if i added you and you're okay with staying, fine, but if you feel uncomfortable then you're free to shadowban me. i usually upload drawings, spam a lot of retweets and vent. don't worry about me if i vent!! i'm fine and i'm not going to do something i'll regret).

do not interact if: basic criteria, under sixteen or over twenty-five (current mutuals are okay), shotacons, lolicons, proshippers or comshippers, bravetwt, edtwt, shtwt, goretwt, any gore subtwt, everything related to gore, if you retweet nsfw, people who invalidate neos or did/systems, invalidate others identities, if you support or follow people who support using AI and art made with AI, zionists, nazis, if you sexualize my comfort characters or any love live character, if you criticize or are a hater of my interests, men who enjoy the mc harem troupe or pansexuals who invalidate bisexuals... DNI.

꒰ go back ꒱

Pub: 28 Mar 2024 20:48 UTC
Edit: 03 May 2024 13:43 UTC
Views: 283