Hey’ya. You may call me Ran. January 16th, 1998 is my birthdate. I’m a psychology graduate who currently works as a peer counselor of Tabula, writes psychology contents and also fiction writing in my spare time. You may check for more formal information on my LinkedIn, Rania Hendradwiputri. INFJ 5w4 592. Enjoys writing, reading, playing video games (most favourites: King of Fighters and The Sims 4), cats, cute things, dolls, etcetera, you’ll find more while following my social medias. Ultimate stan lists: ONEUS, SHINee, DRIPPIN, Billlie, GWSN. Semi-stan lists: LE SSERAFIM, CLASS:Y, IVE, (G)I-DLE, EVERGLOW, SECRET NUMBER. BPD, dysthymia, and OCD warrior. Nice to meet ya.
✦ Instagram: @ranianran
✦ email: raniahdp@gmail.com
✦ Wattpad: SuzukaKiddo
✦ Facebook: Ranku Kurogane
✦ Discord: PLS9RAV#9183

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Pub: 24 Apr 2022 21:18 UTC
Edit: 04 Dec 2022 09:37 UTC
Views: 135