rainbow paw divider

text that reads "mayorspatula"

text that reads "before you interact and do not interact"


stuff to keep in mind before interacting!!

  • i sometimes use typing quirks, misspell things intentionally, use emoticons, and use all caps. if any of these things get in the way of accessibility, bother you, etc; please let me know!!! i can provide translations or stop
  • i swear often and say slurs that i use as self-identifiers (specifically the f-slur and the t-slur)
  • i make death/murder jokes along with kys/kms jokes; i will not use them unless i know you're comfortable
  • i like the dream smp. i like omori. i like homestuck. i do not support their creators
  • i'm a minor
  • my memory sucks, possibly due to dissociation. don't take it personally. i don't remember much of my past and i might just forget things five minutes after the moment
  • thinking may overwhelm me at times + my brain is often very foggy; i may tend to give short responses to things. if you'd like something longer, please inform me and give me time to write
  • i'm an agnostic atheist; we have demon characters, one of our favourite characters is a demon, we find religious imagery interesting, etc. sorry if that bothers you.
  • i use tone tags sparingly, when i think they're most needed; please tell me if you don't want me to use them for you or if you need me to clarify the tone for something
  • i don't ghost people. i don't (completely) ignore people intentionally with rare exceptions like when there are subjects i don't want to discuss or if i simply don't like you. often i'm asleep, or i have low spoons, or i'm at school, etc. i might not see all messages or i forget to respond. i encourage you to remind me or ping me or anything; it doesn't bother me at all
  • like stated above, i'll sometimes just ignore stuff or go silent. oftentimes these are when subjects come up that upset me. or if you're straight up just bothering me
  • i keep all promises i make. unless they're in character / for a bit / etc. i take them very seriously for some reason
  • i'm disabled !!!! i often have low spoons (referring to spoon theory)
  • i have extremely strong opinions about stuff. i'm willing to debate, but if you make me uncomfortable i'm not going to interact

rainbow paw divider


this might upset me but unless you do it repeatedly / on purpose i won't be mad. don't feel like you have to go out of your way to memorize and avoid this stuff but it's very highly appreciated

  • constantly misuse tone tags or refuse to use entirely upon request (fuck you?)
  • using emoticons that use a "-" instead of "_", such as "O-O" instead of "O_O". please don't feel like you have to go out of your way to not use them; it just puts me off slightly because of who i associate it with
  • using the r-slur, even if not directed at me and even if you can reclaim it. (i just generally don't believe it should be used)
  • insulting my qualities and/or my interests, and criticizing me without me asking first. i've gotten better about this recently, but please refrain calling me a loser or using "L"/"ratio"/"didnt ask"/"dont care"/"skill issue"/etc directed towards me about something i actually care about; unless VERY clearly used in a joking manner.
  • gaslighting me or otherwise lying to me (i use gaslighting in a very loose manner here); even if it's meant in a "joking" way, i cannot always tell. please avoid doing this unless we're close friends or if it's very obvious you're joking
  • all of the things listed below HEAVILY discomfort us and/or bring up bad memories:
  • making fun of my (special) interests, comfort characters, fictomeres, fav ships, etc
  • bringing up one piece / attack on titan around me (nothing against it really)
  • talking about us playing dnd / ttrpgs (i don't mind general talk about it!!), our part in any campaigns, and our characters belonging to said campaigns
  • talking about our body's face, whether positive or negative (and if i know you irl, taking photos of me without my explicit consent)
  • bringing up our old stuff (art, messages, etc)

rainbow paw divider


honestly i don't care whether or not people break my dni (if its for debate, etc) but if you do something stupid or rude i'm going to make fun of you

  • homophobic / transphobic / racist / sexist / ableist / misogynistic / zionist
    • anti mspec mono counts under homophobic. if you don't understand "contradictory" labels don't make that my problem LMFAOO
    • anti xeno + neos, terfs, truscum/transmeds, and again anti "contradictory" labels count under transphobic
    • TRANSID / PRATS (predatory racist ableist transphobes / radqueers) COUNT UNDER.. A LOT OF THESE CATEGORIES EWWIEE EWIE.. GET HELP !!
  • proshitters ewww ewwie idc if it's a "coping mechanism" that's called an unhealthy coping mechanism
  • antifur
  • antikin / therian / nonhuman / alterhuman
  • extremely sensitive people; i'm constantly worried about offending / triggering / etc anyone and i don't want to accidentally cause harm to anyone! i may not be able to keep up with specific boundaries, i'm sorry (okay to int if it's important but please be careful. nothing against any of you!!)
  • if you demonize cluster b disorders and any other commonly demonized disorders (i hate you)
  • supporters of cc!dream, wilbur, fundy, george, sapnap, whoever the fuck else i don't gaf

rainbow paw divider


just to be clear abt everything xx


  • hazardqueer
  • femboy-punk
  • joypunk
  • queerfuck
  • hipqueer
  • cosmicqueer
  • coralqueer


  • lgbtq+, liom, mogai, just queer ppl in general idk
  • alterhumanity / nonhumanity
  • "contradictory" labels
  • chronosian identities
  • ACAB, BLM, stop asian hate, etc :3


  • transid / radqueer
  • proship / comship
  • xenosatanist
  • consang
  • anything except anti-contact/pro-recovery for harmful paraphilias
  • shota / lolicon
  • any sort of bigotry
  • cringe culture

rainbow paw divider

Pub: 20 Jul 2023 07:44 UTC
Edit: 21 May 2024 01:06 UTC
Views: 834