
S Labels

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Sheepinwolfsnightic flag

"A gender connected to being a sheep in wolf’s clothing (literally or metaphorically), werewolves, the nightmare, stars, sleepiness, and the moon."

[Flag ID: The flag has five wavy stripes. The first and fifth stripe is dark purple, the second and third stripe is a lighter dark purple and the fourth stripe is purple. There is a drawn emblem in the middle of a person with purple hear wearing a purple hood. There's a drawn star in the left upper corner and the right lower corner.]


Spirioperative Flag

"A gender related to spirits and operatives; being an operative that's a spirit, spirit aesthetics, operative aesthetics, anomalous aesthetics, and peculhood."

[Flag ID: The flag has nine uneven stripes. The first stripe is a very dark purple, the second stripe is dark purple, the third stripe is purple, the fourth stripe is pink, the fifth stripe is thick and white, the sixth stripe is periwinkle blue, the seventh stripe is pastel blue, the eighth stripe is blue and the ninth stripe is dark blue. There's an emblem in the middle, it's a half circle, with two leave type shapes going to the left and right from the center and a half circle in the bottom middle. There's no line to mark the bottom, the lines just cut off at the bottom of the white stripe.]



"A gender related to spirits and researchers; being a researcher that's a spirit, spirit aesthetics, researcher aesthetics, anomalous aesthetics, and nonbinary aritihood."

[Flag ID: The flag has nine uneven stripes. The first stripe is dark purple, the second stripe is purple, the third stripe is bright purple, the fourth stripe is light pink, the fifth stripe is thick and white, the sixth stripe is periwinkle blue, the seventh stripe is pastel blue, the eighth stripe is blue and the ninth stripe is dark blue. There's an emblem in the middle, it's a half circle, with two leave type shapes going to the left and right from the center and a half circle in the bottom middle. There's no line to mark the bottom, the lines just cut off at the bottom of the white stripe.]


Slimedoggender flag

"When your gender is a slimey dog or a dog made out of slime, or anything similar."

[Flag ID: A flag with nine stripes. the colors are: leaf green, green, muted green, lime green, light brown, lime green, muted green, green and leaf green. In the middle, there's a brown paw print.]


Spaceheiric flag

"A gender related to being an heir of space."

[Flag ID: The flags stripes, in order, are very dark pink, faded pink, off-white, and near-black.]


Spacewitchic flag

"A gender related to being a witch of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are dark pink, pink, off-white, and near-black.]


Spacebardic flag

"A gender related to being a bard of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark red, faded red, off-white, and near-black. The middle right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark red, red, off-white, and near-black.]


Spaceprinceic flag

"A gender related to being a prince of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are dark red, red, off-white, and near-black.]


Spacerogueic flag

"A gender related to being a rogue of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark blue, faded blue, off-white, and near-black.]


Spacethiefic flag

"A gender related to being a thief of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are dark blue, blue, off-white, and near-black.]


Spacepageic flag

"A gender related to being a page of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark brown, brown, off-white, and near-black.]


Spaceknightic flag

"A gender related to being a knight of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are dark orange, orange, off-white, and near-black.]


Spacemageic flag

"A gender related to being a mage of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark yellow, dark yellow, off-white, and near-black.]



"A gender related to being a seer of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are dark yellow, yellow, off-white, and near-black.]



"A gender related to being a sylph of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark green, faded green, off-white, and near-black]


Spacemaidic flag

"A gender related to being a maid of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are dark green, yellow-green, off-white, and near-black.]


Spacemuseic flag

"A gender related to being a muse of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark purple, faded dark purple, off-white, and near-black.]


Spacelordic flag

"A gender related to being a lord of space."

[Flag ID: The flag’s stripes, in order, are dark purple, purple, off-white, and near-black.]


"A gender that feels very holy and sacred as well as powerful and important but not as strong as a deity. Mainly intended for Seraphkin but can be used by anyone."


Swordgender flag

"A gender that is sharp to anyone who tries to understand it other than the swordgender person/a gender that’s perceived differently than it is."

[Flag ID: The flag is made up of six different triangles. The bottom most triangle is an almost white grey, the next triangle above is light grey and the next triangle is a darker light grey. The top triangle is grey, the top being cut off by the lower three triangles. The two triangles on the left and right are a darkish grey. There is a downward facing sword in the middle.]


Scaveneritle flag

"A gender under perceitle umbrella. A gender related to wanting to be percieved as "Scavenger", wanting to be referred to as "Scavenger", or using "Scavenger" as a title."

[Flag ID: A rectangular flag with eight equally-sized horizontal stripes with a thinner one in the middle. The colors from top to bottom are: dark brown, muted brown, muted green, pale yellowish green, white, pale yellowish green, muted green, muted brown, dark brown.]


Scarredangel flag

"A gender related to being an angel with scars / covered in scars."

[Flag ID: The flag has nine stripes. The outermost have scalloped inner edge and the middle is thicker than the rest. Colors middle-out are white, darker dull pink, dull pink, pastel dull pink, and grey-pink-brown.]


Serafernal flag with emblem Serafernal flag

"A gender that is fluid between heavenly and hellish feelings. One day one could feel angelic and pure, the next demonic and unholy, or any kind of combinations. There is no wrong way to be fluid with this gender. The second flag is the same with no emblem."

[Flag ID: A rectangular six striped flag. The top and bottom stripes are both scalloped and the middle two lines are both half the size of the other lines. The colors, from top to bottom, are sky blue, pastel blue, white, dark grey, blood red, and deep dark red. In the center is a heart with two different halves. The left side is red with a dark red horn, a dark red devils tail that curls up under the heart and around to under the right side, and a black bat-like wing. The right side is very pale pastel yellow with a white angel wing and yellow glowing halo.]

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Pub: 02 Jun 2024 06:19 UTC
Edit: 21 Jun 2024 04:50 UTC
Views: 37