
W Labels

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Werefoxio flag

"A gender related/connected to werefoxes in some way, shape, or form."

[Flag ID: The flag is made up of five boxes. The center box is dark red, the next box is red, the next box is dark brown, the next box is dark orange and the last box is a tannish-orange.]


Werewolfkin flag with wolf emblem Werewolfkin flag with the therian emblem

(From my personal research) "A gender for wolf/werewolf therians and people who kin wolves/werewolves."

[Flag ID: The first flag has seven stripes. The first and seventh stripe is very dark blue, the second and sixth stripe is dark blue, the third and fifth stripe is blue and the fourth stripe is white. There's a blue wolf emblem with a white circle behind it in the center. The second flag is the same but instead of a wolf, the emblem is the therian symbol.]


Werepackfamil flag

"A gender related to being a werewolf and the feeling of family while being with one's pack."

[Flag ID: A flag with 5 stripes, with the third being twice the size of the rest. in order, they are dark grey, grey, soft light blue, faded brown, and near-black.]


Werewoldepic flag

"A gender related to old depictions of werewolves."

[Flag ID: A flag with 5 stripes. in order, they are near-black, faded brown, grey, dull very light yellow, and faded light red.]


Werehonum Flag with werewolf emblem Werehonum Flag with Emblem

"A gender related to being a nonhuman werewolf; a werewolf-related nonhuman gender. This gender can only be used by werewolf nonhumans."

[Flag ID: The first flag has five vertical stripes. The first and fifth stripe is very dark brown, the second and fourth stripe is greyish-tan and the third stripe is pink. There's a black werewolf emblem in the center. The second flag is the same, but the emblem is different. It looks like a Y with three lines and triangles coming out of the sides. There's an arrow going through the center line.]


(hover for each flags meaning)

Wolfgender flag Alternate wolfgender flag Timber wolf wolfgender flag Artic wolf wolfgender flag Brown wolf wolfgender flag White wolf wolfgender flag Black wolf wolfgender flag Gold wolf wolfgender flag Red wolf wolfgender flag Direwolf wolfgender flag Wolfpupgender flag Masc wolfgender flag

"Wolfgender is a xenogender that is based around or impacted by wolves and/or werewolves."

[Flag ID: The first flag has five stripes. The first stripe is an off white, the second stripe is a dull very light brown, the third stripe is dull light brown, the fourth stripe is dull brown and the fifth stripe is dull dark brown. It has two paw prints in the left lower corner. The second flag has seven stripes. The first stripe is very dark teal, the second stripe is dark teal, the third stripe is teal the fourth stripe is bright yellow, the fifth stripe is purple, the sixth stripe is a dull dark purple and the seventh stripe is a dull very dark purple. There is a paw print emblem in the center. The third flag has seven stripes. The first and seventh stripe is a dull very dark brown, the second and sixth stripe is a tannish brown, the third and fifth stripe is yellow and the fourth stripe is white. The fourth flag has seven stripes. The first and seventh stripe is white, the second and sixth stripe is very light cyan, the third and fifth stripe is light cyan and the fourth stripe is blue. The fifth flag has five stripes. The first stripe is dark brown, the second stripe is brown, the third stripe is white, the fourth stripe is tannish-brown and the fifth stripe is dull purple. The sixth flag has five stripes. The first stripe is light grey, the second stripe is very light grey, the third stripe is white, the fourth stripe is red and the fifth stripe is grey. The seventh flag has five stripes. The first stripe is black, the second and fourth stripe is soft-black, the third stripe is white and the fifth stripe is dark red. The eigth flag has five stripes. The first stripe is very dark brown, the second stripe is brown, the third stripe is white, the fourth stripe is a dark yellow and the fifth stripe a tannish grey. The ninth flag has five stripes. The first stripe is black, the second stripe is a reddish brown, the third stripe is white, the fourth stripe is orangeish brown and the fifth stripe is dark brown. The tenth flag has ten stripes. The first and tenth stripe is very dark brown, the second and ninth stripe is dark brown with fangs emerging from them, starting from the third stripe at very dark gray it's a gradient all the way until the eight stripe at grey. The eleventh stripe has seven stripes. The first stripe is grey, the second stripe is light grey, the third stripe is light grey, the fourth stripe is very light grey, the fifth stripe is very light blue, the sixth stripe is light blue and the seventh stripe is ice blue. The twelfth flag has five stripes. The first stripe is dark gray-blue, the second stripe is light blue, the third stripe is white, the fourth stripe is dark grey and the fifth stripe is very dark grey. There's a black wolf emblem in the center.]


Werewolfcoric/Werewolfcorian flag with wolf emblem Werewolfcoric flag

"Werewolfcorian (formally known as Werewolfcoric) is a -corian xenogender related to the werewolf aesthetic. It represents the feeling of escaping/adventuring into wilderness, the moon, and eerie atmosphere."

[Flag ID: The flag has nine stripes. The first and ninth stripe is grey, the second and eigth stripe is dark grey, the third and seventh stripe is very, very dark blue, the fourth and sixth stripe is very dark blue and the fifth stripe is white. There's a howling wolf emblem in the center. The second flag is the same without the emblem.]


Warlexic flag

"A lexic gender related to the word war, specifically that of the four horsemen."

[Flag ID: A rectangle photo/flag with six stripes and almost a cross shape in the middle. The first and sixth stripe is very dark red, the second and fifth stripe is a dark red, the third and fourth stripe is red and the cross is blood-red. There is a biological hazard emblem in the center. The emblem in the center is from the Prince album "Chaos and Disorder."]


Windic flag with wind emblem Windic flag

"A gender that feels a connection to the wind / the drift of the air. This gender can also be associated with the fluidity of the wind, from a soft breeze, to a hard storm, or however the user may interpret this."

[Flag ID: The flag has twenty-one uneven stripes. The first and twenty-first stripe is grey and has bumps. The second and twentieth stripe is light grey and follows the same pattern. The third and nineteenth stripe is very light gray and follows the same pattern but with bumps on the edges. The fourth and eighteenth stripe follow the same pattern and are an even lighter shade of grey. The fifth and seventeeth stripe is made of diamonds and is an even lighter shade of grey. The sixth and sixtheenth stripe is the bump pattern again and is white. The seventh and fifteenth line is thin and wavy and is the same shade of grey as the diamonds. The eighth and fourteenth stripe is thick and wavy and is grey. The ninth and thirteenth stripe is thin and wavy and is the same shade of grey as the diamonds. The tenth and twelfth stripe is the bump pattern again and white. The tenth stripe is made of diamonds and is the same shade of grey as the other diamonds. There is a white emblem on the front in the pattern of blowing wind. The second flag is the same without the emblem.]


Windvior flag with wind emblem Windvior flag

"A vior term for when one's behavior is related to, affected by, or like that of wind."

[Flag ID: A rectangular flag with 5 horizontal stripes. from top to bottom, a bigger stripe of dark bluish grey, a mid bluish grey, light bluish grey, mid bluish grey, bigger stripe of dark bluish grey. in the centre is a very light grey octagon with three wavy lines. they fade from light grey on the left to dark grey on the right. the second flag doesn't have the wavy lines.]

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Pub: 02 Jun 2024 06:20 UTC
Edit: 10 Jun 2024 05:51 UTC
Views: 49